Changelog for elementary-appcenter-lang-3.1.1+git0.743cc293-70.1.noarch.rpm :

* Mon Feb 18 2019 Alexei Podvalsky - Update to 3.1.1+git0.743cc293:
* Release 3.1.1
* Homepage: add conditional compilation for using dynamic content (#950)
* Refine memory management
* Remove reset paid apps gsettings key (#949)
* Stop action button moving (Fixes #836) (#862)
* Use resize and get_size when saving and restoring window state (#930)
* meson: explicit the filenames replacement as meson has issues with automagic
* Release 3.1.0
* Homepage: Add background pattern to communication card (#909)
* Use theme variables when it makes sense (#922)
* Refresh AppStream pool and UI when package cache changes (#865)
* CSS: Education more chalkboardy (#908)
* Revamp Office CSS (#905)
* Update Internet styling (#913)
* Use palette and symbolic for system (#907)
* Add checkerboard to Graphics (#906)
* CategoryFlowBox: Move non-construction properties to construct block (#903)
* CategoryFlowBox: Move sort function inside the widget (#892)
* Refresh Developer CSS (#902)
* Games CSS (#901)
* Clean up CSS (#898)
* StripeDialog.vala: Match Stripe\'s looser regex for email validation (#881)
* Update video category CSS (#893)
* CSS: Add bokeh to media production category (#894)
* Super cute writing and language tile (#890)
* Finance category (#889)
* Add Media Production category (#888)
* Add communication category (#877)
* Alphabetize categories (#887)
* Mon May 14 2018 Build with meson- Switch to metadata
* Tue Mar 20 2018 Add a new package: gnome-shell-search-provider-elementary-appcenter
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Use the system logo
* Mon Jan 22 2018 Rename the package to elementary-appcenter
* Thu Jun 01 2017 Update to 0.2.3+bzr692:
* {0.2.3} Release 0.2.3
* Load more screenshots (#325)
* Fix AppCenter crash with empty package cache (#321)
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\'
* Fix AppCenter crash with empty package cache (#321)
* update po files
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\'
* update po files
* Fix that the open state is always restored on activation (#305)
* Check if ubuntu-drivers are present (#311)
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\'
* {0.2.2} Release 0.2.2
* Allow putting a slash for the date (#298)
* revert to last known good rev
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\'
* {0.2.2} Release 0.2.2
* Allow putting a slash for the date (#298)
* revert to last known good rev
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'refs/remotes/origin/master\'
* update po files
* Don\'t reveal recently updated category if there\'s no apps to show (#270)
* Release 0.2.1
* Provide a custom error message from stripe (#282)
* {0.2} Release 0.2
* Add privacy info (#273)
* Synchronously register the DBus interface (#256)
* Add screenshot and tagline (#272)
* Don\'t put an author name on system updates (#253)
* [merge] Merge remote-tracking branch \'origin/master\'
* Move the banner left and right (#287)
* Release 0.2
* Add privacy info (#273)
* Fri Mar 17 2017 Update to 0.1.4+bzr.415:
* Send an urgent notification when updates require a system reboot
* Release 0.1.4
* Launchpad automatic translations update.
* appdata: minor string updates
* Add release information to the AppData.xml
* Fix open button appearing on apps which cannot be launched
* Trigger search if \"appstream://\" URL is not recognised.
* Set a minimum size for the main window.
* Use lazy loading of apps in categories and search.
* This removes the limit of results that can appear in the search view.
* Show package versions in update tabs instead of summary
* Show the version of available updates in the info view instead of installed version
* Remove unused AppCellRenderer.vala
* Updated translation template
* Add open button to open apps from appcenter
* Package.vala:
* Use GObject-style construction
* Cache properties
* Fix link handling so that it shows the package even if the window is already shown
* Add support for appstream links
* Quit on Ctrl + Q
* Wed Dec 07 2016 Update to 0.1.3+bzr.348:
* Fix crash with appstream entries that have no package
* Use one task accross the class
* Fix code-style issues
* Cache used members / variables
* Sun Oct 30 2016 update to version 0.1.2
* Sun Oct 02 2016 update to version 0.1.1- recommend libzypp-plugin-appdata
* Sat Sep 10 2016 update to stable version 0.1
* Fri May 06 2016 update to version 0.1+r193
* Sat Sep 26 2015 initial package (version 0.1+r2) for