Changelog for python3-csvkit-0.9.1-3.2.noarch.rpm :
Sun Jul 30 14:00:00 2017
- Packaging : move to python singlespec
+ application are only py3 (no more alternatives)
+ fix copyright year
+ disable require on sphinx we don\'t have doc in pypi tar
+ use
+ remove shebang
+ adjust too strict version with sed in
- This update prepare the changes in version >1 with agathe

Fri Feb 26 13:00:00 2016
- Require python-python-dateutil. package was renamed

Thu Dec 10 13:00:00 2015
- Update to version 0.9.1:
+ Typo correction.
+ updated Kansas example data URL
+ Fix csvsort -c help text. Closes #373.
+ Add Dave Stanton to AUTHORS.
+ Fix typo. Closes #378.
+ Fix openpyxl version to work around bug. Closes #391.
Rev down to 0.9.1 for imminent release.
+ Rev to 0.9.2 for dev.
+ in2csv: Support uppercase file extensions when guessing format.
- Packaging:
+ spec-cleaner
+ packaging with update-alternatives support for python3
+ Added python-dbf and python-et_xmlfile as dependences
+ Add BuildRoot for fixing SLE_11 builds

Sun Mar 8 13:00:00 2015
- update to version 0.9.0:

* Write missing sections of the tutorial. (#32)

* Remove -q arg from sql2csv (conflicts with common flag).

* Fix csvjoin in case where left dataset rows without all columns.

* Rewrote tutorial based on LESO data. (#324)

* Don\'t error in csvjson if lat/lon columns are null. (#326)

* Maintain field order in output of csvjson.

* Add unit test for json in2csv. (#77)

* Maintain key order when converting JSON into CSV. (#325.)

* Upgrade python-dateutil to version 2.2 (#304)

* Fix sorting of columns with null values. (#302)

* Added release documentation.

* Fill out short rows with null values. (#313)

* Fix unicode output for csvlook and csvstat. (#315)

* Add documentation for --zero. (#323)

* Fix Integrity error when inserting zero rows in database with
csvsql. (#299)

* Add --count option to CSVStat.

* Implement csvformat.

* Fix bug causing CSVKitDictWriter to output \'utf-8\' for blank
- additional changes from 0.8.0:

* Fix column specification in csvstat. (#236)

* Added \"Tips and Tricks\" documentation. (#297, #298)

* Remove unnecessary enumerate calls. (#292)

* Deprecated DBF support for Python 3+.

* Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.4 (#239)
- additional changes from 0.7.3

* Fix date handling with openpyxl > 2.0 (#285)

* Support SQL queries \"directly\" on CSV files. (#276)

* Fix off-by-one error in open ended column ranges. (#238)

* Add line numbers flag to csvlook (#244)

* Only install argparse for Python < 2.7. (#224)

* Fix DBF dependency. (#270)
- additional changes from 0.7.2

* Fix CHANGELOG for release.
- additional changes from 0.7.1

* Fix homepage url in
- additional changes from 0.7.0

* Fix XLSX datetime normalization bug. (#223)

* Merged sql2csv utility (#259).

* Validate csvsql DB connections before parsing CSVs. (#257)

* Clarify install process for Ubuntu. (#249)

* Clarify docs for --escapechar. (#242)

* Make ``import csvkit`` API compatible with ``import csv``.

* Update Travis CI link. (#258)

* Use case-sensitive name for SQLAlchemy (#237)
- update URL
- add python-six as dependency
- rework the removal of shebangs to make it more generic
- add sql2csv to the package file

Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.6.1
+ No changelog available

Wed Jul 31 14:00:00 2013
- Update to version 0.5.0

Fri Sep 23 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.3.0

Wed Aug 31 14:00:00 2011
- Update to version 0.2.5:

* Use proper tarball
- Regenerated with py2pack:

* Proper version checks around fdupes

* Simpler Buildrequires

* Fixed several rpmlint issues (non-excutable scripts, summary)

Mon Aug 22 14:00:00 2011
- initial package version 0.2.4 git 3f0d6c2