Changelog for
python3-openpyxl-2.4.9-17.1.noarch.rpm :
Wed Jan 10 13:00:00 2018
- update to 2.4.9:
+ Bugfixes
* #809 Incomplete documentation of copy_worksheet method
* #811 Scoped definedNames not removed when worksheet is deleted
* #824 Raise an exception if a chart is used in multiple sheets
* #842 Non-ASCII table column headings cause an exception in Python 2
* #846 Conditional formats not supported in write-only mode
* #849 Conditional formats with no sqref cause an exception
* #859 Headers that start with a number conflict with font size
* #902 TableStyleElements don’t always have a condtional format
* #908 Read-only mode sometimes returns too many cells
+ Pull requests
* #179 Cells kept in a set
* #180 Support for Workbook protection
* #182 Read support for page breaks
* #183 Improve documentation of copy_worksheet method
* #198 Fix for #908
- updated summary
Thu Aug 24 14:00:00 2017
- update to 2.4.8:
* AutoFilter.sortState being assignd to the ws.sortState
* #766 Sheetnames with apostrophes need additional escaping
* #729 Cannot open files created by Microsoft Dynamics
* #819 Negative percents not case correctly
* #821 Runtime imports can cause deadlock
* #855 Print area containing only columns leads to corrupt file
- Fix Requires and BuildRequires
Tue Apr 25 14:00:00 2017
- Fix URL.
Tue Apr 25 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 2.4.7
* Sample files being included by mistake in sdist`
- Update to version 2.4.6
+ Bugfixes
* Cannot apply formatting to plot area`
* Exception when element attributes are Python keywords`
* Exception raised when saving files with styled columns`
* Number formats for data labels are incorrect`
* Worksheet titles not quoted in defined names`
* Font underlines not read correctly`
- Update to version 2.4.5
+ Bugfixes
* Adding images keeps file handles open
* Exception for column-only ranges
* Cannot copy worksheets with non-ascii titles on Python 2
+ Pull requests
* Support for non-standard names for Workbook part.
* Documentation correction
- Update to version 2.4.4
+ Bugfixes
* Add close method to workbooks
* openpyxl can create files with invalid style indices
* Allow images in write-only mode
* Rounded corners for charts
* Use repr when handling non-convertible objects
* Hashing function is incorrect
* Named styles share underlying array
+ Minor Changes
* Add roundtrip support for worksheet tables.
+ Pull requests
* Don\'t init mimetypes more than once.
- Update to version 2.4.2
+ Bug fixes
* DeprecationWarning is incorrect
* Exception raised if userName is missing
* Always provide a date1904 attribute
* Hashes should be stored as Base64
* Print titles broken on sheetnames with spaces
* Workbook breaks when active sheet is removed
* Incorrect descriptor for Filter values
* Potential XXE vulerability (CVE-2017-5992 boo#1025592)
* Cannot create files with page breaks and charts
* Problems with worksheets with commas in their titles
+ Minor Changes
* Add unicode support for sheet name incrementation.
- Update to version 2.4.1
+ Bug fixes
* Make checking for duplicate sheet titles case insensitive
* Trouble handling LibreOffice files with named styles
* Directly assigned new named styles always refer to \"Normal\"
* Cannot parse print titles with multiple sheet names
* Cannot work with macro files created by LibreOffice
* Prevent duplicate differential styles
* Allow sheet titles longer than 31 characters
* Cannot unset hyperlinks
* Exception raised when format objects use cell references
* Copy height and width when copying comments
* Incorrect content type for VBA macros
* IndexError raised in read-only mode when accessing individual cells
* Files with external links become corrupted
* Cannot read files containing macro sheets
* Details from named styles not preserved when reading files
* Remove broken Print Title and Print Area definitions
+ Minor changes
* Add support for Python 3.6
* Correct documentation for headers and footers
+ Deprecations
* Worksheet methods `get_named_range()` and `get_sqaured_range()`
+ Bug fixes
- Update to version 2.4.0
+ Bug fixes
* Exception raised when epoch is 1904
* Cannot handle unicode in headers and footers in Python 2
* Cannot handle unicode sheetnames in Python 2
* Chart styles, and axis units should not be 0
* Strings in external workbooks not unicode
+ Major changes
* Add support for builtin styles and include one for Pandas
+ Minor changes
* Add a `keep_links` option to `load_workbook`. External links contain cached
copies of the external workbooks. If these are big it can be advantageous to
be able to disable them.
