Changelog for ruby2.5-rubygem-fpm-doc-1.10.2-1.1.x86_64.rpm :

* Thu Jul 05 2018 updated to version 1.10.2 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.10.2 (July 3, 2018) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* cpan: Fix a crash where fpm would crash trying to parse a perl version string (`#1515`_, `#1514`; Jordan Sissel, William N. Braswell, Jr)
* Wed Jul 04 2018 updated to version 1.10.1 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.10.1 (July 3, 2018) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* cpan: Fixes some package building by setting PERL5LIB correctly (`#1509`_, `#1511`_; William N. Braswell, Jr)
* cpan: Adds `--[no-]cpan-verbose` flag which, when set, runs `cpanm` with the `--verbose` flag (`#1511`_; William N. Braswell, Jr)
* Mon May 21 2018 updated to version 1.10.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.10.0 (May 21, 2018) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Pin `ruby-xz` dependency to one which allows Ruby versions older than 2.3.0 (`#1494`_; Marat Sharafutdinov)
* Documentation improvements: `#1488`_; Arthur Burkart. `#1384`_; Justin Kolberg. `#1452`_; Anatoli Babenia.
* python: Improve support for the `~=` dependency comparison. (`#1482`_; Roman Vasilyev)
* deb: Add `--deb-generate-changes` flag to have fpm output a `.changes` file (`#1492`_; Spida)
* deb: Add `--deb-dist` flag to set the target distribution (similar to `--rpm-dist`). (`#1492`_; Spida)
* apk: Make --before-install, --before-upgrade, and --after-upgrade work correctly. (`#1422`_; Charles R. Portwood II)
* rpm: add `xzmt` for multithreaded xz compression (Amnon BC)
* rpm: fix shell function name `install` conflicting with `install` program. In postinst (after-install), the function is now called `_install` to avoid conflicting with `/usr/bin/install` (`#1434`_; Torsten Schmidt)
* - deb: --config-files ? (`#1440`_, `#1443`_; NoBodyCam)
* FPM source repo now contains a Brewfile for use with Homebrew.
* FPM source repo has a Dockerfile for invoking fpm with docker. (`#1484`_, ;Allan Lewis
* Sun Sep 17 2017 updated to version 1.9.3 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.9.3 (September 11, 2017) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* fix a bug when coyping a symlink using path mapping would result in the link creating a directory to hold think. (`#1395`_; Nemanja Boric)
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 1.9.2 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.9.2 (July 29, 2017) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* rpm: Fix `--config-files` handling (`#1390`_, `#1391`_; Jordan Sissel) 1.9.1 (July 28, 2017) happy sysadmin day! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Documentation improvements: `#1291`_; Pablo Castellano. `#1321`_; ge-fa. `#1309`_; jesusbagpuss. `#1349`_; Perry Stole. `#1352`_, Jordan Sissel. `#1384`_; Justin Kolberg.
* Testing improvements: `#1320`_; Rob Young. `#1266`_; Ryan Parman. `#1374`_; Thiago Figueiró.
* Fix bug so fpm can now copy symlinks correctly (`#1348`_; ServiusHack)
* apk: Improve performance (`#1358`_; Jan Delgado)
* cpan: Fix crash when CPAN query returns a version value that was a number and fpm was expecting a string. (`#1344`_, `#1343`_; liger1978)
* cpan: Fix MetaCPAN searches to use v1 of MetaCPAN\'s API. The v0 API is no longer provided by MetaCPAN. (`#1341`_, `#1339`; Bob Bell)
* cpan: Have perl modules implicitly \"provide\" (`--provides`) capabilities. (`#1340`_; Bob Bell. `#1345`_; liger1978)
* cpan: Now transforms perl version values like \"5.008001\" to \"5.8.1\" (`#1342`_; Bob Bell)
* cpan: Use `>=` (\"this version or newer\") for package dependencies instead of `=` (\"exactly this version\"). (`#1338`_; Bob Bell)
* deb: Add `--deb-after-purge` flag for running a script after `apt-get purge` is run. (Alexander Weidinger)
* deb: fix bug when using `--deb-upstart` would use the wrong file name (`#1325`_, `#1287`_; vbakayev)
* deb: New flags `--deb-interest-noawait` and `--deb-activate-nowait`. (`#1225`_, `#1359`_; Philippe Poilbarbe)
* dir: Remove a debug statement that would put fpm into a debug prompt (`#1293`_, `#1259`_; Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* dir: When using `path mapping`_ (`a=b` syntax), and `a` is a symlink, use the path `b` as the symlink, not `b/a` (`#1253`_, Nemanja Boric)
* gem: Can now make reproducible_builds_ when building a deb (`-s gem -t deb`). See the `Deterministic output`_ docs.
