Changelog for
i3-gaps-4.16-17.3.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Nov 5 13:00:00 2018
- update to 4.16
* see
for bugs fixed, features added, etc
* drop i3-asciidoc-fix.patch (ascii for title bar has been fixed) (bsc#1075764)
- switch to release tarball (drop auto
* deps)
Thu Apr 12 14:00:00 2018
- Fix build with asciidoctor (bsc#1075764):
Thu Mar 15 13:00:00 2018
- update to
* minor: fix version so it\'s recognized as a release version.
Sun Mar 11 13:00:00 2018
- update to 4.15
* i3-sensible-terminal: add “kitty”, “guake”, “tilda”
* i3-sensible-editor: add “gvim”
* dump-asy: add prerequisite checks
* dump-asy: fix warnings about empty container names
* i3-dump-log: enable shmlog on demand
* i3bar: add --release flag for bindsym in bar blocks
* i3bar: add relative coordinates in JSON for click events
* ipc: rename COMMAND to RUN_COMMAND for consistency
* ipc: implement tick event for less flaky tests
* ipc: add error reply to “focus
* ipc: send success response for nop
* introduce “assign [→] [workspace] [number] ”
* introduce “assign [→] output left|right|up|down|primary|