Changelog for ghc-shake-0.15.11-lp150.8.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Aug 03 2017 Updated with latest spec-cleaner version 0.9.8-8-geadfbbf.
* Thu Jan 26 2017 Update to version 0.15.11 with cabal2obs.
* Fri Dec 16 2016 Update to version 0.15.10 revision 1 with cabal2obs.
* Sun Jul 10 2016 Update to version 0.15.10 revision 0 with cabal2obs.
* Wed Jun 15 2016 update to 0.15.10
* fix phony names which clash with directories
* Mon Jun 13 2016 update to 0.15.9
* Documentation tweaks
* Optimise the thread pool
* Fix progress output through wget
* Thu Jun 02 2016 update to 0.15.8
* Extra base bounds to rule out building on GHC 7.4
* Require extra-1.4.8
* better error message when calling need on a directory
* use displayException for inner exceptions
* Improve the documentation for priority/alternative
* optimise copyFileChanged
* change writeFile functions to MonadIO
* Wed Apr 20 2016 update to 0.15.6
* Require the primitive package
* make it an error to need a directory
* add orderOnlyAction, a general version of orderOnly
* explain that alwaysRerun has no immediate effect
* add --digest-not flag to select ChangeModtime
* export ShakeValue from the main module only
* improve the grammar in the profiling document
* explain what in getDirectoryFiles is tracked
* add getDirectoryFilesIO, an untracked version
* document getDirectoryFiles exception behaviour
* fix getDirectoryFiles error on pattern directory missing
* detect indirect recursion in build rules
* give better errors on recursive rules
* clarify the docs for putQuiet/putLoud
* make sure phony targets with \\ work on Windows
* only require old-time with GHC 7.4
* make Rules an instance of MonadIO
* add shakeExtra field to ShakeOptions for user data
* make --debug=file write out newlines
* make sure Shell and AutoDeps work together
* fix unicode output with putNormal
* add parallel execution via parallel/forP/par
* preserve quoting around cmd
* optimise the random pool, up to 20% faster
* add deriving Read instances for more types
* Add Development.Shake.Forward for forward-defined systems
* export :->
* fix the docs for &%>
* make run the query profile viewer
* make profiling work with newer Chrome
* Add AutoDeps feature
* add FileStdin to specify the stdin comes from a file
* Make an empty Stdin different from no Stdin (inherit) in cmd
* add
* as a relative-only alternative to // in patterns
* change the semantics of removeFiles, no implicit deletes
* speed up getDirectoryFiles on patterns involving literals
* Work with stack test
* Add RemEnv cmd option
* Fix a small space leak on Linux
* Fix a space leak in profile summary information
* Properly handle
* in file pattern (at least one directory)
* allow ninja rule names to have dots in them
* Properly handle /// in file pattern (a wildcard then /)
* Make sure Windows separators work in |%> FilePattern rules
* fix multifile rules when using --digest-and-input
* document the relationship between getEnv and lookupEnv
* improve the documentation for phony/alwaysRerun
* fix the documentation for normaliseEx
* add getProgress
* support MonadFix for Rules, allows recursive cache
* discount time spent waiting for a cache
* give better error messages if you hit GHC bug #10793
* add a lock file to stop corrupting databases
* Mon Sep 21 2015 initial commit