* gem: Add `--gem-embed-dependencies` flag to include in the output package all dependent gems of the target. For example, `fpm -s gem -t rpm --gem-embed-dependencies rails` will create a single `rails` rpm that includes active_support, active_record, etc.
* pleaserun: Add more flags (`--pleaserun-chdir`, `--pleaserun-user`, etc) to allow more customization of pleaserun services. (`#1311`_; Paulo Sousa)
* python: Add `--python-setup-py-arguments` flag for passing arbitrary flags to `python install` (`#1120`_, `#1376`_; Ward Vandewege, Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* rpm: --config-files can now copy files from outside of the package source. This means you can do things like `fpm -s gem -t rpm --config-files etc/my/config` and have `etc/my/config` come from the local filesystem. (`#860`_, `#1379`_; jakerobinson, Joseph Anthony Pasquale Holsten)
* tar: Only create `.scripts` directory if there are scripts to include (`#1123`_, `#1374`_; Thiago Figueiró)
* virtualenv: Add `--virtualenv-find-links` flag which appends `--find-links` to the `pip install` command.
* virtualenv: documentation improvements (Nick Griffiths)
* virtualenv: Make `--prefix` useful and deprecate `--virtualenv-install-location` (`#1262`_; Nick Griffiths)
* zip: fix bug in output where the temporary directory would be included in the file listing (`#1313`_, `#1314`_; Bob Vincent)
* Other: Remove unused archive-tar-minitar as a dependency of fpm (`#1355`_; Diego Martins)
* Other: Add stud as a runtime dependency (`#1354`_; Elan Ruusamäe) .. _reproducible_builds:: .. _path mapping:: .. _Deterministic output:: 1.9.0 (July 28, 2017) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Yanked offline. I forgot some dependency changes. Hi.
* Wed Feb 08 2017 updated to version 1.8.1 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.8.1 (February 7, 2017) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Pin archive-tar-minitar library to version 0.5.2 to work around a problem breaking `gem install fpm`
* Thu Dec 29 2016 updated to version 1.8.0 see installed CHANGELOG.rst 1.8.0 (December 28, 2016) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* virtualenv: Add `--virtualenv-setup-install` flag to run ` install` after pip finishes installing things. (`#1218`_; John Stowers)
* virtualenv: Add `--virtualenv-system-site-package` flag which creates the virtualenv in a way that allows it to use the system python packages. (`#1218`_; John Stowers)
* cpan: Fix bug preventing some perl modules from being installed (`#1236`_, `#1241`_; Richard Grainger)
* rpm: Documentation improvements (`#1242`_; Nick Griffiths)
* Tue Nov 29 2016 updated to version 1.7.0 see installed changelog.erb
* Fri Sep 16 2016 updated to version 1.6.3 see installed changelog.erb
* Sat Jul 02 2016 updated to version 1.6.2 see installed changelog.erb
* Sat Jun 11 2016 updated to version 1.6.1 see installed changelog.erb
* Thu May 26 2016 updated to version 1.6.0 see installed changelog.erb
* Thu Apr 14 2016 updated to version 1.5.0 see installed changelog.erb
* Mon Jul 27 2015 updated to version 1.4.0 see installed changelog.erb
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 1.3.3
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Mon Jul 28 2014 updated to version 1.2.0 - rpm: Add --rpm-verifyscript for adding a custom rpm verify script to your package. (Remi Hakim) - Allow the -p flag to target a directory for writing the output package (#656, Jordan Sissel) - Add --debug-workspace which skips any workspace cleanup to let users debug things if they break. (#720, #734; Jordan Sissel) - rpm: Add --rpm-attr for controlling attribute settings per file. This setting will likely be removed in the future once rpmbuild is no longer needed. (#719) - deb: Add --deb-meta-file to add arbitrary files to the control dir (#599, Dan Brown) - deb: Add --deb-interest and --deb-activate