Changelog for python-typeshed-0.0.1+git.1550076324.0989d950-5.1.noarch.rpm :

* Tue Feb 19 2019 Tomáš Chvátal - Fix the URL and set author in changelog entries
* Thu Feb 14 2019 Update to version 0.0.1+git.1550076324.0989d950:
* Fix groupby with key=None (#2794)
* root_path cannot be None (#2792)
* Added `Optional[]` around the `itertools.groupby()` `key` attribute to allow `None` to pass the type (#2790)
* Fix Flask.config annotation (#2787)
* Add stubs for HTTP Handler classes in py2/urllib2 & py3/urllib.request (#2710)
* Make AsyncGenerator.aclose() properly return Awaitable[None] (#2786)
* Add type hints for orjson (#2747)
* Some small tweaks to Werkzeug stubs: (#2784)
* Make `NamedTuple` accept `Text` names (#2762)
* decorators.pyi: Add overload to option() (#2671)
* __init__.pyi: Add __getitem__() to stat_result() (#2753)
* Support
*contiguous attributes of memoryview. (#2755)
* Use a more accurate type for jwt.decode (#2765)
* Fix signature of asyncio.create_server. (#2763)
* Improve the stubs in charset.pyi under python3. (#2768)
* requests.auth.AuthBase.__call__ deals with PreparedRequest. (#2759)
* Support the errors arg in codecs factory functions. (#2752)
* gflags: Add DEFINE_multi_enum. (#2783)
* Add types to some cross-platform functions in the platform library (#2781)
* Make SyntaxError.offset be optional (again) (#2782)
* Update models.pyi (#2780)
* Update stubgen link and add a bit more info (#2779)
* Add hidden and deprecated click.Command options (#2778)
* Add type annotation for collections.deque.__iadd__ (#2774)
* pkg_resources: fix stub for get_metadata_lines (#2776)
* pkg_resources Add PKG_INFO str attribute for Distribution class (#2775)
* Create stubs for Flask (#2740)
* builtins.pyi: Update __iadd__() and imul() in class list (#2754)
* Fix six.raise_from value type (#2746)
* Add SSLCertVerificationError fields (#2745)
* logging: inherit TimedRotatingFileHandler from Handler (#2738)
* Add missing explicit Optional to stubs for the xml.etree package. (#2734)
* Fix `logging.getLevelName()` type hints (#2730)
* add back StopIteration.value in Python 3 (#2744)
* As of Python 3.6 dump_stats method allows PathLike object to be passed. (#2741)
* Make metavar in argparse be Optional (#2739)
* Fix type of indent in JSONEncoder (#2737)
* Make ZipFile.NameToInfo use Text as the key type (#2736)
* Fix the type of ord on python 2 (#2735)
* Use a more accurate type for predicates in itertools (#2732)
* Add SSLCertVerificationError for 3.7+ (#2729)
* Update sqlite3 types to include extensions (#2728)
* Use overlapped signatures of _winapi functions (#2723)
* Fix unittest.TestCase assert methods\' argument names (#2724)
* Add stubs to classes in zipfile to better enable subclassing (#2707)
* LoggerAdapter.log argument lvl -> level (#2722)
* Sync attr stubs from attrs github repo (#2720)
* Fixing type for asyncio.StreamWriter reader init parameter (#2719)
* Make appropriate ast methods generic (#2715)
* Add missing `currentframe` to `logging` module (#2712)
* Merge Python 2 and 3 builtins.pyi (#2533)
* Complete unittest.TextTestResult stubs (#2700)
* Add missing attributes of type (#2544)
* socket: Some more address typing (#2695)
* Set correct type for _subparsersaction.choices (#2702)
* Make mypy aware of IMapUnorderedIterator (#2701)
* loop argument to asyncio.ensure_future is Optional (#2708)
* Add stubs for six.ensure_{binary,str,text} functions (#2704)
* Add Str.kind field to typed_ast stubs (#2699)
* Add members marker and unsafe_name to pkg_resources.Requirement (#2693)