* Provide an example for using cell ranges in DataValidation.
* PR 138 - add copy support to comments.
- Update to 2.4.0-b1
+ Minor changes
* Add an the alias `hide_drop_down` to DataValidation for `showDropDown` because that is how Excel works.
+ Bug fixes
* Exception raises when inspecting EmptyCells in read-only mode
* Functions for handling OOXML \"escaped\" ST_XStrings
* Row Dimensions not supported in write-only mode
* Problems when removing worksheets with charts
* Cannot use SheetProtection in write-only mode
+ Features
* Add write support for worksheet tables
- Update to 2.4.0-a1
+ Minor changes
* Remove deprecated methods from DataValidation
* Remove deprecated methods from PrintPageSetup
* Convert AutoFilter to Serialisable and extend support for filters
* Add support for SortState
* Removed `use_iterators` keyword when loading workbooks. Use `read_only` instead.
* Removed `optimized_write` keyword for new workbooks. Use `write_only` instead.
* Improve print title support
* Add print area support
* New implementation of defined names
* New implementation of page headers and footers
* Add support for Python\'s NaN
* Added iter_cols method for worksheets
* ws.rows and ws.columns now always return generators and start at the top of the worksheet
* Add a `values` property for worksheets
* Default column width changed to 8 as per the specification
+ Deprecations
* Cell anchor method
* Worksheet point_pos method
* Worksheet add_print_title method
* Worksheet HeaderFooter attribute, replaced by individual ones
* Flatten function for cells
* Workbook get_named_range, add_named_range, remove_named_range, get_sheet_names, get_sheet_by_name
* Comment text attribute
* Use of range strings deprecated for ws.iter_rows()
* Use of coordinates deprecated for ws.cell()
* Deprecate .copy() method for StyleProxy objects
+ Bug fixes
* Hyperlinks lost when reading files
* Add function for copying worksheets
* Cells with inline strings considered empty
* Add support for ranges of rows and columns
* Workbook with definedNames corrupted by openpyxl
* \"safe\" reserved ranges are not read from workbooks
* Discarding named ranges can lead to corrupt files
* Exception raised when using the class method to parse Relationships
* Crashes when reading defined names with no content
* Cannot read worksheets without coordinates
* Customised named styles not correctly preserved
- Update to version 2.3.5
+ Bug fixes
* Comments not written in write-only mode
- Update to version 2.3.4
+ Bug fixes
* Content types might be missing when keeping VBA
* Cells with only one cell look empty
* Serialise NaN as \'\'
+ Minor changes
* Preserve the order of external references because formualae use numerical indices.
* Typo corrected in cell unit tests (PR 118)
- Fix source url
- Implement single-spec version
Mon Feb 1 13:00:00 2016
- update to version 2.3.3:
* Bug fixes
+ #540 Cannot read merged cells in read-only mode
+ #565 Empty styled text blocks cannot be parsed
+ #569 Issue warning rather than raise Exception raised for
unparsable definedNames
+ #575 Cannot open workbooks with embdedded OLE files
+ #584 Exception when saving borders with attribues
* Minor changes
+ PR 103 Documentation about chart scaling and axis limits
+ Raise an exception when trying to copy cells from other
- changes from version 2.3.2:
* Bug fixes
+ #554 Cannot add comments to a worksheet when preserving VBA
+ #561 Exception when reading phonetic text
+ #562 DARKBLUE is the same as RED
+ #563 Minimum for row and column indexes not enforced
* Minor changes
+ PR 97 One VML file per worksheet.
+ PR 96 Correct descriptor for CharacterProperties.rtl
+ #498 Metadata is not essential to use the package.
