Changelog for
python-tablib-0.11.5-17.6.noarch.rpm :
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017
- update to 0.11.5:
- Use ``yaml.safe_load`` for importing yaml.
- Use built-in `json` package if available
- Support Python 3.5+ in classifiers
- Fixed textual representation for Dataset with no headers
- Handle decimal types
- Release fix.
- Fix export only formats.
- Fix for xlsx output.
- Fixed packaging error on Python 3.
- Added LaTeX table export format (``Dataset.latex``).
- Support for dBase (DBF) files (``Dataset.dbf``).
- New import/export interface (``Dataset.export()``, ``Dataset.load()``).
- CSV custom delimiter support (``Dataset.export(\'csv\', delimiter=\'$\')``).
- Adding ability to remove duplicates to all rows in a dataset (``Dataset.remove_duplicates()``).
- Added a mechanism to avoid ``datetime.datetime`` issues when serializing data.
- New ``detect_format()`` function (mostly for internal use).
- Update the vendored unicodecsv to fix ``None`` handling.
- Only freeze the headers row, not the headers columns (xls).
- ``detect()`` function removed.
- Fix XLSX import.
- Bugfix for ``Dataset.transpose().transpose()``.
- convert to singlespec
Fri Jul 24 14:00:00 2015
- fix RHEL build by ignoring bytecompile-errors
Thu May 14 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.10.0:
* Unicode Column Headers
* ALL the bugfixes!
- add fdupes as BuildRequires and call it after install
- remove shebang in every python files
- remove useless CFLAGS declaration
- run the tests during build with
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
Fri Jul 27 14:00:00 2012
- Initial version