Changelog for
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.65-1.4.noarch.rpm :
Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.65
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema/Changes
0.65 2014-08-04 11:00:00
- Make compose_namespaces and install model shortcuts optional
0.64 2014-07-22 23:00:00
- Fix Replicated trait that got busted when someone assumed
Module::Runtime was a drop in replacement for Class::MOP::load_class
0.63 2014-05-05 22:56:43
- Make MooseX::MarkAsMethods a hard prerequisite (RT#94923)
- Fix t/08helper.t with Data::Dumper >= 2.151 (RT#94599)
0.62 2014-01-06 12:32:27
- Don\'t ship MYMETA.
* files (RT#91808)
- Stop using deprecated Class::MOP::load_module
0.61 2013-06-19 12:48:34
- Fix test failure caused by hash randomisation in perl 5.17 (RT#82917)
0.60 2012-06-12 16:27:00
- Add per_request_schema hook to PerRequestSchema trait and docs
- Additional paranoia in types as it\'s possible for loading code
to clobber $_
0.59 2011-11-01 11:20:46
- update helper deps for new loader
0.58 2011-10-25 19:19:43
- remove ->make_immutable from the PerRequestSchema trait
0.57 2011-10-22 16:01:45
- add POD for PerRequestSchema trait
0.56 2011-10-22 15:34:59
- add PerRequestSchema trait (t0m)
0.55 Fri Sep 16 08:55:53 UTC 2011
- add DBD::SQLite to test_requires (RT#70357)
0.54 Fri Aug 5 11:29:00 EDT 2011
- Changed t/08helper.t to skip if required features are not installed.
- tweaked the Makefile.PL to support these changes
0.53 Wed Aug 3 03:45:07 UTC 2011
- check loader args after connect_info against loader methods and remove
them from connect_info
0.52 Thu Jul 28 22:07:38 UTC 2011
- fix a bug in loader args reading after connect_info (skip structs)
0.51 Wed Jul 27 20:57:47 UTC 2011
- warn when helper finds no tables
- accept loader args after connect_info
Thu Apr 16 14:00:00 2015
- updated to 0.59
see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema/Changes
0.59 2011-11-01 11:20:46
- update helper deps for new loader
0.58 2011-10-25 19:19:43
- remove ->make_immutable from the PerRequestSchema trait
0.57 2011-10-22 16:01:45
- add POD for PerRequestSchema trait
0.56 2011-10-22 15:34:59
- add PerRequestSchema trait (t0m)
0.55 Fri Sep 16 08:55:53 UTC 2011
- add DBD::SQLite to test_requires (RT#70357)
0.54 Fri Aug 5 11:29:00 EDT 2011
- Changed t/08helper.t to skip if required features are not installed.
- tweaked the Makefile.PL to support these changes
0.53 Wed Aug 3 03:45:07 UTC 2011
- check loader args after connect_info against loader methods and remove
them from connect_info
0.52 Thu Jul 28 22:07:38 UTC 2011
- fix a bug in loader args reading after connect_info (skip structs)
0.51 Wed Jul 27 20:57:47 UTC 2011
- warn when helper finds no tables
- accept loader args after connect_info
Tue May 31 14:00:00 2011
- updated to 0.50
- change repository link to the new git repo
- get t/05testapp.t to run on Win32
- make sure storage_type class is loaded before ->isa check in
Replicated trait (RT#65791)
- fix regex stringification test for perl 5.14 (RT#68098)
- update connect_info POD (RT#66010)
Wed Jan 19 13:00:00 2011
- initial package 0.48
* created by cpanspec 1.78.03