- update to version 2.3.1:
* #534 Exception when using columns property in read-only mode.
* #536 Incorrectly handle comments from Google Docs files.
* #539 Flexible value types for conditional formatting.
* #542 Missing content types for images.
* #543 Make sure images fit containers on all OSes.
* #544 Gracefully handle missing cell styles.
* #546 ExternalLink duplicated when editing a file with macros.
* #548 Exception with non-ASCII worksheet titles
* #551 Combine multiple LineCharts
* PR 88 Fix page margins in parser.
- update to version 2.3.0:
* Support the creation of chartsheets
* #532 Problems when cells have no style in read-only mode.
* PR 79 Make PlotArea editable in charts
* Use graphicalProperties as the alias for spPr
* #488 Support hashValue attribute for sheetProtection
* #493 Warn that unsupported extensions will be dropped
* #494 Cells with exponentials causes a ValueError
* #497 Scatter charts are broken
* #499 Inconsistent conversion of localised datetimes
* #500 Adding images leads to unreadable files
* #509 Improve handling of sheet names
* #515 Non-ascii titles have bad repr
* #516 Ignore unassigned worksheets
* Worksheets are now iterable by row.
* Assign individual cell styles only if they are explicitly set.
* Shift to using (row, column) indexing for cells. Cells will at some point lose coordinates.
* New implementation of conditional formatting. Databars now partially preserved.
* et_xmlfile is now a standalone library.
* Complete rewrite of chart package
* Include a tokenizer for fomulae to be able to adjust cell references in them. PR 63
* Read-only and write-only worksheets renamed.
* Write-only workbooks support charts and images.
* PR76 Prevent comment images from conflicting with VBA
* #81 Support stacked bar charts
* #88 Charts break hyperlinks
* #97 Pie and combination charts
* #99 Quote worksheet names in chart references
* #150 Support additional chart options
* #172 Support surface charts
* #381 Preserve named styles
* #470 Adding more than 10 worksheets with the same name leads to
duplicates sheet names and an invalid file
- changes from version 2.2.6
* #502 Unexpected keyword \"mergeCell\"
* #503 tostring missing in dump_worksheet
* #506 Non-ASCII formulae cannot be parsed
* #508 Cannot save files with coloured tabs
* Regex for ignoring named ranges is wrong (character class instead
of prefix)
- changes from version 2.2.5:
* #463 Unexpected keyword \"mergeCell\"
* #484 Unusual dimensions breaks read-only mode
* #485 Move return out of loop
- update to version 2.2.4:
* #464 Cannot use images when preserving macros
* #465 ws.cell() returns an empty cell on read-only workbooks
* #467 Cannot edit a file with ActiveX components
* #471 Sheet properties elements must be in order
* #475 Do not redefine class __slots__ in subclasses
* #477 Write-only support for SheetProtection
* #478 Write-only support for DataValidation
* Improved regex when checking for datetime formats
- update to version 2.2.3:
* Enable 64bit extensions for all versions of Python.
* Update docs.
* Do not preserve relation to printer part without preserving the
printer part.
* Don\'t force namespace on worksheet child as we set the default
namespace for all worksheets.
* Use print() instead of print statement
* Pass locale settings into envs (needed for somethings for tox 2 >=
* Fix failing doctest.
* Correct the schema for saving strings.
* fixed typo in sample code
Fri May 8 14:00:00 2015
- update to version 2.2.2:
* #447 Uppercase datetime number formats not recognised.
* #453 Borders broken in shared_styles.
- additional changes from version 2.2.1:
* PR54 Improved precision on times near midnight.
* PR55 Preserve macro buttons
* #429 Workbook fails to load because header and footers cannot
be parsed.
* #433 File-like object with encoding=None
* #434 SyntaxError when writing page breaks.
* #436 Read-only mode duplicates empty rows.
* #437 Cell.offset raises an exception
* #438 Cells with pivotButton and quotePrefix styles cannot be
* #440 Error when customised versions of builtin formats
* #442 Exception raised when a fill element contains no children
* #444 Styles cannot be copied
- additional changes from version 2.2.0:
* #415 Improved exception when passing in invalid in memory files.
