Changelog for rakudo-2018.12-83.8.i586.rpm :

* Fri Dec 28 2018 update to version 2018.12
* Default language version is now v6.d
* Deprecated .path/.args in Proc::Async, use .command instead
* Implemented X::Language::TooLate
* $
*COLLATION.set is no longer experimental
* Added dynamic variable $
* Added Endian enum and implemented new methods in blob8/buf8 for reading/writing native values
* Added Kernel.endian
* Implemented Blob.readint / Buf.writeint
* Added .native-descriptor for async sockets
* Added .Real method to native arrays
* Implemented last and LAST in whenever blocks
* Lots of bug fixes and speedups
* Thu Nov 29 2018 Guillaume GARDET - Disable check on armv6 as it randomly fails- Add _constraints to avoid test failures (on armv7)
* Mon Nov 12 2018 Jan Engelhardt - Replace old $RPM_
* shell vars
* Sun Nov 11 2018 update to version 2018.10
* Randomized hash iteration order to prevent DDoS attacks
* Deprecated `gethostname()` in favor of `$
* Initial support for Unicode 11.0
* Removed --encoding support
* Fixes for reproducibility of builds
* Added shapes support for HAS scoped attributes
* Added NativeCall CArray.allocate method
* Added \"use isms \" pragma to stop complaints about Perl 5 traps
* Massive speedups of private and qualified method calls
* Various performance improvements
* Various bug fixes
* Tue May 01 2018 update to version 2018.04.1
* Various performance improvements
* Various bug fixes
* Added support for \"api\" adverb when loading modules
* Added ShiftJIS decode/encode support
* Added a way to get child process ID via Proc::Async
* Added
* Added Array.grab
* Added fails-like routine in Test.pm6
* Added support for \"const\" marked return values in C++ functions
* Tue Mar 20 2018 update to version 2018.03
* Thu Feb 01 2018 update to version 2018.01
* Mon Aug 21 2017 update to version 2017.08
* Sat Jul 29 2017 update to version 2017.07- Remove no longer needed rakudo-remove-compile-time-env.diff as it has been comitted upstream.
* Fri Jun 02 2017 update to version 2017.05- Backport removal of untested and unspecced feature from rakudo in rakudo-remove-compile-time-env.diff to fix BUILDROOT path being included in the compiled file. Fix was committed right after the release.
* Tue Apr 18 2017 update to version 2017.04.2 Contains necessary fixes for packaging Perl 6 modules- Removed workaround for packaging issue from spec file
* Sun Mar 19 2017 update to version 2017.03
* Tue Dec 20 2016 remove no longer needed patching from the spec file- update to version 2016.12
* Thu Nov 24 2016 update to version 2016.11
* Sun Oct 16 2016 update to version 2016.10
* Fri Oct 07 2016 update to version 2016.09
* Sun Jul 24 2016 update to 2016.07
* Huge number of performance improvements
* Numerous bug fixes
* Buf: unshift, prepend, pop, shift and splice (similar to List.
* Blob|Buf.allocate($elems, AATTinit-pattern) and .reallocate($elems)
*,mo,d,h,mi,s) fully positional candidate
* Can now uninstall distributions
* Date/DateTime now fully subclassable
* REPL now supports multi-line statements
* Native str arrays (my str AATTa)
* &
*EXIT can be set to handle exit() statements (for embedding Perl 6)
* Add :kv to .first
* Add provisional $
* Ability to use a customer debugger module
* $
*MAIN-ALLOW-NAMED-ANYWHERE allows MAIN to be friendlier about where it accepts flags
* Add richer set of comparison operators for Versions
* Many improvements to precompilation
* Introduce .Map coercer
* Implement alternate ways to call subtest
* The \"is-approx\" sub from Test now allows for relative/absolute tolerance
* The \"cmp-ok\" sub from Test now can take any infix as Str, even custom ones
* A fail in a custom BUILD will now be returned, rather than thrown
* use MONKEY-WRENCH and use MONKEY-BARS are now reserved names for future use
* The \"is required\" trait on Attributes can now take a Bool or a Str
* Support for new leap-second at 31-12-2016 added
* IO::[Path,Handle] gained a .mode method which returns the POSIX file permissions
* Fixed LTA error message with Str.samemark when no pattern present
* Distribution is now a role interface
* Custom repository implementations now supported, including precompilation
* List.BIND-POS now fails instead of throwing
* Failures in Cool.Numeric and related coercers now get propagated
* Improved warning message for literals with leading zeros
* Improved error message for attempts to `use` core types
* Improved error message when is given incorrect arguments
* Improved error message when .polymod is given a zero as divisor- Package now contains precompiled versions of shipped libraries- removed patch: fb00ed3.diff
* Tue Feb 02 2016 Add build system patch missing from rakudo release new patch: fb00ed3.diff- Replace ad-hoc patching using sed by proper patch in package build
* Tue Feb 02 2016 update to 2016.01
* Chained .grep calls on Supply fixed (RT #127297)
* Fixed interaction with perl6-debug and precompilation that resulted in an endless loop
* re-enabled warning when smart-matching against a True or False literal
* Fixed internal error when reporting certain type errors (RT #127207)
* Fixed rare \"duplicate definition of symbol\" errors (RT #127107)
* Fixed interpolating of pairs with non-key strings into signatures
* Fixed error when smart-matching Seq against a Set (RT #127166)
* Improved error message when smart-matching against an S///-expression
* Fixed bad interaction between EXPORTHOW and multiple declarations (RT #126566)
* Fixed various issues regarding precompilation
* Improved accuracy of Complex.sqrt
* hyper now preserves order of results, as designed
* Range.sum on an empty, numeric Range is now 0
* Fixed Promise.allof() with an empty list of promises (RT #127101)
* Improved message on premature virtual method call (RT #127097)
* Better error message for module load failures of types that are part of the setting
* Support for Readline in addition to Linenoise
* Mon Jan 04 2016 update to 2015.12.1 (коледа)
* first release to support the stable Perl 6.c.
* lots of Unicode fixes
* re-designed list handling (Great List Refactor)
* re-designed module management and precompilation
* support for multi dimensional arrays
* support for C++ in NativeCall
* hundreds of fixes and optimizations
* Thu Jun 11 2015 update to 2015.05 (Dresden)
* profiler support with moarvm
* much improved startup time
* the NativeCall module is now bundled
* \"0\" (0 as a string) is now True
* native arrays
* \'bit\' and \'byte\' native types
* NFG, NFC, NFD, Uni
* various API changes for the Great List Refactor