* Add stubs for tabulate (#2384)
* bytes/bytearray.startswith fixes (#2696)
* Add missing ENOTSUP alias to errno (#2692)
* Add pynamodb.models.Model.get_attribute and narrow down the type (#2689)
* Logging (#2687)
* macpath, os/path, posixpath and ntpath should basically be the same files (#2637)
* Fix typo for `Message.add_attachment` in message.pyi (#2697)
* Move posix.stat_result to os.stat_result on python 3 (#2683)
* Task.current_task() and Task.all_tasks() have an optional loop parameter (#2690)
* urllib2: timeout: int -> Optional[float] (#2685)
* Fix signature of ConfigParser\'s dict_type argument (#2684)
* Add get_loop() to asyncio.Future [Python 3.7] (#2680)
* Add contextlib.nullcontext [Python 3.7]. (#2677)
* Fix property annotation in `third_party/2and3/boto/connection.pyi` (#2675)
* decimal.pyi: Add overload for Decimal.__round__() (#2674)
* Fix signature of TypedDict has_key() (#2672)
* Add \'Literal[...]\' to typing_extension stubs (#2664)
* Add mypy fallback class for TypedDict methods to mypy_extensions (#2670)
* Guidelines for incomplete stubs (#2661)
* Tweak how ast.pyi imports typing (#2668)
* ast.pyi: Fix return type of generic_visit() (#2667)
* [protobuf] add deterministc option (#2666)
* Replace Loader with PEP 451 _Loader protocol in _importlib_modulespec.pyi annotations. (#2626)
* builtins.pyi: Return complex from __(r)pow__() (#2662)
* Make contribution guidelines state when to use (and not use) \'Any\' (#2540)
* Reference black, split long functions (#2651)
* itertools.pyi: Allow omitting repeat argument in Python 3 (#2659)
* Stop inheriting Sized in collection ABCs (#2658)
* Revert \"Move Sized earlier in the bases of Sequence (#2602)\" (#2657)
* Properly type the ToJsonString method of time well known types in google protobuf (#2656)
* decorators.pyi: Add Any angument to Callable[] (#2654)
* Revert \"fix list concatenation (#2404)\" (#2653)
* Re-export pyexpat instead of using check_consistency (#2649)
* staticmethod and classmethod can wrap any callable (#2650)
* Unicode fixes for url2pathname() and pathname2url() (#2555)
* Fix handling of logging args (#2635)
* threading.pyi: Add currentThread for all versions (#2647)
* [gflags] add known_only arg to __call__ (#2646)
* __init__.pyi: Fix dump() (#2640)
* yaml: Add __version__ attribute (#2636)
* types.CodeType.co_filename isn\'t Optional. (#2639)
* Improve overloads of parse_args() -- it never returns None (#2643)
* Change argument type for xml.etree.ElementTree.iselement() to object (#2642)
* Add stubs for the faulthandler stdlib module (#2627)
* Add posix attributes for Python 3 (#2631)
* Fix return type of datetime.datetime.dst (#2634)
* Add __getnewargs__ to float, int, bool, str, bytes, unicode (#2632)
* Added cyaml.pyi (#2613)
* zipfile.ZipInfo.__init__ is the same on 2/3 (#2628)
* Remove unneeded ignores (#2624)
* sudo is not required anymore (#2618)
* add __setattr__ to optparse.Values (#2622)
* Update types for requests.adapters (#2614)
* Add some distutils.dist.Distribution attrs (#2620)
* Add stub for pytz.VERSION (#2619)
* Added logging port constants to logging.handlers stub (#2617)
* Accept upstream stubs when receiving no response (#2608)
* Merge Python 2 and 3 versions of itsdangerous (#2564)
* Add complete annotations to builtins.compile. (#2606)
* Let ctypes._CData.from_buffer[_copy] accept any buffer object (#2610)
* Replace non-ellipsis default arguments (#2550)
* Fix stub for SpooledTemporaryFile (#2452)
* Allow array[int] as a valid input to struct.unpack(). (#2586)
