Changelog for python-pyghmi-1.2.4-2.1.noarch.rpm :
Tue Sep 11 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 1.2.4
- Wrap bytes in a StringIO
- fix tox python3 overrides
- Support default for numeric_data
- Fix notification of custom keepalive on broken
- Attempt to logout on the way out when broken
- Require python-cryptography
- Add specific message for missing media license
- Try to clear presence in initting sessions on broken
- Abandon a broken session
- Fix uploads without otherfields
- Add IMMv2 remote media upload
- Move SOL payload retries to
- Fix build id of FPC
- Python 3.7 compatibility: async is reserved keyword
- Restore IMMv2 mount attempts
- Fix console input with unicode
- Properly pass formname when using FileUploader
- Add progress indication to SMM update
- Improve pyghmi performance
- Print SOL error on broken ipmi session
- Provide a grace period for session validity

Tue Sep 4 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 1.1.0
- Support \'=\' as a list delimiter
- Do not run functional (API) tests in the CI
- Switch the dsvm job to the \"ipmi\" hardware type
- Prefer cyrptodomex if present
- add lower-constraints
- Add hostname for FPC and XCC
- Normalize spaces in values and candidates
- Handle missing properties
- Fix SMM updates on newer SMM firmware versions
- Improve performance of get_health for XCC
- Error on invalid signature
- More informative message on password expiry
- Update to newer hacking
- Get additional enclosure data
- Revise the FPC fix
- Have logged set to 0 early
- Check the status for no power permission
- Fix duplicate adapter name handling
- Migrate from PyCrypto to Cryptography

Wed Apr 25 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 1.0.44
- Replace IPv4 inet_p functions with inet_a
- Do not suppress all exceptions
- Request a small MSS in web connection explicitly
- Connect backend completion to OEM handler
- Support text_data IMM/XCC configuration
- Fix support for absolute pathname
- Fix the error message on unsupported protocols
- Update \"nework\" to \"network\" in comments
- Block problematic operations while update in progress
- Fix for DIMM models with invalid bytes
- Better error message on unsupported media
- Provide opt-in performance boost to firmware
- Correct mistaken function call
- Provide more specific info on update process
- Explicitly check RDOC list after add
- Update webclient management of cookies
- Convert to using xraw_command
- repeatedly assign value
- Do not set referer on XCC
- Implement SMM data extension
- Support XCC variations for inventory
- Add LXPM driver bundle info to inventory
- Provide support for event only SDR
- Extend the config.efi wait
- Set referer in IMM web
- Whitelist more core drivers
- Implement state feedback on firmware update
- Migrate to zuulv3 - move legacy job to project
- Add support for Lenovo Energy Meters
- Change from \'Power\' to \'Energy\'
- Provide interface for managing sys config
- Obey custom ports in SOL client and server
- iSCSI settings aren\'t viable, mask for now
- Provide a sortid to preserve the settings order
- Correct a typo in dictionary name
- Add error checking to settings
- Add XCC Pending version to firmware inventory
- Manage NTP configuration of ThinkSystem D2 SMM
- Rename zuul v3 job
- Add storage configuration
- Shore up support of numeric_data, mask others
- Fix init race condition
- Localize console lock
- Fixes import issues
- Provide reseat command
- Gracefully disable localsession without fcntl
- Make the webclient primitives a bit more resilient
- Zuul: add file extension to playbook path
- Sort the inventory data
- Apply firmware update through XCC
- Provide for Adapter updates
- Reduce memory usage for uploading
- Provide better error message for common scenarios
- Fix ordering if list config
- Remove NUL bytes from SMM serial/model
- Add IBM FPC id
- Do not error if the platform does not support restricting the MAXSEG
- Handle hypphenated categories
- Add the bay number for dense Lenovo platform
- Removes relative import for EfiDecompressor
- Fix the custom cookies feature
- Preserve comma delimited lists
- Fix concurrent firmware updates
- Fix media urls
- Skip FPGA when not supported
- Implement remote media upload
- Fix the tempest job
- Make XCC update process more robust
- Replace waitall mechanism with never wait
- Keep web session alive while media mounted
- Do not declare \'complete\' before the \'mount\'.
- Support update of backup XCC bank
- Ignore small packets claiming to be IPMI payload
- Update test-requirements
- Get UUID of ThinkSystem D2 enclosures
- Implement firmware update for ThinkSystem SMM

