Changelog for
qpid-tests-1.37.0-2.1.noarch.rpm :
Fri Jan 19 13:00:00 2018
- Upgrade to upstream version 1.37.0
* Bugs fixed
+ QPID-2524 - Fails loading dtd in Python 2.6 on Ubuntu 9.10
(Karmic) with \"ValueError: unknown url type:
+ QPID-7809 - Python 0-10 messaging driver does not handle
heartbeat timeouts, \"assert rcv.received < rcv.impending\"
+ QPID-7833 - Batch file for Windows is missing from source
+ QPID-7884 - Python client should not raise exception on
close() after stop.
+ QPID-7317 - Deadlock on publish
+ QPID-7423 - [0-8...0-91] Chunk message content that exceeds
the capacity of a single frame into multiple frames
+ QPID-7424 - [0-8..0-91] Consuming python client application
is not notified of remotely closed connection
+ QPID-7588 - [Python Client 0-8..0-91] The received message
ocasionally might not be dispatched into the application
queue in timely manner
Wed Feb 22 13:00:00 2017
- Upgrade to upstream version 1.35.0
* New features and improvements
+ QPID-6475 - 08..09 Send connection.close before closing socket
+ QPID-6567 - Support producer side flow control in the
0-8/9/9-1 Python client
+ QPID-6839 - When the Selector thread hits an unknown exception
it should log the exception and traceback.
+ QPID-7053 - Exception Notifier Callback
* Bugs fixed
+ QPID-6297 - Python client (qpid.messaging) raises KeyError
instead of reconnecting
+ QPID-6326 - [ACL] Python client demands unnecessary
permission / performs unnecessary actions
+ QPID-6405 - Python client does not report version to peer
+ QPID-6445 - Qpid python client hangs when message with routing
key longer than 255 is sent (mutual recursion)
+ QPID-6473 - Remove remaining Python <= 2.5 raise syntax (i.e.
raise \"...\") from
+ QPID-6474 - 08..09 Python client connection leaks threads
+ QPID-7064 - Document Asynchronous Error Notification API on
Connection, Session, Receiver, and Sender objects
+ QPID-7222 - Python test
fails sporadically against java broker
+ QPID-7251 - [Python Client for AMQP 0-8...0-91] Setting of
SASL mechanism (other then PLAIN) explicitly does not work in
python client for AMQP 0-8...0-91
+ QPID-7258 - [Python Client for AMQP 0-8...0-9-1] Perform
hostname verification of ssl/tls connections
+ QPID-7259 -
occasionally fails against the Java Broker
Thu Jul 16 14:00:00 2015
- fix \"bad %if condition\" for non-SUSE distributions
Thu Mar 26 13:00:00 2015
- Add LICENSE.txt file to installed documentation
Wed Mar 25 13:00:00 2015
- Upgrade to upstream version 0.32
Wed Feb 25 13:00:00 2015
- Upgrade to upstream version 0.30
- Remove integrated patch:
* 0001-QPID-5790-avoid-use-of-poll-if-select-is-monkey-patc.patch
Thu Jul 24 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to upstream version 0.28
- Added upstream patch to avoid use of poll if select is monkey
patched by Eventlet/Greenthreads
* 0001-QPID-5790-avoid-use-of-poll-if-select-is-monkey-patc.patch
Mon Apr 14 14:00:00 2014
- Upgrade to upstream version 0.26
Tue Oct 8 14:00:00 2013
- Fixing build with python that does not have noarch macros
Mon Sep 30 14:00:00 2013
- Add BuildRoot line to fix build on older systems
Fri Sep 20 14:00:00 2013
- Initial package based on Fedora\'s python-qpid