Changelog for perl-HTML-FormHandler-0.40068-lp150.44.2.noarch.rpm :

* Fri Jul 21 2017 updated to 0.40068 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40068 Thu Jul 20, 2017 Add RequestToken field Add build_render_list_method Zccept coderefs for date_start, date_end in Date field
* Fri Oct 21 2016 updated to 0.40067 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40067 Wed Oct 19, 2016 Fixed Text validation checking, to allow deflations and transformations to be applied first. change order of processing \'input_without_param\' and \'use_fields_for_input_without_param\' fixes problem with not using default for select field fix for deflation of undef value, from ether\'s pull request 122 switch from to JSON::MaybeXS use coercion on \'options\' instead of duplicate code in _load_options use [PkgVersion] fix bug in TextCSV field caused by setting error for multiple values in Text field
* Tue Jul 19 2016 updated to 0.40066 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40066 Mon Jul 18, 2016 Improve Select field option list support Support arrayref-of-arrayref options in a subroutine Allow input_append_button to take input_append_button_element_class Allow attributes to be specified for input_append_button Add comma digit grouping and custom currency symbol Allow input_append_button to take input_append_button_element_class Various minor doc updates
* Wed Mar 23 2016 updated to 0.40065 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40065 Sat Mar 19, 2016 Ensure Text fields only contain a single value Make it easier to specify a Select field having identical labels and values.
* Sun Sep 20 2015 updated to 0.40064 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40064 Thu Sep 17, 2015 Don\'t warn about date format unless set to `date` Wrap checkbox in CheckboxGroup, if requested Create Create select field invalid value message: encode the select value typo in link to the example app remove css_class from Captcha field 0.40063 Mon Jun 29, 2015 Raised Moose prereq to 2.1403 because 2.0604 causes failing tests 0.40062 Fri Jun 25, 2015 Separate out test using Type::Tiny::Enum to skip_all 0.40061 Thu Jun 25, 2015 Add skip for Type::Tiny::Enum 0.40060 Wed Jun 24, 2015 Field validation can use Type::Tiny subclasses Replace NoTabTests and EOLTests switch from List::AllUtils+List::MoreUtils to List::Util (in core) add render_elementx and renderx methods to allow setting attributes at render time Warning if Date field is html5 and not ISO
* Tue Apr 14 2015 updated to 0.40059 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FormHandler/Changes 0.40059 Thu Feb 25, 2015 Remove clear->item_id that snaked in via merge error Pass subfield name to repeatable element wrapper 0.40058 Thu Feb 25, 2015 add HorizCheckboxGroup for alternative CheckboxGroup rendering minor doc typos do $class->meta->make_immutable after new_with_traits Czech translation \'get_errors\' synonym for \'errors\' on form add repeatable_element_wrapper ability 0.40057 Fri Aug 1, 2014 added support for tag \'inline\' in bootstrap3 wrapper add test for inline-checkboxes add test for prefilled with init_object form reuse clear item and init_object which are required for form reuse add failing test for element_class override through build_update_subfields add a bit of doc about handling DBIC new results & \'use_default_over_obj\' =encoding utf-8 in Manual/Rendering.pod remove deprecated css_class and input_class attributes add param_to_values method to convert parameters to init_object-like hashref Add code to respect the label_no_filter tag on checkboxes for Bootstrap and the Base widgets. fix bootstrap3 input_append_button Respect label_no_filter on checkbox labels. add Arabic translations use time_zone and locale options in Date field
* Mon Feb 24 2014 updated to 0.40056 use sorted_fields in \'dump_validated\' added Type::Tiny support Use alert-danger rather than alert-error with in Bootstrap3 Fixes RT#91966 (deprecated way to call enum warning) bug in reloading repeatable fields; skip inactive fields
* Sun Feb 02 2014 Update to version 0.40055: + handle SelectCSV field in as_label method of Select field. 2014 bug in t/compound/basic.t test (rt91793).
* Fri Nov 29 2013 updated to 0.40054 Check for old unimplemented parameter to wrap_checkbox, and check for existence of option_wrapper add language handle to bootstrap3 tests pass event to repeatable js click handler stop forcing undefined Checkbox fields to 0; didn\'t allow undef for value different inline class for Bootstrap3 for checkboxes and radios select options: add coercion of arrayref of hashrefs from arrayref of strings allow Date field to use DateTime subclasses
* Mon Nov 25 2013 updated to 0.40053 Bad version number on prereq allow overriding layout_classes in Bootstrap3 wrapper allow passing in value to \'as_label\' method in Select field Update Italian message file Minor doc updates add errors_by_name and errors_by_id to result add Bootstrap3 theme for those using the Bootstrap theme better form-horizontal Bootstrap 3.0 support provide method in result (form_and_field_errors) to return form and field errors
* Fri Oct 04 2013 updated to 0.40050
* \'widget_tags\' in a field have been deprecated for a long time; removing. There are still widget_tags in the form and compound fields. Use \'tags\' in a field instead.