- additional changes from version 2.2.0-b1:
* Cell styles deprecated, use formatting objects (fonts, fills,
borders, etc.) directly instead
* Charts will no longer try and calculate axes by default
* Support for template file types - PR21
* Moved ancillary functions and classes into utils package -
single place of reference
* PR 34 Fully support page setup
* Removed SAX-based XML Generator. Special thanks to Elias Rabel
for implementing xmlfile for xml.etree
* Preserve sheet view definitions in existing files (frozen
panes, zoom, etc.)
* #103 Set the zoom of a sheet
* #199 Hide gridlines
* #215 Preserve sheet view setings
* #262 Set the zoom of a sheet
* #392 Worksheet header not read
* #387 Cannot read files without styles.xml
* #410 Exception when preserving whitespace in strings
* #417 Cannot create print titles
* #420 Rename confusing constants
* #422 Preserve color index in a workbook if it differs from the
* Use a 2-way cache for column index lookups
* Clean up tests in cells
* PR 40 Support frozen panes and autofilter in write-only mode
* Use ws.calculate_dimension(force=True) in read-only mode for
unsized worksheets
- additional changes from version 2.1.5:
* #403 Cannot add comments in write-only mode
* #401 Creating cells in an empty row raises an exception
* #408 from_excel adjustment for Julian dates 1 < x < 60
* #409 refersTo is an optional attribute
* Allow cells to be appended to standard worksheets for code
compatibility with write-only mode.
- additional changes from version 2.1.4:
* #393 IterableWorksheet skips empty cells in rows
* #394 Date format is applied to all columns (while only first
column contains dates)
* #395 temporary files not cleaned properly
* #396 Cannot write “=” in Excel file
* #398 Cannot write empty rows in write-only mode with LXML
* Add relation namespace to root element for compatibility with
* Serialize comments relation in LXML-backend
- additional changes from version 2.1.3:
* PR 31 Correct tutorial
* PR 32 See #380
* PR 37 Bind worksheet to ColumnDimension objects
* #379 ws.append() doesn’t set RowDimension Correctly
* #380 empty cells formatted as datetimes raise exceptions
- additional changes from version 2.1.2:
* PR 30 Fix regex for positive exponentials
* PR 28 Fix for #328
* #120, #168 defined names with formulae raise exceptions, #292
* #328 ValueError when reading cells with hyperlinks
* #369 IndexError when reading definedNames
* #372 number_format not consistently applied from styles
- additional changes from version 2.1.1:
* PR 20 Support different workbook code names
* Allow auto_axis keyword for ScatterCharts
* #332 Fills lost in ConditionalFormatting
* #360 Support value=”none” in attributes
* #363 Support undocumented value for textRotation
* #364 Preserve integers in read-only mode
* #366 Complete read support for DataValidation
* #367 Iterate over unsized worksheets
- additional changes from version 2.1.0:
* “read_only” and “write_only” new flags for workbooks
* Support for reading and writing worksheet protection
* Support for reading hidden rows
* Cells now manage their styles directly
* ColumnDimension and RowDimension object manage their styles
* Use xmlfile for writing worksheets if available - around 3
times faster
* Datavalidation now part of the worksheet package
* Number formats are now just strings
* Strings can be used for RGB and aRGB colours for Fonts, Fills
and Borders
* Create all style tags in a single pass
* Performance improvement when appending rows
* Cleaner conversion of Python to Excel values
* PR6 reserve formatting for empty rows
* standard worksheets can append from ranges and generators
* #153 Cannot read visibility of sheets and rows
* #181 No content type for worksheets
* #153 Cannot read visibility of sheets and rows
* #181 No content type for worksheets
* #241 Cannot read sheets with inline strings
* #322 1-indexing for merged cells
* #339 Correctly handle removal of cell protection
* #341 Cells with formulae do not round-trip
* #347 Read DataValidations
* #353 Support Defined Named Ranges to external workbooks
- additional changes from version 2.0.5:
* #348 incorrect casting of boolean strings
* #349 roundtripping cells with formulae
