Changelog for
python3-Kajiki-0.7.0-17.3.noarch.rpm :
* Thu Aug 24 2017 Add missing python-nine Requires
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Remove storytelling from description.
* Thu Jun 29 2017 update to 0.7.0:
* Text for i18n is now extracted ignoring the empty spaces surrounding the text itself. Empty text will always be treated as non translatable nodes for performance reasons.
* ``extract_python`` option will now report syntax errors when extracting text for translation.
* Added ``extract_python`` option to babel message extractor, this allows extracting gettext calls in ``${}`` expressions
* Actually report 0.6 in kajiki/
* Expose ``strip_text`` option in loader
* Fixed ``py:switch`` error message wrongly mentioning ``py:with``
* Support for multiline ``${}`` expressions
* Subsequent text nodes are now squashed into a single text node. This allows translating whole paragraphs instead of single sentences.
* Allow code and function calls inside tag attributes
* Added ``strip_text`` option to XMLTemplate and i18n collector to ensure leading and trailing spaces are stipped by text nodes (also leads to minified HTML)
* Some HTML nodes that do not require being closed but is commonly considered best practice to close them are now emitted with ending tag (IE:
* Generally improved code documentation to lower entry barrier for contributors
* ``py:attrs`` will now emit the attribute name itself or will omit the attribute at all in case of ``bool`` values for \'checked\', \'disabled\', \'readonly\', \'multiple\', \'selected\', \'nohref\', \'ismap\', \'declare\' and \'defer\',
* ``py:switch`` now correctly supports multiple ``py:case`` statements.
* text inside ``