Changelog for python3-cmd2-0.7.9-34.3.noarch.rpm :
Tue Feb 13 13:00:00 2018
- update to 0.7.9:

* Bug Fixes

* Fixed a couple broken examples

* Enhancements

* Improved documentation for modifying shortcuts (command aliases)

* Made ``pyreadline`` a dependency on Windows to ensure tab-completion works

* Other changes

* Abandoned official support for Python 3.3. It should still work, just don\'t have an easy way to test it anymore.

* Bug Fixes

* Fixed ``poutput()`` so it can print an integer zero and other
* things

* Fixed a bug which was causing autodoc to fail for building docs on Readthedocs

* Fixed bug due to ``pyperclip`` dependency radically changing its project structure in latest version

* Enhancements

* Improved documentation for user-settable environment parameters

* Improved documentation for overriding the default supported comment styles

* Added ``runcmds_plus_hooks()`` method to run multiple commands w/o a cmdloop

* Bug Fixes

* Added workaround for bug which occurs in Python 2.7 on Linux when ``pygtk`` is installed

* ``pfeedback()`` now honors feedback_to_output setting and won\'t redirect when it is ``False``

* For ``edit`` command, both
* and
* can now have spaces in the name/path

* Fixed a bug which occurred when stdin was a pipe instead of a tty due to input redirection

* Enhancements

* ``feedback_to_output`` now defaults to ``False`` so info like command timing won\'t redirect

* Transcript regular expressions now have predictable, tested, and documented behavior

* This makes a breaking change to the format and expectations of transcript testing

* The prior behavior removed whitespace before making the comparison, now whitespace must match exactly

* Prior version did not allow regexes with whitespace, new version allows any regex

* Improved display for ``load`` command and input redirection when
* is ``True``

* Bug Fixes

* Case-sensitive command parsing was completely broken and has been fixed

* ``+d`` now properly quits when case-sensitive command parsing is enabled

* Fixed some pyperclip clipboard interaction bugs on Linux

* Fixed some timing bugs when running unit tests in parallel by using monkeypatch

* Enhancements

* Enhanced tab-completion of cmd2 command names to support case-insensitive completion

* Added an example showing how to remove unused commands

* Improved how transcript testing handles prompts with ANSI escape codes by stripping them

* Greatly improved implementation for how command output gets piped to a shell command

Mon Aug 7 14:00:00 2017
- convert to singlespec

Mon Aug 7 14:00:00 2017
- update to 0.7.5:

* `case_insensitive` is no longer a runtime-settable parameter, but it was still listed as such

* Fixed a recursive loop bug when abbreviated commands are enabled and it could get stuck in the editor forever

* Fixed and examples and transcript_regex.txt transcript

* Fixed a bug in a unit test which occurred under unusual circumstances

* Organized all attributes used to configure the ParserManager into a single location

* Set the default value of `abbrev` to `False` (which controls whether or not abbreviated commands are allowed)

* Improved implementation of `load` to use command queue instead of nested inner loop

* Fixed a couple bugs in interacting with pastebuffer/clipboard on macOS and Linux

* Fixed a couple bugs in edit and save commands if called when history is empty

* Ability to pipe ``cmd2`` command output to a shell command is now more reliable, particularly on Windows

* Fixed a bug in ``pyscript`` command on Windows related to ``\\`` being interpreted as an escape

* Ensure that path and shell command tab-completion results are alphabetically sorted

* Removed feature for load command to load scripts from URLS

* Removed presence of a default file name and default file extension

* ``load`` command has better error checking and reporting

* Clipboard copy and paste functionality is now handled by the
* module

* ``shell`` command now supports redirection and piping of output

* Added a lot of unit tests

* Removed pause command

* Added a dependency on the
* module

* Fixed a bug in displaying a span of history items when only an end index is supplied

* Fixed a bug which caused transcript test failures to display twice

* Added the ability to exclude commands from the help menu (
* included by default)

* Redundant
* command removed and features merged into
* command

* Added
* command which supports tab-completion and running Python scripts with arguments

* Improved tab-completion of file system paths, command names, and shell commands

* Changed default value of USE_ARG_LIST to True - this affects the beavhior of all
* commands

* Refactored code to encapsulate most of the pyparsing logic into a ParserManager class

* Added a MANIFEST.ini file to make sure a few extra files get included in the PyPI source distribution

* ``-`` wasn\'t being treated as a legal character

* The allow_cli_args attribute wasn\'t properly disabling parsing of args at invocation when False

* py command wasn\'t allowing scripts which used
* function prior to entering an interactive Python session

* Don\'t throw exception when piping output to a shell command

* Transcript testing now properly calls ``preloop`` before and ``postloop`` after

* Fixed readline bug related to ANSI color escape codes in the prompt

* Added and files

* Added unicode parsing unit tests and listed unicode support as a feature when using Python 3

* Added more examples and improved documentation

* Added CmdResult namedtumple for returning and storing results

* Added local file system path completion for ``edit``, ``load``, ``save``, and ``shell`` commands

* Add shell command completion for ``shell`` command or ``!`` shortcut

* Abbreviated multiline commands are no longer allowed (they never worked correctly anyways)

* Refactored to use six module for a unified codebase which supports both Python 2 and Python 3

* Stabilized on all platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux) and all supported Python versions (2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, PyPy)

* Added lots of unit tests and fixed a number of bugs

* Improved documentation and moved it to

Mon Nov 14 13:00:00 2016
- update to 0.6.9:

* Support Python 3 input()

Fri Jan 9 13:00:00 2015
- update to 0.6.8:

* In case when which is not installed, do not launch an editor

Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.6.7:

* various python 3.x compat fixes
- remove cmd2-pyparsing201.patch, merged upstream

Tue Sep 17 14:00:00 2013
- Add cmd2-pyparsing201.patch: Allow running with pyparsing>=2.0.1

Tue Sep 3 14:00:00 2013
- update to

* go back to pyparsing 1.5.7

Tue Aug 13 14:00:00 2013
- update to 0.6.6:

* include editor search stderr fix

Thu Jul 25 14:00:00 2013
- Backport editor stderr fix

Mon Apr 29 14:00:00 2013
- update to

* Fix requires to python-pyparsing

Fri Jan 11 13:00:00 2013
- Add python3 support

Fri Jul 27 14:00:00 2012
- Initial version