Changelog for
python2-pykerberos-1.2.1-lp151.2.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Tue Feb 05 2019 Thomas Bechtold
- update to 1.2.1:
* add crusty CMake support
* minor change to CBT struct
* get build working on OSX again
* changes based on upstream PR
* add CHANGELOG with entries for 1.2.1.beta1
* add winrm-style IOV encryption support
* bump repo version to 1.2.1dev
* Removing 3.2 from travis b/c it is no longer fully supported
* Added method to build the CBT structure and modified authGSSClientStep to pass along this CBT structure if it is set
* obviously, verify shouldn\'t be const
* 1.2.1 final release
* Adding life support note to README- Use %license macro
* Wed Dec 20 2017 remove explicit krb5 requires, this is in conflict with krb5-mini, which causes depending packages to build-fail
* Tue Aug 22 2017 update to 1.1.14- convert to singlespec
* Thu Sep 01 2016 tbechtoldAATTsuse.comupdate to version v1.1.13
* Fix TypeError when krb5-config is not present
* Don\'t free stack allocated buffer #15
* Bump version to 1.1.11
* Fix reference to undefined command_name variable
* Remove reference to undefined popenargs variable
* Increment version to v1.1.13
* Address endless loop in case neither krb5-config nor are found
* remove deprecation warning for clean methods
* Add travis config
* replace explicit client credentials to gss_init_sec_context
* Increment version to 1.1.12
* Add a dummy test script- Use as Source url
* Mon Mar 14 2016 add conflicts to python-kerberos
* Tue Feb 09 2016 Initial packaging (version 1.1.10)