Changelog for perl-DBD-CSV-0.54-57.1.noarch.rpm :
Thu Nov 8 13:00:00 2018 Dirk Stoecker - Update to 0.54
Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 2018 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.53 0.53 - 2018-05-20, H.Merijn Brand * No folder scanning during automated tests * Fix col_names set to empty [] incorrectly skipping first row (issue#6) (Ronald Schmidt) * Small doc fix (Ronald Schmidt) * Tested on FreeBSD 0.52 - 2018-04-05, H.Merijn Brand * Dot-in-inc (cpantesters) - I missed two 0.51 - 2018-03-24, H.Merijn Brand * Dot-in-inc (cpantesters)
Sun Oct 8 14:00:00 2017 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.49 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-CSV/ChangeLog 0.49 - 2016-05-12, H.Merijn Brand * Simplified test-table-name generation * Prefer quote_empty over quote_always for size (Text::CSV_XS => 1.18) * Add CONTRIBUTING.md * It\'s 2016 * Added docs to warn for reserved words (RT#106529) * Minor spelling corrections (PRC Guillermo O. Freschi) * Test with perl 5.24.0, DBI 1.636, SQL::Statement-1.410, and Text::CSV_XS-1.23
Fri Apr 17 14:00:00 2015 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.48 see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-CSV/ChangeLog 0.48 - 2015-02-11, H.Merijn Brand * Update list of valid Text::CSV_XS attributes 0.47 - 2015-02-11, H.Merijn Brand * Updated copyright to 2015 * Make test-tablename unique for parallel testing * Remove perl recommendation from META as it breaks cpan clients 0.46 - 2014-11-08, H.Merijn Brand * Column type CHAR should return 1 0.45 - 2014-10-23, H.Merijn Brand * Test unauthorized folder access (RT#99508). Requires DBD::File-0.43 * Fix DBI requirement phase (depend more on toolchain) (RT#99732)
Fri Sep 19 14:00:00 2014 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.44 * Table names case sensitiveness not tested case-problematic FS\'s * Fix defaults in doc (annocpan) * Fix typo in SYNOPSIS (RT#97313) * Workaround eof bug in Text::CSV_XS-1.10 0.43 - 2014-06-30, H.Merijn Brand * Updated copyright to 2014 * Unquote schema\'s in test for cygwin * Extra guards in Makefile.PL for unmet requirements 0.42 - 2013-08-14, H.Merijn Brand * Optionally skip tests using File::Spec->tempdir () RT#87684 * And document the use of $TMPDIR in README * Make the SYNOPSIS more reflect real-world usage * Detect DBI::Test and use it if available
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.41 * Use File::Spec->tmpdir () for universal existing folder Note that huge $TMP folders may cause the test to run slow * Use File::Spec::rel2abs () instead of abs_path and hoops * Guard against parallel testing, which is unsupported * Guard against streaming tests (they PASS on the DBI-devel)
Sat Jul 27 14:00:00 2013 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.40 * Fix version references in doc * Fix tests for Windows * Use f_file in docs. file is deprecated * DBD::CSV\'s repository moved to github * Add test for row-completeness * Fix UTF-8 tests to better follow Text::CSV_XS auto-encoding * Require more recent versions of low level modules that fixe issues reported for DBD::CSV * Development will also do mosts tests with DBI_SQL_NANO=1 * Added support for f_dir_search from DBD::File (in fact DBI was changed to feature this for DBD::CSV :) * Fix test relying on spell-error in DBI\'s error message * Document csv_class (still undertested)
Mon Jun 17 14:00:00 2013 cooloAATTsuse.com - updated to 0.38 * Fixed RT#80078, resulting in getline calls on undef (Benjamin Booth) * Require latest DBI and SQL::Statement * Updated copyright to 2013 * Fixes for DBI-1.623 (Jens Rehsack) * Add line/record number and position in error messages * Improved documentation (including mje\'s contribution) * Tested under 5.16.0 (installed)
Sat May 12 14:00:00 2012 pascal.bleserAATTopensuse.org - update to 0.34: * require 5.8.1, as DBI does * tested against perl-5.16.0-RC0 + DBI-1.620