* Document the Python 3.7 variant of subprocess.check_output (#2592)
* Fix return annotation for asyncio.as_completed() (#2600)
* Relax type for click.echo. (#2607)
* Add optimize parameter to builtins.compile. (#2605)
* Fix two small issues in `ctypes.Array` stubs (#2599)
* Fix the return type for (#2603)
* Move Sized earlier in the bases of Sequence (#2602)
* Expand Python 2\'s urllib.addbase definition. (#2601)
* Annotate some missing http client and urllib APIs. (#2582)
* Add missing stubs for multiprocessing.connection module. (#2596)
* unittest.TestCase.assertRaises(): BaseException (#2594)
* Fix typo in typing.pyi (#2595)
* fix list concatenation (#2404)
* Add options and extensions to google protobuf messages. (#2589)
* Strengthen typing of datetime methods of Google protobuf\'s Timestamp. (#2590)
* Simplify base64 input and output parameters. (#2587)
* deque init() optional maxlen (#2585)
* Make inspect.unwrap() stop argument optional. (#2583)
* Add context manager to tarfile.TarFile (#2579)
* Correct the param type for mapPriority (#2578)
* Remove label descriptions from CONTRIBUTING (#2572)
* Make _winapi.SetNamedPipeHandleState args Optional (#2571)
* Add overrides for the methods \'readlines\' and \'writelines\' in TextIOBase. (#2551)
* unittest: Complete assertRaisesRegex (#2568)
* correct parse_args namespace attribute (#2566)
* Remove version guard (#2565)
* Remove third_party/3/ (#2563)
* Fix return annotation for loop.call_later() and loop.call_at() (#2559)
* Fix return of patch() and patch.multiple() (#2520)
* Make SyntaxError.offset be optional (#2557)
* Fix py3 types of inspect.FullArgSpec.var(args|kw) (#2556)
* Make backlog parameter optional in listen method (#2553)
* Add is_dir method to ZipInfo class (#2554)
* Flake8 fixes (#2549)
* Fix email.parser.BytesParser and BytesHeaderParser method args (#2548)
* Update to flake8 3.6.0 (#2547)
* Allow json.dump to dump to BinaryIO again (#2546)
* Make os.dup2 return int on Python 3.7 (#2543)
* os.DirEntry.stat() accepts a follow_symlinks keyword argument (#2538)
* Annotate jwt.algorithms (#2532)
* fix lint error (#2541)
* Annotate werkzeug wrap_file() and FileWrapper (#2519)
* Rework .travis.yml and run with Python 3.7 where possible (#2536)
* Makes enums accept objects in the argument type (#2539)
* Fix typo in mmap const (#2537)
* Add attributes to int and float (#2529)
* Fix pytype test output (#2534)
* Add cr_await, cr_code, cr_frame and cr_running to Coroutine (#2530)
* Update PyJWT\'s exceptions (#2522)
* Fix return type of ast.NodeTransformer.generic_visit (#2486)
* loop argument for set_event_loop() is optional, it can be None (#2525)
* Add UserString and UserList data attribute (#2518)
* Add stub for pathlib2.Path.__div__ (#2507)
* ImportFrom level cannot be optional (#2517)
* click.option\'s defined type as return type of callable (#2505)
* Sat Oct 13 2018 Update to version 0.0.1+git.1539385126.cec22025:
* Widen the type of the file argument to Python 2\'s json.dump. (#2516)
* Fix _StrType in difflib in Python 2. (#2514)
* Set urllib.parse.urljoin url argument to optional (#2513)
* Inherit `InstanceType` from `object` (#2511)
* Make csv.reader take Iterator[Text] argument instead of Iterator[str]. (#2508)
* skip .git files from linting with flake8 (#2506)
* Make _NetlocResultMixinBytes derive from _NetlocResultMixinBase[bytes], not [str] (#2503)
* fix typing.Pattern in Python 2 (#2219)
* Make \'datetime\' a subclass of \'date\'. (#2488)
* Add new gflags names. (#2489)