for adding package triggers (#595, Dan Brown) - cpan: Fix small bug in handling empty metadata fields (#712, Mathias Lafeldt) - rpm: Fix bug when specifying both --architecture and --rpm-os (#707, #716; Alan Ivey) - gem: Fix bug where --gem-version-bins is given but package has no bins (#688, Jan Vansteenkiste) - deb: Set permissions correct on the package\'s internals. Makes lintian happier. (Jan Vansteenkiste) - rpm: rpmbuild\'s _tmppath now respects --workdir (#714, Jordan Sissel) - gem/rpm: Add --rpm-verbatim-gem-dependencies to use old-style (fpm 0.4.x) rpm gem dependencies (#724, Jordan Sissel) - gem/rpm: Fix bug for gem pessimistic constraints when converting to rpm (Tom Duckering) - python: Fix small bug with pip invocations (#727, Dane Knecht)
* Sun May 18 2014 updated to version 1.1.0 - New package type: zip, for converting to and from zip files (Jordan Sissel) - New package type: sh, a self-extracting package installation shell archive. (#651, Chris Gerber) - \'fpm --version\' will now emit the version of fpm. - rpm: supports packaging fifo files (Adam Stephens) - deb: Add --deb-use-file-permissions (Adam Stephens) - cpan: Improve how fpm tries to find cpan artifacts for download (#614, Tim Nicholas) - gem: Add --gem-disable-dependency for removing one or more specific rubygem dependencies from the automatically-generated list (#598, Derek Olsen) - python: Add --python-scripts-executable for setting a custom interpreter to use for the hashbang line at the top of may python package scripts. (#628, Vladimir Rutsky) - Allow absolute paths with --directories even when --prefix is used (Vladimir Rutsky) - dir: Now correctly identifies hardlinked files and creates a package correctly with that knowledge (#365, #623, #659; Vladimir Rutsky) - rpm: Add --rpm-auto-add-exclude-directories for excluding directories from the --rpm-auto-add-directories behavior (#640, Vladimir Rutsky) - general: --config-files now accepts directories and will recursively mark any files within as config files inside the package (#642, Vladimir Rutsky) - general: If you specify a --config-files path that doesn\'t exist, you will now get an error. (#654, Alan Franzoni) - python: Support --python-pypi when using --python-pip (#652, David Lindquist) - deb: Tests now try to make packages ensure we don\'t upset lintian (#648, Sam Crang) - rpm: Fix architecture targeting (#676, Rob Kinyon) - rpm: Allow --rpm-user and --rpm-group to override the user/group even if - -rpm-use-file-permissions is enabled. (#679, Jordan Sissel) - gem: Add --gem-version-bins for appending the gem version to the file name of executable scripts a rubygem may install. (Jan Vansteenkiste) - python: Attempt to provide better error messages for known issues in python environments (#664, Jordan Sissel)
* Mon Jan 20 2014 updated to version 1.0.2 - rpm: No longer converts - to _ in dependency strings (#603, Bulat Shakirzyanov) - Handle Darwin/OSX tar invocations (now tries \'gnutar\' and \'gtar\'). (Jordan Sissel) - Process $HOME/.fpm, and $PWD/.fpm in the correct order and allow CLI flags to override fpm config file settings. (#615, Jordan Sissel) - Don\'t leave empty gem bin paths in packages that don\'t need them (#612, Jordan Sissel) - deb: Make --deb-compression=gz work correctly (#616, #617; Evan Krall, Jason Yan)
