Changelog for
perl-Verilog-Perl-3.454-6.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Oct 6 14:00:00 2018
- updated to 3.454
* Verilog::Language 3.454 2018-08-21
* Support parsing around Cadence protected meta-comments.
* Fix define argument stringification (`\"), broke since 3.446. [Joe DErrico]
* Fix to ignore Unicode UTF-8 BOM sequences, msg2576. [HyungKi Jeong]
Fri Apr 13 14:00:00 2018
- updated to 3.452
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes
* Verilog::Language 3.452 2018-04-12
* Fix parsing \"output signed\" in V2K port list, msg2540. [James Jung]
* Fix GLIBC assertion failure, bug1299. [Filipe Rosset]
* Verilog::Language 3.450 2018-03-12
* Support SystemVerilog 1800-2017.
* Moving forward, use the git \"stable\" branch to track the latest release,
and git \"v#.###\" tags for specific releases.
Wed Feb 7 13:00:00 2018
- updated to 3.448
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes
* Verilog::Language 3.448 2018-01-02
* Workaround comment bug in flex 2.6.4, bug1252. [Rob Stoddard]
* Verilog::Language 3.446 2017-11-08
* Fix `` expansion of `defines, bug1225, bug1227, bug1228. [Odd Magne Reitan]
* Verilog::Language 3.444 2017-09-21
* Fix replication handling error, bug1205. [Leon Medpum]
* Fix compile error on MAC OS X/clang 8.1.0, msg2337. [Kunal Bansal]
* Verilog::Language 3.442 2017-09-08
* Fix new concatenation handling error, bug1200. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Fix unreferenced scalar warning, bug1200. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Verilog::Language 3.440 2017-08-31
* Support for buses and concats in Netlist, msg1626. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Support pragma protect begin_protected/end_protected, msg2313. [George Cuan]
* Verilog::Language 3.430 2017-07-24
* Support Verilog::SigParser pin select parsing, msg1626. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Verilog::Language 3.426 2017-06-06
* Fix lineno with class callbacks, bug1162. [Dave Storrar]
* Verilog::Language 3.423 2017-04-26
* Fix tests \'.\' for Perl 5.26.0, rt121025. [Dan Collins]
* Verilog::Language 3.422 2016-11-24
* Add additional tests, msg1982. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Fix passing enum types in SigParser, bug1107. [by Lalit Chhabra]
* Verilog::Language 3.420 2016-07-30
* Add vhier --skiplist option. [John Busco]
* Fix duplicate cells when delete cells, bug1049. [by Stefan Tauner]
* Fix core dump on Storable store/retrieve, bug1063. [G Aydos]
* Verilog::Language 3.418 2016-02-02
* Fix Flex 2.6.0 warnings.
* Verilog::Language 3.416 2015-10-02
* Fix dumpcheck test false failures, bug939. [Gene Sullivan]
* Fix vrename missing first quote symbol msg1684. [Josef Wells]
* Verilog::Language 3.414 2015-06-26
* Add Parser useProtected argument to aid runtime, bug899. [Corey Teffetalor]
* Fix Preproc loop under Perl-Tk, bug913. [Stefan Tauner]
* Fix vhier infinite loop on recursive modules.
* Fix preprocessing stringified newline escapes, bug915. [Anton Rapp]
* Fix building for Mac 10.10 with Perl 5.18.2, bug923. [S Liu]
* Fix parsing comments before signal end, bug917. [Raj G, Jeffrey Huynh]
* Verilog::Language 3.412 2015-03-16
* Fix len error in 3.410, bug896. [Jon Nall]
* Verilog::Language 3.410 2015-03-14
* Fix non-ANSI modport instantiations, bug868. [Kevin Thompson]
* Fix extra text in delay-number callback, bug893. [Greg Waters]
* Fix virtual modport without interface in classes, bug778. [Jon Nall]
* Verilog::Language 3.408 2014-11-15
* Fix +define+A+B to define A and B to match other simulators, bug847. [Adam Krolnik]
* Show old and new value when redefining a define, bug846. [Adam Krolnik]
* Fix loss of trireg on output signals, msg1491. [Matt Lanahan]
* Fix quoted comment slashes in defines, bug845. [Adam Krolnik]
* Verilog::Language 3.406 2014-09-21
* Add Verilog::Preproc->parent() method, bug813. [Ed Carstens]
* Add Verilog::Netlist::File->preproc() method, bug813. [Ed Carstens]
* Pass CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS for easier packaging, bug786. [Florian Schlichting]
* Fix width of byte, bug812. [Ed Carstens]
* Fix interfaces with variable dimension, bug818. [Glen Gibb]
Sun Aug 17 14:00:00 2014
- Initial package, version 3.404