Changelog for
python3-django-grappelli-2.9.1-1.9.noarch.rpm :
* Mon Dec 12 2016 update to version 2.9.1:
* First release of Grappelli which is compatible with Django 1.10.- changes from version 2.8.3:
* Fixed: collectstatic (removed icon-deletelink.svg from screen.css).
* Fixed: Recent actions box overflowing on long text.
* Improved: M2M help text.
* Improved: Removed browser-specific input validation with some fields.
* Improved: django-constance templates.
* Mon Sep 26 2016 update to version 2.8.2:
* Fixed: Constance templates.
* Fixed: Docs with template context processor.
* Fixed: Styling of select vertical/horizontal.
* Fixed: Wrong translations with index.html.
* Fixed: Translation of \"Log in\" with login template.
* Fixed: Removed loading url from future with smuggler.
* Improved: Docs on switch user with custom user model.
* Improved: Added universal distribute.
* Improved: Added some blocks around js hacks with change_form.html.
* Improved: Docs with DashboardModuleClass.
* Improved: Related widgets.
* Sun May 08 2016 specfile:
* updated source url to
* Tue Mar 08 2016 update to version 2.8.1:
* First release of Grappelli which is compatible with Django 1.9.
* Sun Jan 17 2016 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 2.7.3:
* Fixed: Context with Dashboard.
* Improved: Added Python 3.5 to travis.
* Improved: Strip descending order marks from distinct columns in autocomplete on PostgreSQL.
* Improved: Added autofocus to autocompletes.
* Improved: Added original Django id/classes (container, inline-group, inline-related, tabular, module, form-row, field-box).
* Improved: Simplified dashboard design (removed redundant change link).
* Sat Oct 31 2015 update to version 2.7.2:
* New: Better test coverage with tox.
* New: Added Travis CI.
* Fixed: Autocomplete urls if add link url contains a query.
* Fixed: Get language code.
* Fixed: Registration templates.
* Fixed: django-smuggler templates.
* Fixed: Incorrect handling of related fields when there are multiple inlines of the same content type.
* Fixed: Extra linebreaks in fieldset breaks display of computed fields.
* Improved: Updating breadcrumb links using admin URLs.
* Improved: Changed django-reversion templates to work with django-reversion>=1.9.3.
* Improved: Allow Autocomplete lookups in tables with PostgreSQL json fields.
* Improved: Docs about inline sortables (esp. sortable excludes).
* Improved: Added {% block grp_inline_options %} to facilitate extension (stacked/tabular inlines).
* Mon Aug 10 2015 update to version 2.7.1:
* First release of Grappelli which is compatible with Django 1.8.
* Sat May 30 2015 update to version 2.6.5:
* Fixed: Unicode error on custom dashboard.
* Fixed: Reversion object_history.html template.
* Fixed: Added support for view_on_site.
* Fixed: Position of custom views in index.html.
* Fixed: White-space reassignment in cell layouts.
* Fixed: Constance templates.
* Sat Mar 28 2015 specfile:
* update copyright year- update to version 2.6.4:
* Fixed: Prepopulated fields with inlines.
* Fixed: Hide row if only hidden fields are given.
* Fixed: Background with pulldown handler.
* Fixed: Python to JSON Serialization with autocompletes with non-automatic id.
* Fixed: Handled LookupError in RelatedLookup view with wrong app_label/model_name.
* Fixed: Add link with changelist.
* Fixed: Error when constance needs a hidden field.
* Fixed: ID generation in the dashboard template app_list.html.
* Fixed: Breadcrumb links in the template change_password.html.
* Fixed: Use get_username to retrieve username, support custom user models.
* Fixed: Sorting with dashboard when verbose_name_plural is not given.
* Fixed: Removed site dependencies for admin doc views.
* Sun Dec 14 2014 specfile:
* updated copyright year
* updated url- update to version 2.6.3:
* New: Triggering change when input is changed in autocomplete.
* New: Blocks header, navigation, user-tools and context-navigation with base.html.
* Fixed: Scrollbars with M2M (with some browsers).
* Improved: Removed note about order of STATICFILES_FINDERS from the docs.- changes from 2.6.2:
* Fixed: Tests with custom User model.
* Fixed: Removed _to_field from generic lookups.
* Fixed: Used instead of with dashboard module.
* Fixed: Unique appconfig with grappelli.dashboard.
* Improved: Grappelli admin title is used for site title as well (if given).
* Improved: Added block branding to base.html.- changes from 2.6.1:
* First release of Grappelli which is compatible with Django 1.7- changes from 2.5.4:
* New: Settings CLEAN_INPUT_TYPES.
* New: Added section \"Contributing\" to the documentation.
* New: Added package.json and Gruntfile.js for js/css/documentation updates.
* New: Added GrappelliSortableMixin.
* New: Added text alignment icons to tinymce theme.
* Fixed: Today button handler with UI datepicker.