* Mon Dec 09 2013 updated to version 1.0.1 - deb: Correctly handle --config-files given with a leading / (Jordan Sissel) - Config file of flags is now supported. Searches for $HOME/.fpm and $PWD/.fpm. If both exist, $HOME is loaded first so $PWD can override. (Pranay Kanwar) - pkgin: Basic support for SmartOS/pkgsrc\'s pkgin format. (#567, Brian Akins) - cpan: catch more cases of perllocal.pod and delete them (#510, Jordan Sissel) - cpan: Correctly support module version selection (#518, Matt Sharpe) - cpan: include builddeps in PERL5LIB when running cpan tests (#500, Matt Sharpe) - cpan: Avoid old system perl modules when doing module builds (#442, #513; Matt Sharpe) - python: safer gathering of python module dependencies. - python: better handling of unicode strings in python package metadata (#575, Bruno Renié) - cpan: Support \'http_proxy\' env var. (#491, Patrick Cable) - deb: --deb-user and --deb-group both default to \'root\' now (#504, Pranay Kanwar) - deb: convert \'>\' to \'>>\' in deb version constraints (#503, #439, Pranay Kanwar) - deb: Warn if epoch is set. Just so you know what\'s going on, since the default filename doesn\'t include the epoch. (#502, Pranay Kanwar) - deb,rpm: --config-files is now recursive if you give it a directory. This seems to be the most expected behavior by users. (#171, #506; Pranay Kanwar) - dir: Respect -C when using path mapping (#498, #507; Pranay Kanwar) - rpm: Add --rpm-ignore-iteration-in-dependencies to let you to depend on any release (aka iteration) of the same version of a package. (#364, #508; Pranay Kanwar) - dir: Handle copying of special files when possible (#347, #511, #539, #561; Pranay Kanwar) - rpm: Don\'t mistake symlinks as actual directories (#521, Nathan Huff) - npm: Choose an alternate npm registry with --npm-registry (#445, #524; Matt Sharpe) - cpan: Choose an alternate cpan server with --cpan-mirror. Additionally, you can use --cpan-mirror-only to only use this mirror for metadata queries. (#524, Matt Sharpe) - deb: Fix broken --deb-changelog flag (#543, #544; Tray Torrance) - deb: When --deb-upstart is given, automatically create an upstart-sysv symlink /etc/init.d/ to /lib/init/upstart-job (#545, Igor Galić) - rpm: Fix bug when generating spec file listings on files with strange characters in the names. (#547, Chris Chandler) - dir: Fix bug where the new directory mapping feature would cause you not to be able to select files with \'=\' in the name for packaging. (#556, #554; Pranay Kanwar) - python: Fix some unicode string issues in package metadata (#575, Bruno Renié) - gem-rpm: Now respects the --gem-package-name-prefix when generating the \'rubygem(name)\' provides statement (#585, Stepan Stipl) - deb: Downcase and replace underscores with dashes in \'provides\' list. (#591, Eric Connell) - deb: Fix a lintian complaint about md5sums permissions (#593, Sam Crang) - cpan: Modules with \'MYMETA\' files are now supported (#573, Michael Donlon)
* Wed Jul 31 2013 updated to version 0.4.42 - dir: make source=destination mappings behave the same way \'rsync -a\' does with respect to source and destination paths. 0.4.41 (July 17, 2013) - cpan: handle cases where modules don\'t specify a license - deb: support multiple init scripts (#487, patch by Kristian Glass) 0.4.40 (July 12, 2013) - dir: supports mapping one path to another. You set mappings by using \'source=destination\' syntax. For example: % fpm -s dir -t deb -n example /home/jls/.zshrc=/etc/skel/ The key above is the \'=\' symbol. The result of the above will be a package containing only /etc/skel/.zshrc For more, see - python: the default scripts location is now chosen by python itself. The previous default was \"/usr/bin\" and was not a good default. (#480) - rpm: config files should have attributes (#484, patch by adamcstephens) - python: correctly log the python exit code (#481, patch by Derek Ludwig) 0.4.39 (June 27, 2013) - cpan: support more complex dependency specifications (reported by Mabi Knittel) 0.4.38 (June 24, 2013) - cpan: fpm\'s cpan code now works under ruby 1.8.7 - python: fix a bug in dependency handling (#461, Pranay Kanwar) - pear: Added --pear-data-dir flag (#465, Zsolt Takács) - cpan: fix a bug with some clean up on certain 64bit systems - gem: improve detection of the gem bin install path (#476, Tray Torrance) - rpm: fix bug when calling using --rpm-use-file-permissions (#464, Rich Horwood)
* Sun Jun 09 2013 initial package (version 0.4.37)