Changelog for
python3-pyowm-2.8.0-1.8.noarch.rpm :
Fri Jan 5 13:00:00 2018
- Update to version 2.8.0
* New features:
* introduced support for Stations API 3.0
* new methods for Forecaster class: will_have_clear, when_clear,
* new light Docker images based on Alpine Linux
* Enhancements:
* In the moment Forecast objects are created, their Weather objects having
reference timestamps prior to that moment are discarded (this means:
you only get real forecasts!)
* Introduced requests as only PyOWM dependency: requests>=2.18.2,<2.19
* Bugfixes:
* issue on city_id_registry read behaviour on Windows
* issue on parsing Location objects
* Deprecations introduced:
* will be removed on 3.0.0: forecaster.Forecaster.will_have_sun,
forecaster.Forecaster.when_sun and
Tue Sep 5 14:00:00 2017
- Update to version 2.7.1:
* New features:
* introduced support for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Nitric Dioxide
(NO2): new methods owm25.no2index_around_coords and
* implemented wind speed units specification (imperial/metric)
* Bugfixes:
* updated weather history endpoint (was broken)
* fix bug about data parsing at station_at_coords and weather_at_station
* now the deg attribute is correctly parsed from 16 day forecast
weather data items
* fix bug on printing Unicode upon library exceptions
* fix handling of Weather objects parsing (it was failing whenever
some data wasn\'t provided by OWM)
* Enhancements:
* shrinked city ID files size by 60% (via compression)
* reported in the Wiki a list of known projects that use PyOWM
* integrated the Say Thanks! hook
* introduced and files, thus welcoming
GitHub\'s suggested best practices for building better open source
* introduced installation tests
* improved integrations tests organization and running
* Breaking changes:
* OWM decided to change the syntax of API endpoint for fetching UV data
and its format in a non-retrocompatible manner. This results into
UVIndex object entity fields changing, as well as the corresponding
OWM25 method signature (owm25.uvindex_around_coords).
- Use singlespec macros
Wed Feb 22 13:00:00 2017
- First public release 2.6.1 on OBS