Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-mime-types-1-1.25-1.15.i586.rpm :
* Wed Dec 16 2015 Imported to match Portus\' requirements
* Tue Jul 15 2014 added gem2rpm.yml and regenerated the spec file with it
* Thu Jun 26 2014 move to SLE 12 packaging schema
* Tue Sep 03 2013 updated to version 1.25
* New Features:
* Adding lazy loading and caching functionality to the default data based on work done by Greg Brockman (gdb).
* Bugs:
* Force the default internal application encoding to be used when reading the MIME types database. Based on a change by briangamble, found in the rapid7 fork.
* New extensions:
* mjpeg (video/x-motion-jpeg) based on a change by punkrats, found in the vidibus fork.
* Modernized MiniTest configuration.
* Mon Aug 26 2013 updated to version 1.24
* Code Climate:
* Working on improving the quality of the mime-types codebase through the use of Code Climate.
* Simplified MIME::Type.from_array to make more assumptions about assignment.
* Documentation:
* LeoYoung
pointed out that the README.rdoc contained examples that could never possibly work because MIME::Types#[] returns (for all the versions I have handy) an array, not a single type. I have updated README.rdoc to reflect this.
* Removed Nokogiri as a declared development dependency. It is still required if you\'re going to use the IANA parser functionality, but it is not necessary for most development purposes. This has been removed to ensure that Travis CI passes on Ruby 1.8.7.
* New MIME Types:
* 7zip (application/x-7z-compressed). Fixes a request by kodram.
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Fixes a request by alexkwolfe.
* Various new MIME types from IANA:
* application/mbms-schedule\\+xml from 3GPP and Turcotte.
* application/provenance\\+xml from W3C and Herman.
* application/session-info from 3GPP and Firmin.
* application/urc-grpsheet\\+xml, application/urc-targetdesc\\+xml, application/uisocketdesc\\+xml from Zimmermann.
* application/api\\+json from Klabnik.
* application/vnd.etsi.pstn\\+xml from Han and Belling.
* application/ from Tashiro.
* application/ from Dandawate.
* video/vnd.radgamettools.bink and video/vnd.radgamettools.smacker from Andersson.
* Updated MIME Types:
* RFC 6960 was adopted (application/ocsp-request and application/ocsp-response).
* Mon May 06 2013 license update: MIT or (Artistic-1.0 or GPL-1.0+) License is MIT or Perl Artistic (which itself splits into Artistic-1.0 or GPL-1.0+)
* Sat Apr 27 2013 updated to version 1.23
* New Feature:
* Arnaud Meuret (ameuret) suggested that it could be useful if the MIME type collection was enumerable, so he implemented it in #30. Thanks for the contribution!
* Updated MIME Types:
* RFC6910 was adopted (application/call-completion).
* RFC6902 was adopted (application/json-patch\\+json).
* RFC6917 was adopted (application/mrb-consumer\\+xml, application/mrb-publish\\+xml).
* RFC6922 was adopted (application/sql).
* RFC2560 is being {updated}[].
* Administrivia:
* The gemspec now includes information about the licenses under which the mime-types gem is available.
* Using hoe-gemspec2 instead of hoe-gemspec.
* Fri Apr 12 2013 updated to version 1.22
* New MIME Types:
* Added support for 3FR (Hasselblad raw images) files. MIME-Type was obtained by looking at exif data with exiftool. Thanks to cgat for these changes.
* Updated MIME Types:
* Pulled the latest updates from the IANA MIME-Type registry.
* Added support for Ruby 2.0 with Travis CI.
* Tue Feb 12 2013 updated to version 1.21
* New MIME Types:
* Various new or updated MIME types by Garret Alfert: application/, .eot; application/x-chrome-extension, .crx; application/x-web-app-manifest\\+json, .webapp; application/x-xpinstall, .xpi; image/svg\\+xml, .svg, .svgz; image/webp, .webp; text/cache-manifest, .appcache, .manifest.
* Fixed some Manifest.txt related madness on Travis.
* Tue Feb 05 2013 updated to version 1.20.1
* Thu Aug 02 2012 license update: GPL-2.0+ or Artistic-1.0 or Ruby See data/License.rdoc
* Tue Jul 31 2012 use new gem2rpm to get new provisions
* Sun Jul 15 2012 update to 1.19
* New MIME Types:
* Types reported in Issue #6 (
* XCF Gnome Images (image/x-xcf, image/x-compressed-xcf; .xcf).
* Types reported in
* DV (video/x-dv; .dv)
* IVF (video/x-ivf; .ivf)
* Matroska (video/x-matroska; .mkv)
* Motion JPEG (video/x-motion-jpeg; .mjpg)
* RealMedia (official; application/vnd.rn-realmedia; .rm)
* New extensions:
* dcm (application/dicom);
* Types reported in
* 3g2, 3gpp2 (video/3gpp2)
* mpeg (video/mpeg)
* mxf (application/mxf)
* ts (video/MP2T)
* ogg (video/ogg)
* Fixed MIME Types:
* Adobe AIR application installer packages was missing a hyphen.
* Types reported in
* audio/x-pn-realaudio extension is .ra, not .rm.
* Resolved Apparently some people run the tests on Linux. Imagine that.
* Tue Apr 03 2012 update to 1.18
* New MIME Types:
* Types reported in Issue #6 (
* CoffeeScript (text/x-coffeescript; .coffee; 8bit).
* AIR (application/vnd.adobe.air-applicationinstaller-package+zip, .air; base64).
* WOFF (application/font-woff; .woff; base64).
* TrueType (application/x-font-truetype; .ttf; base64).
* OpenType (application/x-font-opentype; .otf; base64).
* WebM (audio/webm, video/webm; .webm). Issue #11 (
* New extensions:
* f4v/f4p (video/mp4, used by Adobe); f4a/fb4 (audio/mp4, used by Adobe).
* Bug Fixes:
* It was pointed out that Licence.txt was incorrectly named. Fixed by renaming to Licence.rdoc (from Issue/Pull Request #8,
* It was pointed out that a plan to have the test output generated automatically never went through. Issue #10 (
* Fri Mar 23 2012 Spec file cleanup:
* Factory preparation
* Thu Nov 03 2011 update to 1.17.2 (bnc#727772)
* Fixed an issue with Ruby 1.9 and file encoding.
* Implemented modern \'hoe\' semantics.
* Switched to minitest instead of test/unit.
* Converted documentation from .txt to .rdoc.
* Removed setup.rb. (Issue #3:
* Should no longer complain about missing RubyGems keys (Issue #2:
* Added .mp4 and .mpg4 as recognized extensions for {application,audio,video}/mp4 per RFC4337. (Issue #1:
* Added audio/x-aac and .aac per RubyForge issue #28054 (
* Made it much easier to update MIME types from this point forward.
* Updated MIME types from IANA.
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Sat Aug 08 2009 initial package for 1.16