Changelog for python-BTrees-devel-4.4.1-11.2.x86_64.rpm :
Mon Jul 10 14:00:00 2017
- Fix duplicate summaries

Sat Jun 24 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 4.4.1

* Fixed a packaging bug that caused extra files to be included
(some of which caused problems in some platforms).

* Allow None as a special key (sorted smaller than all others).

* This is a bit of a return to BTrees 3 behavior in that Nones
are allowed as keys again. Other objects with default ordering
are still not allowed as keys.

* Make the CPython implementation consistent with the
pure-Python implementation and only check object keys for
default comparison when setting keys. In Python 2 this makes it
possible to remove keys that were added using a less restrictive
version of BTrees. (In Python 3 keys that are unorderable still
cannot be removed.) Likewise, all versions can unpickle trees
that already had such keys. See: and

* Make the Python implementation consistent with the CPython
implementation and check object key identity before checking
equality and performing comparisons. This can allow fixing trees
that have keys that now have broken comparison functions. See

* Make the CPython implementation consistent with the
pure-Python implementation and no longer raise TypeError for an
object key (in object-keyed trees) with default comparison on
__getitem__, get or in operations. Instead, the results will be
a KeyError, the default value, and False, respectively.
Previously, CPython raised a TypeError in those cases, while the
Python implementation behaved as specified.

* Likewise, non-integer keys in integer-keyed trees will raise
KeyError, return the default and return False, respectively, in
both implementations. Previously, pure-Python raised a KeyError,
returned the default, and raised a TypeError, while CPython
raised TypeError in all three cases.

* Packaging: fix password used to automate wheel creation on

* Fix unexpected OverflowError when passing 64bit values to
long keys / values on Win64. See:

* When testing PURE_PYTHON environments under tox, avoid
poisoning the user’s global wheel cache.

* Ensure that the pure-Python implementation, used on PyPy and
when a C compiler isn’t available for CPython, pickles
identically to the C version. Unpickling will choose the best
available implementation. This change prevents interoperability
problems and database corruption if both implementations are in
use. While it is no longer possible to pickle a Python
implementation and have it unpickle to the Python implementation
if the C implementation is available, existing Python pickles
will still unpickle to the Python implementation (until pickled
again). See:

* Avoid creating invalid objects when unpickling empty BTrees
in a pure-Python environment.

* Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.2.

* Add support for Python 3.5.

* Ensure that pure-Python Bucket and Set objects have a human
readable __repr__ like the C versions.

* Fix _p_changed when removing items from small pure-Python
BTrees/TreeSets and when adding items to small pure-Python Sets.
- Converted to single-spec

Mon Apr 27 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 4.1.2:

* Suppress testing 64-bit values in OLBTrees on 32 bit machines.

* Fix _p_changed for small pure-Python BTrees.
- make the tests less verbose to avoid spamming the build log

Fri Feb 6 13:00:00 2015
- version 4.1.1
- 4.1.1 (2014-12-27)
Accomodate long values in pure-Python OLBTrees.
- 4.1.0 (2014-12-26)
Add support for PyPy and PyPy3.
Add support for Python 3.4.
BTree subclasses can define max_leaf_size or max_internal_size to control
maximum sizes for Bucket/Set and BTree/TreeSet nodes. Detect integer overflow
on 32-bit machines correctly under Python 3. Update pure-Python and C trees /
sets to accept explicit None to indicate max / min value for minKey, maxKey.
PR #3) Update pure-Python trees / sets to accept explicit None to indicate
pen ranges for keys, values, items. (PR #3)

Fri Aug 2 14:00:00 2013
- version 4.0.8: initial build