Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-koala-3.0.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Sat Mar 18 2017 updated to version 3.0.0 see installed
* Fri Feb 17 2017 updated to version 2.5.0 see installed v2.5.0 ====== New features:
* API#get_object_metadata provides a convenient accessor to an object\'s graph metadata (thanks, sancopanco!) Documentation improvements:
* Add explicit require to examples in (thanks, dwkns!) Internal improvements:
* Remove MultiJson dependency (thanks, sakuro!)
* Sat Jul 09 2016 updated to version 2.4.0 see installed v2.4.0 ======
* Koala is no longer officially supported on Ruby 1.9.3 (which was [end-of-lifed back in 2015]( Versions may still work (until version 3.0, when we may start using keyword arguments), but will not be tested on 1.9.3. Updated features:
* Batch API requests will now properly calculate appsecret_proofs for multiple access tokens (thanks, mwpastore!) Internal improvements:
* Koala now explicitly depends on MultiJson >= 1.3.0, since it uses methods introduced in that version Testing improvements:
* Test Koala against Ruby 2.3.0
* Mon Apr 11 2016 updated to version 2.3.0 see installed v2.3.0 ====== Updated features:
* API#get_user_picture_data is now API#get_picture_data. The old method and API#get_picture both remain with deprecation warnings. (Thanks noahsilas for earlier work on this!)
* Koala::Facebook::APIError now includes [debug and trace info]( provided by Facebook in the headers (thanks, AATTelhu!) Internal Improvements:
* Graph API error handling is now done via the GraphErrorChecker class Testing improvements:
* Upgraded RSpec to 3.3.0
* Removed pended specs that were no longer relevant
* Improved https regex in test suite (thanks, lucaskds!)
* Tue Aug 11 2015 updated to version 2.2.0 see installed v2.2.0 ====== Updated features:
* Restore API#search, since Facebook still supports that for certain usecases (thanks, vhoof!)
* You can now specify format: :json in http_options to make Content-Type application/json requests (thanks, adparlor!)
* Koala now supports uploading videos by URL (thanks, filipegiusti!)
* GraphCollections now offer direct access to the collection summary data via #summary (thanks, vhoof!) Internal Improvements:
* Use MultiJson::LoadError instead of the newer ParseError for backward compatibility (thanks, bunshin!) Documentation improvements:
* modernize the hash syntax in the readme (thanks, st0012!) v2.1.0 ====== Documentation improvements:
* extend/clean up code quality badges (thanks, jbender!)
* Sun Apr 05 2015 updated to version 2.0.0
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 1.11.1 Bug fixes:
* Properly import Facebook error attributes (thanks, isra17!) v.1.11.0 ======== Updated features:
* OAuth now supports decoding the new JSON responses from the access token endpoints (thanks, ridiculous!)
* Batch API now accepts either symbols or strings for the access token (thanks, mattmueller!)
* Incorporate user message and title into error handling (thanks, richrines and isra17!) Bug fixes:
* Fixed bug in GraphCollection URL versioning (thanks, deviousdodo and jankowy!)
* TestUsers#create_network now properly handles options (thanks, crx!) Documentation improvements:
* Updated gem version (thanks, thomasklemm!) v.1.10.1 ======== Bug fixes:
* Facebook API version now works in all cases (thanks, markprzepiora!)
* Fixed a typo in an example (thanks, mktakuya!) v.1.10.0 ======== New features:
* API versioning is now supported through global and per-options requests (Koala.config.api_version and the :api_version key specified as a per-request options)
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Sun Feb 23 2014 updated to version 1.9.0 Updated Methods:
* API#new now takes an optional access_token, which will be used to generate the appsecret_proof parameters ([thanks, nchelluri!]( Testing Improvements:
* Add 2.1.0 to travis.yml and update specs to pass w/o deprecation on RSpec 3.0 ([thanks](, [petergoldstein](!)
* With 1.9.0+ only support, removed the OrderedHash patch Documentation Improvements:
* Make it clear that connections take a singlar form in API#put_connection (thanks, [josephdburdick](!) v1.8.0 ========= NOTE: Due to updates to underlying gems, new versions of Koala no longer work with Ruby 1.8.x, rbx/jruby in 1.8 mode, and Ruby 1.9.2. Earlier versions will, of course, continue to work, since the underlying Facebook API remains the same. If you, tragically, find yourself stuck using these old versions, you may be able to get Koala to work by adding proper constraints to your Gemfile. Good luck.
* Fri Jan 04 2013 initial package (version 1.6.0)