Changelog for portus-2.2.0-8.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Feb 15 13:00:00 2017
- fix tumbleweed build

Tue Jan 31 13:00:00 2017
- Update Portus to 2.2.0 (bsc#1022834)
Bug fixing:

* Remove auth/cover.js from precompilation (issue #1153)

* Fix activities (issues #1104, #1106 and #899)

* Portus will now properly update the image ID when a tag has been pushed. See PR #1054.

* Fixed how image updates are handled. See PR #1031.

* Follow a consistent order in the signup form. See PR #1119.

* Hide passwords stored in webhooks. See PR #1111.

* Removed reference of missing stylesheets. See PR #1114.

* portusctl: it will show a warning when using the --local-registry flag but the package has not been installed. See PR #1096.

* Portus now supports Docker Distribution 2.5. See PR #1068.

* Allow docker-compose users to specify an alternative port. See PR #1094.

* Avoid the confusion on the hostnames to be used. See PR #1056.

* Clarified how the --local-registry flag works. PR #1052.
- add fix_ownership.patch: fix permissions under tmp/cache
- fix_activity.patch: fix error on looking for activities from a deleted user

Fri Oct 14 14:00:00 2016
- Update Portus to 2.1.1 (bsc#1005594)

* fix_assets_compilation.patch: fix assets compilation

* update.patch: run update commands

* version-git.patch: remove because this code has been merged

* Fixes
- Use the full repository name in the `portus:update_tags` task
- Fixed a regression on assets handling
- Fixed the handling of the \"
*\" action from the registry
- Improvements
- Notification messages are now more consistent
- Order users by username on the admin panel
- Update Portus to 2.1

* Featured
- Fixes and improvements on Docker Distribution support
- Implemented user removal
- Implemented the removal of images and tags
- Showing the image ID and the digest of docker images
- Implemented webhook support
- Introduce application tokens

* Improvements and small features
- Better reflect updates on Docker images
- General improvements and fixes on the UI/UX
- Allow the admin to provide extra filter options in LDAP lookup
- Password length is no longer checked by Portus in LDAP
- Relaxed the requirements for user names, and removed the conflicts of user names in LDAP
- Introduce the `display_name` option
- Allow administrators to turn off smtp authentication
- Added an external hostname field to allow for events to come from other named services
- Added a help section to the menu
- Introduced more optional user restrictions
- Added the registry.catalog_page option
- Added option to disable change of visibility
- The signup form can now be disabled, and users can be created by the admin directly
- Added internal policy for namespaces
- Added namespaces and teams to search
- Admins can now change the ownership of a namespace
- Display the git tag, branch/commit or version when possible
- Now logs are redirected to the standard output
- Added the ability to add comments on repositories
- Virtual/hidden teams are no longer counted for the \"number of teams\"-column under admin/users
- Added rake tasks for creating a registry, updating digests and showing general information
- Added man pages for portusctl
- Register more activities

* Fixes
- Various fixes in LDAP support
- Discard pagination for CSV activities
- Make sure that Portus admins are always team owners
- User names are no longer allowed to clash with teams
- Redirect back to accessed page on successful login
- Fixes on the crono job
- Multiple fixes in portusctl
- Multiple fixes in our RPM
- Show the \"I forgot my password\" link when the signup is disabled

* Breaking changes
- Moved the machine FQDN from secrets.yml to config.yml
- Deprecated the usage of \"x.minutes\" strings in configuration values. In future
versions this syntax will be forbidden

* Others
- All the improvements, features and bug fixes mentioned in the notes of 2.0.x releases.

Thu Jun 16 14:00:00 2016
- Added a patch that fixes github issue #936
This issue was discovered by QA and a commit has been merged in both the
`master` and `v2.0` branch. We are waiting for more commits before doing any
other release, so until then we are providing this patch.
version-git.patch: the above mentioned patch

Tue May 24 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 2.0.5 (bsc#981312)
- Improvements

* The FQDN can now be specified from the configuration too. This is meant
to help users to transition from 2.0.x to 2.1.

* Portus is now more explicit on the allowed name format.

* Portus is now more friendly on errors based on the namespace name.
- portusctl

* Disable automatic generation of certificates. For this, now there are two
new flags: --ssl-gen-self-signed-certs and --ssl-certs-dir .

* Wrap crono with the exec command.
- Misc

* Some fixes on the generation of the RPM in OBS.

Fri May 6 14:00:00 2016
- Update to 2.0.4 (bsc#979210)
- RPM:

* Automate Portus release. See commit.

* Rename Portus to portus on the RPM. See commit.

* Refactored RPM. See commit.

* Wrap crono with the exec command in the RPM. See commit.

* Require net-tools on the RPM. See commit.
- portusctl:

* Use the proper make_admin task. See commit.

* Don\'t configure mysql in Docker. See commit.

* Added the portus:info task. See commit.
- Improvements:

* Better Sub-URI handling & configurable config-local.yml path. See PR.

* Update ruby versions on travis. See commit1 and commit2.
- Other fixes:

* Logout button and search repository are now appearing in small devices. See commit.

* Don\'t allow access to the hidden global team. See commit.

Thu Mar 10 13:00:00 2016
- Update to 2.0.3:
- Fixed crono job when a repository could not be found.
- Fixed more issues on docker 1.10 and distribution 2.3.
- Handle multiple scopes in token requests.
- Add optional fields to token response.
- Update to 2.0.2:
- Fixed notification events for distribution v2.3.

Wed Mar 9 13:00:00 2016
- update bundled gems to fix
bsc#969943 - CVE-2016-2098: rubygem-actionpack

Tue Feb 2 13:00:00 2016
- updated the bundles gems:
bsc#963326 - CVE-2015-7578: rails-html-sanitizer
bsc#963327 - CVE-2015-7579: rails-html-sanitizer
bsc#963328 - CVE-2015-7580: rails-html-sanitizer
bsc#963563 - CVE-2015-7576: rubygem-actionpack, rubygem-activesupport
bsc#963604 - CVE-2015-7577: rubygem-activerecord
bnc#963627 - CVE-2016-0751: actionpack
bsc#963608 - CVE-2016-0752: rubygem-actionpack, rubygem-actionview
bsc#963617 - CVE-2016-0753: rubygem-activemodel, rubygem-activesupport, rubygem-activerecord
bsc#963625 - CVE-2015-7581: rubygem-actionpack

Wed Jan 27 13:00:00 2016
- Updated to 2.0.1. Some highlights are:

* Paginate through the catalog properly.

* Do not remove all the repos if fetching one fails.

* Fixed SMTP setup.

* Don\'t let crono overflow the `log` column on the DB.

* Show the actual LDAP error on invalid login.

* Fixed the location of crono logs.

* Always use relative paths.

* Set RUBYLIB when using portusctl.

* Don\'t count hidden teams on the admin panel.

* Warn developers on unsupported docker-compose versions.

* Directly invalidate LDAP logins without name and password.

* Don\'t show the \"I forgot my password\" link on LDAP.
For more info, check out the Changelog:

Mon Nov 23 13:00:00 2015
- Updated to v2.0.0 release. The highlights of this version are:

* LDAP support.

* A much improved UI.

* The RPM includes the \"portusctl\" utility.

* Star/Unstar repositories.

* Support for locking accounts.

* Added a mechanism for password recovery.

* Fixed lots of bugs from the previous version.
To see the full Changelog, go to:
- This fixes bsc#956273
- This partially implements FATE#318989

Mon May 11 14:00:00 2015
- initial commit

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