Changelog for perl-Rose-DB-0.778-1.1.noarch.rpm :
Mon Jul 4 14:00:00 2016
- updated to 0.778
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Rose-DB/Changes
0.778 (06.28.2016) - John Siracusa

* Added mysql_enable_utf8mb4 attribute. (Patch by Alexander Karelas.)

* Updated tests for the latest versions of MySQL and DateTime::Format::Pg.

Tue Apr 14 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.777
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Rose-DB/Changes
0.777 (03.17.2015) - John Siracusa

* Updated more project URLs.
0.776 (03.17.2015) - John Siracusa

* Updated project URLs.
0.775 (01.18.2013) - John Siracusa

* Improved automated installation detection (RT 92254)
0.774 (11.01.2013) - John Siracusa

* Fixed typos.
0.773 (10.28.2013) - John Siracusa

* Fixed bad skip count on test file.
0.772 (10.28.2013) - John Siracusa

* Fixed a bug that caused nested arrays to be incorrectly formatted by
Rose::DB::Pg\'s format_array() method. (Patch by Brian Duggan.)

* Updated contributors list.
0.771 (08.04.2013) - John Siracusa

* Documented the behavior of the dsn attribute when it has an explicit
value and attributes that contribute to the dsn are also set (RT 87487)
0.770 (11.24.2012) - John Siracusa

* Fixed \"DBD::Informix::st execute failed: SQL: -255: Not in transaction\"
errors in the test suite. (Patch by Sergey Leschenko.)
0.769 (05.25.2012) - John Siracusa

* Fixed (more) test failures due to DBD::SQLite not being installed.
0.768 (05.12.2012) - John Siracusa

* Fixed test failures due to DBD::SQLite not being installed.
0.767 (05.01.2012) - John Siracusa

* Fixed some bugs that could cause connect_options not to be honored.

* Fixed some incorrectly failing handle_error tests.

* Updated Rose::DB::Oracle to honor NLS_
*_FORMAT environment variables
for dates.
0.766 (01.05.2012) - John Siracusa

* Fixed tests that might try to load DBD::
* modules that aren\'t installed.
0.765 (01.04.2012) - John Siracusa

* Added handle_error attribute (RT 63377)

* Added mysql_bind_type_guessing attribute.

* Added sqlite_unicode attribute.
0.764 (10.18.2011) - John Siracusa

* Use ENGINE=InnoDB instead of TYPE=InnoDB in MySQL table creation
statements to avoid an incompatibility with MySQL 5.5 (RT 71757)

Tue Apr 14 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.764
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Rose-DB/Changes
0.764 (10.18.2011) - John Siracusa

* Use ENGINE=InnoDB instead of TYPE=InnoDB in MySQL table creation
statements to avoid an incompatibility with MySQL 5.5 (RT 71757)

Thu Feb 17 13:00:00 2011
- needed by lxoffice-erp
- initial pull from CPAN with cpanspec_obs

Thu Feb 17 13:00:00 2011
- initial package 0.763

* created by cpanspec 1.78.03