Changelog for perl-Map-Tube-3.00-1.51.noarch.rpm :
Mon Apr 13 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 3.00
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Map-Tube/Changes
3.00 2015-04-01T10:10:00+00:00
- Proposed solution for issue RT: #103169 subject to feedbacks.
- Added section \"SYNOPSIS\" to the pod document of packages Map::Tube::Node and Map::Tube::Line.
- Added section \"CONSTRUCTOR\" to the pod document of package Map::Tube::Node.
2.99 2015-03-30T10:35:00+01:00
- Updated method get_node_by_id() to check if the given node id is defined.
- Updated private method _init_map) to check if the node id is duplicate.
2.98 2015-03-29T17:35:00+01:00
- Proposed solution for issue RT: #103168 subject to feedbacks.
2.97 2015-03-27T20:30:00+01:00
- Updated method Map::Tube::Route::preferred() to return an object of type L.
2.96 2015-03-27T12:00:00+01:00
- Added the following methods to the package Map::Tube.
- get_line_by_id()
- get_line_by_name()
2.95 2015-03-26T11:05:00+01:00
- Proposed solution for issue RT: #103103 subject to feedbacks.
2.94 2015-03-24T11:35:00+01:00
- Tidied up pod document in general.
2.93 2015-03-22T22:00:00+01:00
- Updated method get_lines() in the package Map::Tube to filter out other links.
2.92 2015-03-22T11:45:00+01:00
- Documented new plugin Map::Tube::Plugin::Formatter in the package Map::Tube.
2.91 2015-03-22T11:05:00+01:00
- Added section \"SYNOPSIS\" to the package Map::Tube.
2.90 2015-03-22T09:45:00+01:00
- Added new method preferred() to the package Map::Tube::Route.
2.89 2015-03-15T17:15:00+01:00
- Proposed solution for issue RT: #102438 subject to feedbacks.
2.88 2015-03-10T12:20:00+01:00
- Added new package Map::Tube::Utils.
- Updated unit test t/00-load.t to load the new package.
- Updated Map::Tube::Pluggable to set the max_depth to 4.
2.87 2015-02-22T17:45:00+01:00
- Tidied up the pod document.
2.86 2015-02-20T16:05:00+01:00
- Removed call to method _validate_map_data() at the point of object creation,
instead it would now be validated at the build time if you have Test::Map::Tube
2.85 2015-02-18T17:25:00+01:00
- Fixed the nasty regex bug in the method Map::Tube::_get_shortest_route(), issue
raised by Map::Tube::Beijing (author Gisbert W. Selke).
2.84 2015-02-17T17:25:00+01:00
- Documented plugin Map::Tube::Plugin::FuzzyFind by Gisbert W. Selke in the pod document of Map::Tube.

Fri Feb 13 13:00:00 2015
- initial package 2.83

* created by cpanspec 1.78.08