Changelog for
perl-MARC-Lint-1.52-lp150.1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Oct 08 2017 update to 1.52 - Updated Lint::DATA section with Updates No. 22-24 (April 2016-May 2017) - Updated MARC::Lint::CodeData with most recent version. - Fixed 386 tag in Lint::DATA section - Updated Lint::DATA section with Update No. 21 (September 2015) - Updated Lint::DATA section with Update No. 21 (September 2015) - Updated _check_article with the exceptions: \'Lo que\' and \'Lo cual\' - Updated check_020 to account for version numbering changes in Business::ISBN (should work for versions greater than \'2.009\') - Updated Synopsis example to account for repeatable 250 (and added example of non-repeatable field using 040). - Revised wording in check_245 ending punctuation to account for LC Policy Statement (for RDA records), matching LCRI, for always ending 245 with a period. - Updated MARC::Lint::CodeData with most recent version.
* Wed Dec 01 2010 switch to perl_requires macro
* Sun Aug 30 2009 update to 1.44: + Updated TODO section with item about verfication of 008 presence and length. + Updated _check_article with the exceptions: \'A to \', \'A isn\\\'t \' + Updated Lint::DATA section with Update No. 8 (Oct. 2007) + Updated Lint::DATA section with Update No. 9 (Oct. 2008) + Updated MARC::Lint::CodeData with most recent version.
* Tue Feb 12 2008 update to 1.43: + Updated Lint::DATA section with Update No. 7 (Oct. 2006) + MARC::Lint is incompatibile with Business::ISBN versions 2.00-2.02_01. Business::ISBN versions below 2 and 2.02_02 or above should work. + Updated check_record\'s treatment of 880 fields. Now if the tagno is 880, check_record attempts to look at subfield 6 for the linked tagno and uses that as the basis for the tagno to be checked. + Updated _check_article to account for 880, using subfield 6 linked tagno instead. + Updated _check_article to account for articles followed parentheses, apostrophes and/or quotes. Also related bug fixes for counting punctuation around the article. + For subfield 6, it should always be the 1st subfield according to MARC 21 specifications, so check_245 has been updated to account for subfield 6 being 1st, rather than requiring subfield a to be 1st. + Added new test, test880and6.t for 880 field and for subfield 6. + Added TODO concerning subfield 9. This subfield is not officially allowed in MARC, since it is locally defined. Some way needs to be made to allow messages/warnings about this subfield to be turned off. + Added TODO concerning subfield 8. This subfield could be the 1st or 2nd subfield, so the code that checks for the 1st few subfields (check_245, check_250) should take that into account. + Updated MARC::Lint::CodeData with most recent version.
* Mon Jul 23 2007 initial version 1.42