Fri Nov 18 13:00:00 2011 cooloAATTsuse.com - update to 0.33 * NAME / DISTNAME in Makefile.PL * TYPE should be numeric * Added tests for return count of delete statements in do * Upped copyright to 2011 * Added tests for return count of update statements (Peter Rabbitson) * Try to catch (more) usernames on Windows as schema names * More cross-checks for META data
Wed Apr 6 14:00:00 2011 cooloAATTnovell.com - shorten description
Fri Apr 1 14:00:00 2011 cooloAATTnovell.com - /pro is not FHS-compliant
Thu Mar 31 14:00:00 2011 cooloAATTnovell.com - update to 0.31 * Require 5.8.1 (effectively already doing so by requiring DBI-1.614) * Update tests to use warnings and done_testing () requires Test::More-0.90, which is also required for DBI * Better diagnostics for empty files * Allow late setting of attributes (RT#61168) - requires DBI-1.614
Wed Dec 1 13:00:00 2010 cooloAATTnovell.com - switch to perl_requires macro
Tue Jul 20 14:00:00 2010 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de - update to 0.30 * Text::CSV_XS now called with auto_diag * Implement valid_attrs * Next version will require DBI-1.612 or higher This is a transition release - 0.29_03 H.Merijn Brand * Remove leftover debug. Causes fails - 0.29_02 H.Merijn Brand * More work to keep in sync with DBI development (Jens) * Better diagnostics for missing modules * More spell-check fixes * Tests for ChopBlanks (now fixed in DBD::File) * Tests changed to accept old and new DBI * Statement handle attributes handled in new DBD::File - 0.29_01 H.Merijn Brand * Prepare for DBD::File-0.39 (DBI-1.612+) Should still work with older DBI versions * Documentation updates (style, consistency, spell-checking) * Test folder cleanup * More tests for insert * Tested RT#58039 - recreated by cpanspec 1.78 o fix deps - noarch pkg
Wed Jun 2 14:00:00 2010 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de - update to 0.29 * Fix git URL in META.yml * Add empty CLONE method to prevent warning when cloning threads * Minimum perl 5.8.1 * Minimum Text::CSV_XS 0.71 * Support for f_encoding (requires DBI-1.611) * Documentation updates
Sun Apr 4 14:00:00 2010 chrisAATTcomputersalat.de - update to 0.28 * Remove t/00_minimumversion.t from distribution * Dropped YAML spec to 1.0 * Sync up with SQL::Statement 1.25 NOTE: Internals of both modules changed. They will change again for SQL::Statement 2.0 - 0.27 H.Merijn Brand * Upped copyright to 2010 * Doc-fix typo in link (Detlef Pilzecker) * Doc-fix small typo\'s - 0.26 H.Merijn Brand * Adjustments for windows (RT#50544) * Mark all non-\\w chars illegal in field and table names * Fix field types after execute (RT#51090, vgdoqd) * Fix for NULL joins. Requires SQL::Statement 1.23 (RT#43010, JBAZIK) - 0.25 H.Merijn Brand * Raised minimum perl version to 5.005_03 * Requires Text::CSV_XS 0.43 (needs eof () method and error_diag ()) (RT#33764) * Code cleanup (perlcritic, style, layout) * Implemented f_ext * Implemented f_schema (in DBD::File) * Split csv handles for input (no eol default) and output (default \"\\r\ \") (RT#33767) * Updated info URL\'s * Cleaned up tests * Tests now use Test::More * Cut down README. No need to be a duplicate module pod * Added TODO to documentation * Added examples/ from docs * Add csv_null * Add csv_ * to pass to the parser * Improved error handling and reporting * Table names case sensitiveness * Implemented raw_header (RT#44583) - 0.23 Jeff Zucker * fixed bug in automatic column generation, defining col_names => [] will auto generate col1, col2, etc. thanks for bug report, harleypig on AnnoCPAN * added support for multi-character end-of-line separators thanks for suggestion, harleypig on AnnoCPAN - cleanup spec o sort TAGS o update Url o fix deps o update description o removed \"rm -vf t/40bindparam *\" o macros - added perl-macros
Sun Jan 10 13:00:00 2010 jengelhAATTmedozas.de - enable parallel build