Tue Apr 24 14:00:00 2018
- update to version 1.0.22
- Consolidate IMM date string parsing
- Handle disconnect notification without session
- Fix multiple console object behavior
- Implement Serial-over-LAN (SOL) in BMC
- Ignore KeyError on delete of missing sensor
- Fix bullet points in
- Implement support for ThinkSystem servers
- Correct mistake with image name abbreviation
- Bypass eventlet sendto when detected
- Correct the offset to adjust for IPMIv2
- Add script to help build rpms
- Move raising sync login exception
- Recognize and use CSRF token
- Pyghmi does not follow the pep8 standard
- Only complain about Device SDR if no SDRR
- Do not reuse an expired session
- Improve SOL responsiveness
- Refactor Lenovo OEM support
- Fix webclient viability after error
- Abort MAC decode from FRU if not \'binary\'
- Remove xrange for run both Python 2 and Python 3
- Extend FPC status
- Implement util.protect() lock manager
- Improve (de)activate payload in virshbmc
- Protect Session.
*_sessions operations
- Set a 60 second timeout on web
- Allow things like multiple distinct users
- Correct offset of a capability bit
- Fix issues with idle behavior
- Have range become xrange where available
- Protect Console.pendingoutput operations
- Raise IpmiException on error checking power state
- Fix error behavior when target has no SOL session
- Implement IMM remote media mount
- Check for buffer and use memoryview if missing
- Fix get_network_channel for BMCs that dislike 0xe
- Improve .gitignore
- Provide more consistent attributes
- Add base for unittests and fix docs
- Fix cleanup loop of changing dictionary
- IpmiServer to allow using IP version 4
- Support in-band IPMI for Linux systems
- Allow LookupError on decode
- Change the wording of setup event
- Add referer header to https requests
- switch to rpm-packaging spec template
- switch to singlespec

Thu Jan 12 13:00:00 2017
- update to 1.0.9:

* Tolerate client reuse of UDP ports

* Fix errors in IPMI server

* Fix BMC compatibility with Python 2.6

* Fix raid driver bitmask

* Support NMI in bmc

* Implement identify workaround for ThinkServer SD350

* Declare strings explicitly as binary

* Supports cold reset in bmc

* Implement Python3 compatibility

* Convert data tuple to a list

* Correct firmware inventory issue on IBM M4 servers

* Raise incurred exception if appropriate

* Fix FPC detection for Lenovo Nextscale

* Fix KeyError due to lazy use of raw_command

* Disable futile attempts to correct uncorrectable time

* Remove errant IBM nextscale id

* Fix agentless error on M4 systems

* Add node status checks to FPC sensors

* Add Nextscale total power capacity as a sensor

Wed May 11 14:00:00 2016
- update to 1.0.4:

* Allows BMCs to configure the event loop timeout

* Add Hardware inventory from Lenovo Agentless

* Fix IPMI server functionality

* Add disk inventory when possible from Lenovo IMM

* Cope with empty agentless fields

* Briefly cache adapter data

* Add \'Trusted IMM\' to IMM inventory

* Passthrough errors when not sent by BMC in MegaRAC

* Change strategy to identify IMM

* Do not hook generic vendor identifier

* Add support for IPv4-only environments

* Add system X firmware information

* Be apathetic about endianness of SOL port number

* Fix get_health with a NextScale FPC

* Implement MegaRAC IPv6 SNMP destinations

* Do not warn on nearly full SEL

* Fix use of weakref.ref

* Fix cyclic references in SDR

* Discard reference when no longer needed

* Remove a cyclical reference in Lenovo OEM

* Remove event related memory leak

* Change DIMM serial to show 0 padded hexadecimal

* Fix UUID padding problem

* Determine speed from clock by formula

* Avoid stall waiting on incommand

* Implement detach media

* Allow skipping retrieval of gateway mac addresses

* Provide attach remote media function

* Have ipv6 addresses always be represented as list

* Add support for OEM command for IPv6 address fetch

* Add a new README

* Change graphical console launcher to use base64 encoding

* Add support for TS graphical console fetching

* Rework wait behavior

* Fix synchronous logon premature exit

Sat Jul 25 14:00:00 2015
- fix non-SUSE build by conditionalizing \"Recommends\" tag

Wed Jun 17 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.8.0:

* Provide interface for decoding PET alerts

* Handle unknown entity ids

* Tolerate alternative return code for FRU size

* Remove libvirt from requirements

* Provide access to get/set community string

* Add serial field from SPD

* Implement OEM Inventory components

* Report/Configure LAN alert destinations

* Implement Thinkserver OEM SEL decode

* Fix behavior with some Lenovo Thinkservers

* Only conditionally delete fields from event

* Fix python2.6 usage of unpack_from

* For unspecified sensors use None as the component

* Update decode of HDD OEM events for Lenovo

* Declare one sort of \'non-redundancy\' ok

* Add OEM event fixup

* Change event text based on assertion/deassertion

* Tolerate missing UUID

* Rename \'entity\' to \'component\'

