Changelog for ghc-pandoc-citeproc- :

* Mon Nov 19 2018 Update pandoc-citeproc to version pandoc-citeproc (
* Avoid putting a space after nonbreaking space at end of prefix. Previously this resulted in overly long spaces after abbreviations like \'cf.\' at the end of prefixes.
* Fix bug which caused names with apostrophes to be treated like East Asian names in certain styles (#360).
* Mon Oct 22 2018 Update pandoc-citeproc to version 0.14.8. pandoc-citeproc (0.14.8)
* Add disambiguation to undated references (n.d.a, n.d.b) (#325). pandoc-citeproc (0.14.7)
* Support first-reference-note-number (#31). pandoc-citeproc (0.14.6)
* Bibtex: Support jstor and pubmed as eprinttype.
* Bibtex: Resolve aliases on field names (#348). \'primaryclass\' -> \'eprintclass\', \'archiveprefix\' -> \'eprinttype\'
* Util: Rename betterThan to orIfNull.
* Update chicago-author-date.csl and locale.
* Don\'t apply sort-separator between non-byzantine names (#327). “As is the case for name-as-sort-order, this attribute [sort-separator] only affects names written in the latin or Cyrillic alphabets.”
* Match zotero\'s regex for isByzantine. Fix issue #338 tests.
* Explicitly use Text.XML.def in Parser.hs. (Eduard Nicodei, #331).
* Ensure that groups with only empty variables are skipped (#338).
* Make sure substitute works in nested contexts (#351). Previously it only worked for names elements right below it, not for names embedded in a conditional.
* Handle date-part of the form `[[]]` or `[ null ]`. These seem to occur in the wild, and it seems better to parse them as an empty date parts than to crash with a parse error. See greenelab/manubot#66.
* Allow pandoc 2.4.x.
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Update pandoc-citeproc to version 0.14.5. pandoc-citeproc (0.14.5)
* Add flag to silence all warnings (#350, Albert Krewinkel). Introduce new command line flag `--quiet`/`-q` which can be used to suppress all warnings.
* Use HTTPS for PMID and PMCID hyperlinks (#349, Daniel Himmelstein.)
* Fix pattern match in do block that could fail, so pandoc-citeproc compiles with ghc 8.6. pandoc-citeproc (0.14.4)
* Allow latest aeson (Adam Bergmark, #336).
* Use latest hs-bibutils.
* NBIB support (#333, Václav Haisman, API change).
* Allow pandoc 2.3.x.
* Update tests for pandoc changes.
* Use recent yaml library that doesn\'t quote number ranges. This required some adjustments in the tests.
* Use lts-12 for stack build.
* Use Yaml.decodeEither\' instead of deprecated decodeEither.
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Add pandoc-citeproc at version