Changelog for
ghc-base-compat-devel-0.10.4-lp150.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Jul 09 2018 Update base-compat to version 0.10.4. [#]# Changes in 0.10.4 [2018.07.03] - Make more modules `Trustworthy`. In particular, fix a regression in which `Prelude.Compat` was inferred as `Unsafe` by explicitly marking it as `Trustwothy`. [#]# Changes in 0.10.3 [2018.07.02] - Backport the proper fixity for `($!)`, which was accidentally omitted in `base-compat-0.10.2`. [#]# Changes in 0.10.2 [2018.07.02] - Sync with `base-4.12`/GHC 8.6 - Backport `RuntimeRep`-polymorphic versions of `($!)` and `throw` to `Prelude.Compat` and `Control.Exception.Compat`, respectively (if using `base-4.10`/GHC 8.2 or later). - Introduce the `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat` module, which reexports `Data.Functor.Contravariant` if using `base-4.12`/GHC 8.6 or later. See `Data.Functor.Contravariant.Compat` in the corresponding `base-compat-batteries` release for a version with a wider support window.
* Fri May 11 2018 Update base-compat to version 0.10.1. A more detailed change log is not available.
* Wed Mar 14 2018 Update base-compat to version 0.9.3. A more detailed change log is not available.