* Leave numbers intact

* Flesh out and rework some sensor descriptions

* Break out of FRU read if zero data returned

* Fix time correction code

* Decrease severity of \'Disabled\' presence

* Rename description field and split data out

* Implement event log retrieval from BMCs

Wed May 6 14:00:00 2015
- update to 0.7.1:

* Add system UUID to inventory

* Fix parsing of 6bit ascii

* Clean up strings from FRU

* Add function to fetch a specific items inventory

* Tolerate errors in \'extra\' fields

* Create framework for OEM extensions

* Implement FRU inventory

* Try setting optional byte in set user acess

* Reduce cost of packet transmit

* Ignore packet overrun in RAKP2 and RAKP4

* Streamline and simplify IO Polling

* Reduce severity of a non-redundant state

* Add missing generic discrete codes

* Fix exceptions on sdr read

* Move packet queue into IO thread

* Fix needless retries due to misdirected packets

* Handle concurrent session requests

* Added a BMC (IPMI) frontend for virsh

* Add a \"--port\" option to fakebmc

* Correct delay_xmit behavior

* Rework IO Worker thread behavior

* Correct redundant timedout calls in recursion

* Assign code to timeout behavior

* Gracefully handle error while acking SOL

* add more commands

* Enhance IpmiException to carry IPMI codenumber

* Allow request for single sensor by name

* Expose sensor description data

* Implement server side IPMI protocol

* Check for IPMIPASSWORD env var in pyghmiutil

* Run pep8 on files in bin/

* Provide access to chassis identify

* Implement retrieval of uefi flag in boot devs

* Recover from kill() while in command

* Remove overly aggressive packet processing

* Handle custom keepalive modifications on the fly

* Avoid exception on close

* Avoid recursing between keepalive and raw_command

* Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing

* Fix IO worker tolerance of errors

* Force non-numeric for compact sensor records

* Change to name-only lookups in RAKP

* Handle non-linear and unrecognized linearizations

* Add \'persistent\' to return dict of get_bootdev

* Raise IpmiException on an error setting/getting the boot device

* Use get() to avoid KeyError on get_bootdev()

* Reduce severity of generic discrete assert to \'Ok\'

Thu Jun 26 14:00:00 2014
- update to 0.6.15:

* Tolerate more privilege degradation scenarios

* Fix concurrent raw_command calls to Session

* Don\'t defer custom keepalive expiry on all payloads

* Fix infinitely recursing custom keepalives

* Fix IPv4 operations where v6only behavior is default

* Fix pyghmicons script crash on idle

* Added password file support

* Correct pool usage count on failed login

* Correct console behavior when open session fails

* Deregister timeout on broken

* Correct ignoring socket when inappropriate

* Fix coping with incoming packet in incomplete state

* Fix unregister_keepalive when no keepalives registered

* Fix attribute error on particularly bad connections

* Handle packet loss correctly in logout/logon

* Avoid looping select() on sockets repeatedly

* Correct return value of set_bootdev

* Install scripts as well as library

* Remove references to custom keepalives on logout

* Slow down to chunk-wise retrieval of SDR as needed

* Implement function to check SOL payload as keepalive

* Avoid zombie sessions corrupting living sessions

* Do not reuse a session that is not logged

* Break session objects on keepalive failures

* Use multiple sockets instead of one

* General cleanup of session

* Correct check for _sdr in command

* Clean up

* Correct mistakes in constants

* Correct sensor offset for byte 5 state values

* Fix mass thread initialization of sessions

* Add sensor information from IPMI 2.0 rev 1.1

* Add optical and bios aliases for boot devices

* Auto degrade sessions to operator when admin is forbidden

* Add more missing sensor specific event information

* Add version change sensor information

* Gracefully flag unrecognized discrete sensor states

* Add discrete states for event log status sensors

* Allow pyghmi to send break over IPMI SOL

* Switch from PyCrypto HMAC to standard python hmac

* Tolerate unicode strings as username and password

* Fix missing delay_xmit argument breaking power wait requests

* Fix race condition in requesting delays

* Fix race condition on sending data

Fri Feb 14 13:00:00 2014
- Run testr directly

Fri Sep 27 14:00:00 2013
- Initial package (0.5.8)