* Fixed: add_url with app_index.html.
* Fixed: Enclosed some labels properly with autocompletes (IE8 fix).
* Improved: Add permissions with change_list_filter_sidebar.
* Improved: Display of M2M autocompletes.
* Improved: Flake8 checks.- changes from 2.5.3:
* New: Changing the sort order manually for inlines.
* Fixed: Floating properties of form in change-form.
* Fixed: Keyboard navigation with autocompletes.
* Improved: Lookup pattern with autocomplete js.
* Improved: Handle DoesNotExist error with switch_user_dropdown.
* Removed: Sourcemap from jquery.min.js- changes from 2.5.2:
* Fixed: Exception chain with autocompletes.
* Fixed: Reindexing with inline sortables.
* Fixed: Fixed duplicate with search form.
* Fixed: Removed onclick_attribs in submit line.
* Improved: Added note about the location of customdashboard (docs).
* Improved: Load cycle from future.
* Improved: TinyMCE dialog layout.
* Improved: Added input type email to grid system.
* Improved: Compatibility with adminplus.- changes from 2.5.1:
* Fixed: Translation with error messages on change_form and change_list_filter_sidebar.
* Fixed: Error (missing argument) with SelectFilter2.js (this is a django bug as well).
* Fixed: Link to django–smuggler with docs/thirdparty.
* Fixed: RelatedObjectLookup elem.focus().
* Fixed: Some translations with password templates.
* Fixed: Added a note about the required request context processor to quickstart.
* Fixed: Deleted outdated jquery files.
* Fixed: Icons with CachedStaticFilesStorage.
* Improved: Added attribute on click to updateformindex with inlines.
* Improved: Added info about the jQuery update to release notes.
* Improved: Added help_text for password1 with with user/change_password.html.
* Improved: Readability with the RTD sphinx theme.- changes from 2.5.0:
* New: Compatibility with Django 1.6.
* Fixed: \"limit_choices_to\" is being used for related lookups (FK/M2M) as well (so far, it has only been used with autocompletes).
* Fixed: Related/Autocomplete lookups with multiple items within \"limit_choices_to\" (so far, only the first dictionary item has been used).
* Improved: Updated jQuery to 1.9.1 and jQueryUI to 1.10.3.
* Improved: Unit-Tests for switch user and related lookups resp. autocompletes.- changes from 2.4.7:
* New: \"autocomplete_term_adjust\" function for alternative lookups with autocompletes.
* New: Added block \"messages\" with base.html.
* New: Added block \"admin_title\" that allows for greater customization of the main header title.
* Fixed: Added support for \"needs_explicit_pk_field\".
* Fixed: Preserved predelete class for inlines.
* Fixed: Re–implemented visual distinction between FK–Autocompletes and M2M–Autocompletes.
* Fixed: Removed comma from pagination separator.
* Improved: Change encoding functions to new django 1.4.2+/1.5 (smart_bytes, smart_text).
* Improved: Only exposing the project models when the user is authenticated to tighten security.
* Improved: Some Minor fixes with Python 3.
* Improved: Fixed some typos with grp-doc and extended the template documentation.
* warning:: Grappelli 2.4.7 requires Django >= 1.4.2 because of the new string handling.
* Wed Oct 23 2013 Add BuildRequires: python3-django
* Fri Sep 27 2013 Initial python3 support
* Fri Sep 27 2013 Update to version 2.4.6 + Add compatibility with Django 1.4/1.5- Use download url as source
* Fri Feb 22 2013 Update to 2.4.4:
* New: Added Czech translation for TinyMCE.
* Fixed: set correct case-sensitive dependency for Django in
* Fixed: Make work with Python 3.
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs with delete_confirmation.
* Fixed: Showing help-text with empty FK autocompletes.
* Fixed: Custom USERNAME_FIELD names for Django 1.5.
* Fixed: Updated grappelli/urls to support Django 1.5.
* Fixed: Added has_usable_password.
* Fixed: Distinct results with Autocompletes.
* Fixed: Fix RelatedLookup when called with empty string as object_id.
* Fixed: 2 clicks to remove items with m2m–autocompletes.
* Fixed: Error with adding values to hidden–fields with autocomplets (after using the pop up window).
* Fixed: Autocomplete generic lookups when object_id is not an integer field.
* Improved: App titles are now translatable with the dashboards app list.
* Improved: Rewrites views into class-based views.
* Improved: Better messages with autocompletes and no results.
* Improved: Removed Django as a requirement with the setup file.
* Improved: Replaced p.grp-readonly with div.grp-readonly (in order to show contents with mark_safe).
* Fri Nov 09 2012 Update to 2.4.3:
* Fixed: i18n of the Save-Button.
* Fixed: \"related_label\" used for autocomplete list.
* Fixed: help_text with related–lookups and autocomplete lookups (help_text with M2M is not possible because of a django–bug).