- additional changes from version 2.0.4:
* Add a sample file illustrating colours
* #331 DARKYELLOW was incorrect
* Correctly handle extend attribute for fonts
- additional changes from version 2.0.3:
* Updated docs
* #319 Cannot load Workbooks with vertAlign styling for fonts
- additional changes from version 2.0.2:
* This is last release that will support Python 3.2
* Cells are referenced with 1-indexing: A1 == cell(row=1,
* Use jdcal for more efficient and reliable conversion of
* Significant speed up when reading files
* Merged immutable styles
* Type inference is disabled by default
* RawCell renamed ReadOnlyCell
* ReadOnlyCell.internal_value and ReadOnlyCell.value now behave
the same as Cell
* Provide no size information on unsized worksheets
* Lower memory footprint when reading files
* All tests converted to pytest
* Pyflakes used for static code analysis
* Sample code in the documentation is automatically run
* Support GradientFills
* BaseColWidth set
* #70 Add filterColumn, sortCondition support to AutoFilter
* #80 Reorder worksheets parts
* #82 Update API for conditional formatting
* #87 Add support for writing Protection styles, others
* #89 Better handling of content types when preserving macros
* #46 ColumnDimension style error
* #86 reader.worksheet.fast_parse sets booleans to integers
* #98 Auto sizing column widths does not work
* #137 Workbooks with chartsheets
* #185 Invalid PageMargins
* #230 Using v in cells creates invalid files
* #243 - IndexError when loading workbook
* #263 - Forded conversion of line breaks
* #267 - Raise exceptions when passed invalid types
* #270 - Cannot open files which use non-standard sheet names or
reference Ids
* #269 - Handling unsized worksheets in IterableWorksheet
* #270 - Handling Workbooks with non-standard references
* #275 - Handling auto filters where there are only custom filters
* #277 - Harmonise chart and cell coordinates
* #280- Explicit exception raising for invalid characters
* #286 - Optimized writer can not handle a datetime.time value
* #296 - Cell coordinates not consistent with documentation
* #300 - Missing column width causes load_workbook() exception
* #304 - Handling Workbooks with absolute paths for worksheets
(from Sharepoint)
- additional changes from version 1.8.6:
* Fixed typo for import Elementtree
* #279 Incorrect path for comments files on Windows
- additional changes from version 1.8.5:
* The ‘=’ string is no longer interpreted as a formula
* When a client writes empty xml tags for cells (e.g.
), reader will not crash
- additional changes from version 1.8.4:
* #260 better handling of undimensioned worksheets
* #268 non-ascii in formualae
* #282 correct implementation of register_namepsace for Python 2.6
- additional changes from version 1.8.3:
* Always parse using cElementTree
* Slight improvements in memory use when parsing
* #256 - error when trying to read comments with optimised reader
* #260 - unsized worksheets
* #264 - only numeric cells can be dates
- additional changes from version 1.8.2:
* #247 - iterable worksheets open too many files
* #252 - improved handling of lxml
* #253 - better handling of unique sheetnames
- additional changes from version 1.8.1:
* #246
- additional changes from version 1.8.0:
* Support for Python 2.5 dropped.
* Support conditional formatting
* Support lxml as backend
* Support reading and writing comments
* pytest as testrunner now required
* Improvements in charts: new types, more reliable
* load_workbook now accepts data_only to allow extracting values
only from formulae. Default is false.
* Images can now be anchored to cells
* Docs updated
* Provisional benchmarking
* Added convenience methods for accessing worksheets and cells by
- add python-jdcal as dependency
- remove python-nose and %check: tests are not provided in
the archive anymore
- rename documentation files: changed upstream
- remove CHANGES: not provided anymore
Thu Jul 17 14:00:00 2014
- Add LICENSE to %doc
Thu Dec 5 13:00:00 2013
- Update to version 1.7.0
+ Read CHANGES file from package documentation
Thu Oct 24 14:00:00 2013
- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
Fri May 10 14:00:00 2013
- Initial version