* Initial support of Bootstrap3 - still EXPERIMENTAL. Do not use in production yet. Changes in interface may occur over the next few weeks. Supporting Bootstrap 3.0 required a surprising amount of minor refactoring: Bootstrap3 checkboxes and radio elements now have an additional div wrapping them. This required setting flags in the wrapper that could be seen by the field widgets. Used \'wrapper_tags\' attribute, which is not the most satisfying solution but does work. The former \'controls\' div now doesn\'t have the \'controls\' class, but is used for sizing. Added new attribute \'element_wrapper_class\' to provide these classes. Split out addition of classes to the wrapper and element into \'add_standard_wrapper_classes\' and \'add_standard_element_classes\', because B3.0 now wants \'has-error\' and \'has-warning\' instead of the former \'error\' class. \'control-group\' was changed to \'form-group\'. The \'form-control\' class has been added to text, password, textarea, and select fields. Add \'preserve_case\' attribute to Email field Fixed bug when rendering blocks with \'run\' (results) Sort the deflated values of SelectCSV field Allow passing Email::Valid params to Email field Typos fixed Add \'use_init_obj_when_no_accessor_in_item\' flag for dual-purpose init_obj Add \'options_ref\' method for using options in TT templates Add unique messages to field messages hash
* Wed Jul 24 2013 updated to 0.40026 Add Italian message file Doc tweaks Add errors_by_id and errors_by_name convenience methods
* Wed Jun 05 2013 updated to 0.40025 Add skip in t/setup_form_config.t unless YAML::Syck (Config::Any) 0.40024 Tue May 7, 2013 Add \'no_option_validation\' flag to select field. Remove HtmlArea field. (Has always been broken, and there were complaints about not prereqing HTML::Tidy, which I won\'t do due to difficulty of installing) Change \'use\' of GD::SecurityImage to a \'require\'. (Will not prereq this one either.) 0.40023 Tue Apr 30, 2013 Add Brazilian Portuguese translation file Fix bug in process of re-loading repeatables without primary keys after db update Add TextCSV field for multiple values in a text field (useful with js libraries) 0.40022 Mon Mar 18, 2013 Remove \'writeonly\' flag from Display field, because fix to not pull values from an item/init_object with that flag meant that values were not being applied to Display fields, when people were relying on that. Switch to using github issues instead of RT 0.40021 Mon Mar 4, 2013 Don\'t validate disabled fields check for existence of field in match_when before getting $field->fif, improve error message add type_attr to Select field; update t/render/ff.t to use it cleanup select field options_method building 0.40020 Sun Feb 20, 2013 More support for repeatable javascript: Tweak Bootsrap wrapper to check do_wrapper instead of do_label when rendering \'controls\' div Reminder: It\'s always a good idea to make your own set of of widgets so that updates don\'t throw off your rendering. This change was hardly noticeable in the FH testcases, but it\'s possible you were relying on the old behavior for CSS. Add \'controls_div\' to Simple wrapper. Add RmElement example field.
* Wed Feb 15 2012 updated to 0.36003 Bug rendering fields with hidden widget where label is rendered. Switch back to no wrapping of hidden fields. Fixed bug introduced in last release where rendering roles are overwritten by HTML::FormHandler::Render::Simple being applied on top. Add skip to t/config.t test for Config::Any Set language handle in t/render_errors.t test. Add two more widget tags: \'no_auto_fieldset\' and \'no_compound_wrapper\' Remove automatic addition of \'class=\"label\"\' to labels; if you want that behavior, add it in with form sub field_html_attributes. Add \'SKIP\' to t/config.t test for Template. Update Captcha so it might actually work. Switch to using \'process_attrs\' function to process attributes in rendering;
* There were lots of updates to rendering. You should verify your custom rendering, to make sure that nothing has broken. The \'_add_html_attributes\' method is no longer used. Add shorthand method for setting defaults in fields Add widget_tags \'label_no_colon\' & \'wrapper_tag\' Update and reorganize TT templates Add flags \'use_defaults_over_obj\' & \'use_init_obj_over_item\' Add \'num_extra\' to Repeatable Update Turkish message file; add Float field Add lazy to \'html\' attribute in Display field Add \'label_attr\' and \'wrapper_attr\' to Field Add \'Array\' trait to field_name_space and widget_name_space Bug with selected/checked hash key in Multiple; switch to creating default Bug with repeatable contains; not using full name for accessor. Die if using HTML::FormHandler::Moose without HTML::FormHandler Field::TextArea extends Field::Text to reuse its validations (min/max length) Add is_html5 attribute to forms which causes forms to have the additional HTML 5 attributes which can be used by HTML 5 capable clients for validation
* Fri Nov 18 2011 update to 0.35005
* many fixes, see Changes
* Fri Apr 22 2011 updated to 0.33002 Accidentally left off compatibility for \'required_message\' attribute messages => { required => \'...\' } is new style and worked Remove unnecessary with of HFH::Validate::Actions bug - empty_select check defined Add button field, widget, template Check html attributes for definedness not truth Add ability to set field inactive on new & process in addition to setting active Move \'no_render_label\' into Field Use form\'s language_handle in fields Improve PrimaryKey doc Return empty hashref from $form->value instead of undef Merge experimental Wizard into master Render disabled select options Repeatable contains rendering incorrectly, skipping empty elements Add rendering of form_errors to widgets and Render::Simple
* If you were using form_errors (there are none by default) and were using HFH rendering, check for compatibility Allow specifying full class for widget with \'+\' Document removing wrapper div from Simple wrapper Re-do how field messages are stored and accessed. Use messages => {...} instead of various _message attributes Add utilities in util to pull out class messages and check I18N Update I18N messages files (those that were provided by translators) Change render_filter Coderef setting because of leak;
* Possible incompatibility: if you have a form render_filter, change to function instead of method Change _localize to a Coderef to allow easier changing.
* If you have a custom _localize method, check for compatibility
* Wed Jan 19 2011 initial package 0.32005
* created by cpanspec 1.78.03
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