Changelog for
ghc-th-abstraction-devel- :
* Sun Dec 23 2018 Update th-abstraction to version [#]# -- 2018-12-20
* Optimization: `quantifyType` now collapses consecutive `forall`s. For instance, calling `quantifyType` on `forall b. a -> b -> T a` now produces `forall a b. a -> b -> T a` instead of `forall a. forall b. a -> b -> T a`. [#]# -- 2018-12-20
* Fix a bug in which `resolveTypeSynonyms` would not look into `ForallT`s, `SigT`s, `InfixT`s, or `ParensT`s.
* Fix a bug in which `quantifyType` would not respect the dependency order of type variables (e.g., `Proxy (a :: k)` would have erroneously been quantified as `forall a k. Proxy (a :: k)`).
* Fix a bug in which `asEqualPred` would return incorrect results with GHC 8.7.
* Add a `freeVariablesWellScoped` function which computes the free variables of a list of types and sorts them according to dependency order.
* Add a `resolveKindSynonyms` function which expands all type synonyms in a `Kind`. This is mostly useful for supporting old GHCs where `Type` and `Kind` were not the same.
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Add th-abstraction at version