Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-rack-doc-1.6.4-1.151.x86_64.rpm :
* Fri Jun 19 2015 updated to version 1.6.4 see installed Fri Jun 19 07:14:50 2015 Matthew Draper
* Work around a Rails incompatibility in our private API
* Wed Jun 17 2015 updated to version 1.6.2 see installed Fri Jun 12 11:37:41 2015 Aaron Patterson
* Prevent extremely deep parameters from being parsed. CVE-2015-3225
* Thu May 07 2015 updated to version 1.6.1 no changelog found
* Fri Feb 06 2015 updated to version 1.6.0
* Sat Nov 01 2014 Fixed all rpmlintrc errors to prevent failing builds with multiple ruby versions
* Mon Sep 29 2014 added rpmlintrc to ignore the rackup shebang line in a test case- updated to new packaging scheme and add gem2rpm.yml
* Tue May 28 2013 new template version
* Tue Feb 12 2013 updated to version 1.5.2
* February 7th, Thirty fifth public release 1.5.2
* Fix CVE-2013-0263, timing attack against Rack::Session::Cookie
* Fix CVE-2013-0262, symlink path traversal in Rack::File
* Add various methods to Session for enhanced Rails compatibility
* Request#trusted_proxy? now only matches whole stirngs
* Add JSON cookie coder, to be default in Rack 1.6+ due to security concerns
* URLMap host matching in environments that don\'t set the Host header fixed
* Fix a race condition that could result in overwritten pidfiles
* Various documentation additions
* Sun Feb 03 2013 updated to version 1.5.1
* Thu Jan 24 2013 update to version 1.5.0, remove suffix
* Introduced hijack SPEC, for before-response and after-response hijacking
* SessionHash is no longer a Hash subclass
* Rack::File cache_control parameter is removed, in place of headers options
* Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest#scheme now yields strings, not symbols
* Rack::Utils cookie functions now format expires in RFC 2822 format
* Rack::File now has a default mime type
* rackup -b \'run\".\")\', option provides command line configs
* Rack::Deflater will no longer double encode bodies
* Rack::Mime#match? provides convenience for Accept header matching
* Rack::Utils#q_values provides splitting for Accept headers
* Rack::Utils#best_q_match provides a helper for Accept headers
* Rack::Handler.pick provides convenience for finding available servers
* Puma added to the list of default servers (preferred over Webrick)
* Various middleware now correctly close body when replacing it
* Rack::Request#params is no longer persistent with only GET params
* Rack::Request#update_param and #delete_param provide persistent operations
* Rack::Request#trusted_proxy? now returns true for local unix sockets
* Rack::Response no longer forces Content-Types
* Rack::Sendfile provides local mapping configuration options
* Rack::Utils#rfc2109 provides old netscape style time output
* Updated HTTP status codes
* Ruby 1.8.6 likely no longer passes tests, and is no longer fully supported
* Tue Jan 08 2013 updated to version 1.4.3
* Add warnings when users do not provide a session secret
* Fix parsing performance for unquoted filenames
* Updated URI backports
* Fix URI backport version matching, and silence constant warnings
* Correct parameter parsing with empty values
* Correct rackup \'-I\' flag, to allow multiple uses
* Correct rackup pidfile handling
* Report rackup line numbers correctly
* Fix request loops caused by non-stale nonces with time limits
* Fix reloader on Windows
* Prevent infinite recursions from Response#to_ary
* Various middleware better conforms to the body close specification
* Updated language for the body close specification
* Additional notes regarding ECMA escape compatibility issues
* Fix the parsing of multiple ranges in range headers
* Prevent errors from empty parameter keys
* Added PATCH verb to Rack::Request
* Various documentation updates
* Fix session merge semantics (fixes rack-test)
* Rack::Static :index can now handle multiple directories
* All tests now utilize Rack::Lint (special thanks to Lars Gierth)
* Rack::File cache_control parameter is now deprecated, and removed by 1.5
* Correct Rack::Directory script name escaping
* Rack::Static supports header rules for sophisticated configurations
* Multipart parsing now works without a Content-Length header
* New logos courtesy of Zachary Scott!
* Rack::BodyProxy now explicitly defines #each, useful for C extensions
* Cookies that are not URI escaped no longer cause exceptions
* Security: Prevent unbounded reads in large multipart boundaries
* Tue Jul 31 2012 use new gem2rpm to provide new provisions
* Mon Apr 02 2012 Spec file cleanup:
* Prepare for Factory submission
* Fri Mar 30 2012 handle /usr/bin/rackup via update-alternatives
* Thu Jan 26 2012 initial package of the 1.4 branch