* Fixed: Bug with model does not exist and m2m lookups.
* Fixed: Calendar button with Chrome and zooming.
* Improved: Error messages on Change–List are now below form fields (not above).
* Improved: Design of the Login screen.
* Improved: Cloning inlines now works with django-autocomplete-light.
* Added: Password reset (on login page).
* New: New Login screen.
* New: Support for Django 1.5.
* Wed Sep 19 2012 Update to 2.4.2:
* Fixed: Bug with change-permissions on ModelList (grappelli.dashboard).
* Added: Alternative ChangeList Template (with filters on the right hand side).
* Added: Alternative ChangeList Filter Template (displaying filters as list/options).- Aditional changes from 2.4.1:
* Fixed: Footer buttons in change_form.html do not flow correctly when screen width is reduced.
* Fixed: Breadcrumbs of delete_selected_confirmation.
* Fixed: Added titles for page-tools (open/close).
* Fixed: Margins and capfirst for filter labels.
* Fixed: Delete persmissions with inlines (stacked and tabular).
* Fixed: Removed double dots for labels with auth- and registration-templates.
* Fixed: Button with TinyMCE AdvLink.
* Fixed: Timepicker closes with ESC.
* Fixed: Window width with popups.
* Added: Compass experimental svg support (for IE9).
* Added: Reset actions select box with javascript.
* Added setting \"AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT\".
* Improved: sortables with django file uploads.
* Improved: HTML is now allowed for object representation with related-lookups.
* Improved: Documentation with using TinyMCE.
* Fri Jul 20 2012 Update to 2.4.0:
* Compatibility with Django 1.4
* New: Grappelli namespace (grp-) for css-classes.
* New: Grappelli namespace (grp.jQuery) for jQuery.
* New: Compass-based CSS
* New: Added toggle-all with change-form
* New: DOM-Documentation
* New: sortable_excludes
* New: 2 different Changelists (one with sidebar filters).
* New: Minified Grappelli Javascripts.
* New: Added support for django-reversion.
* Changed: Selectors with Inlines in order to update the sortable-field (now also works with File-Fields)
* Changed: Updated jQuery to 1.7.2- Add missing LICENSE and README files- Use fdupes
* Tue Apr 03 2012 Update to 2.3.8:
* TinyMCE Update (3.5b2)
* Mon Feb 27 2012 license update: BSD-2-Clause and LGPL-2.1+ tinymce is LGPL-2.1+ licensed
* Mon Feb 13 2012 Update to 2.3.7:
* Fixed compatibility issue with Python 2.5.
* Fixed some translations.
* Fri Feb 10 2012 Update to 2.3.6:
* Fixed issue where autocomplete/related settings could not use tuples.
* Fixed a bug with toggle all actions on the changlist
* Fixed a bug with adding dynamic-forms to tabular and stacked inlines (which caused the remove-handler to throw an error)
* Autocompletes: Only do a lookup with generics, if content-type is defined.
* Support for new URL tags, see
* Fixed a bug with m2m-lookups (return instead of
* Fixed a bug with very long filters (hidden behind the footer).
* Added german and french UI-datepicker.
* Added support for non-integer IDs with generic relations.
* Added pre_content and post_content to dashboard.
* Added inline_classes.
* Added polish translation for TinyMCE and grappelli contextmenu.
* Removed \"title_url\" from dashboard-docs (it hasn´t been used anyway so far).
* Tue Oct 11 2011 Update to 2.3.5: - Improved performance for autocomplete lookups (staticmethod autocomplete_search_fields is required from now on)
* Thu Sep 08 2011 Update to 2.3.4:
* Moved grappelli to GitHub
* Fixed a bug with the View on Site link (tabular/stacked inlines)
* Added a placeholder for inline sortables
* Fixed a bug with collapse all (stacked inlines)
* Added autocompletes
* Updated jQuery (to 1.6.2) and jQueryUI (to 1.8.15)
* Added error-messages to the login form
* Fixed a bug with hidden-fields in tabular-inlines
* Wed Jun 29 2011 Update to 2.3.3: - Documentation update - FileBrowser-related updates - Fixed a bug with delete-confirmation - Removed the js for adding nowrap-class (fixed with the latest django-version) - Stable sorting for dashboard.ModelList - Added collapse-handler to h4 for stacked-inlines - Help-text is now available with tabular-inlines - Fixed some translation-issues - Fixed loading-issues with Chrome - Reversed asc-/desc-icons - Updated TinyMCE to 3.4.2
* Tue Apr 19 2011 Update to 2.3.2 to match Django 1.3;- Regenerate spec file with py2pack.
* Wed Nov 03 2010 Update to 2.2.
* Wed Sep 08 2010 Update to 2.1;- Bzip2 source file;- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner.
* Mon Jan 25 2010 Update to 2.0.
* Tue Sep 15 2009 Initial package (0.1) for openSUSE.