Changelog for
python2-envisage-4.6.0-4.1.noarch.rpm :
* Fri May 18 2018 Do not assume any specific user in the description.
* Wed May 09 2018 Add license files
* Wed Aug 23 2017 Implement single-spec version- Update to version 4.6.0
* no changelog
* Tue Apr 12 2016 Update to Version 4.5.1 + Enhancements
* Add tox for testing package install (#67) + Fixes
* Include missing test files in the package data (#67)
* Include missing test cases for Python 3.4 (#67)- Update to Version 4.5.0 + New features
* IPythonKernelPlugin for Tasks: run an IPython kernel within the envisage app and expose it as a service (#54).
* Envisage now supports Python 3.4 (#61). + Enhancements
* Allow loading plugins from an egg basket even when some eggs are invalid (#40, #46).
* Add a simple ``GUIApplication`` to bootstrap basic plugin-driven applications (#34).
* Split the IPython kernel and IPython menu action into two separate plugins for flexibility (#57). + Fixes
* Use new Traits interfaces and adaptation implementation (#37).
* Envisage now configures the logger with a ``NullHandler`` to avoid spurios unconfigured logger warnings (#45).
* Envisage no longer swallows exceptions in plugin startup (#50).
* Various fixes to continuous integration configuration (#47, #60).
* Mon Oct 13 2014 Update to 4.4.0
* no changelog- Update source to pypi url.
* Thu Oct 24 2013 Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged)
* Sat Apr 20 2013 Added a note about being part of the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS).
* Thu Apr 18 2013 Update to 4.3.0
* no changelog
* Tue May 22 2012 Initial spec file