Changelog for
ruby2.1-rubygem-gruff-doc-0.7.0-1.4.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Jun 1 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 0.7.0
see installed History.txt
Sun May 31 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 0.6.0
see installed History.txt
Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 0.5.1
Skip packaging the test images. This reduces the gem from 20MB+ to
* Issue #92 Reduce the gem size by not shipping the test images.
== 0.5.0
We have added a couple of cosmetic changes: Multiple marker lines both
vertically and horizontally, and multi-line titles, or no title at all if
you want more space for the chart.
* Issue #86 Added support for multiple references lines along both axes to
Line Graph
* Issue #89 Allow multiline and empty titles
* Issue #61 Remove the \"BETA Software\" warning in the README.
Pull requests:
* Issue #90 Added missing parenthesis in base.rb
Tue Aug 6 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 0.4.0
All old branches and pull requests have been merged or deleted. Over 40
issues have been resolved! Ruby 2.0 compatibility has been confirmed.
Several new features.
* Issue #38 Separate themes into Gruff::Themes module
* Issue #39 Add staggered labels
* Issue #40 Added spacing factor to bar graphs
* Issue #41 Add rotation to spider chart
* Issue #65 Add RMagick and RMagick4J respectively as dependencies to the
Gruff gem
* Issue #81 Ensure Ruby 2.0 compatibility
* Issue #17 Baseline drawn at incorrect position
* Issue #21 Division By Zero Error on Documented Example
* Issue #36 When writing the same chart multiple times, it should not be
rendered again.
* Issue #44 XY Datasets are inconvenient to use. (documentation and/or
code is wrong)
* Issue #46 issue with markers that are floats
* Issue #51 line with nil in dataset
* Issue #52 Wrong direction in y_axis_label
* Issue #54 Explicitly specify overlapping for lines (Gruff::Line)
* Issue #58 Clean up data sorting
* Issue #59 Escape \'%\' in labels
* Issue #60 Correct DOT graph drawing
* Issue #63 Some charts are drawn with transparent text when running with
* Issue #66 Marker line for 54.0 is missing on bar_set_marker.png example
* Issue #68 Y-axis label for bar_x_y_labels.png should be rotated when
drawn with JRuby
* Issue #4 Scaling a graph leads to fuzzy pictures
* Issue #8 zero-width bar entries drawn
* Issue #11 Feature: Data value markers
* Issue #18 Set encoding to uft-8
* Issue #24 Gruff::SideStackedBar
* Issue #35 Add option for line height in legend.
* Issue #49 font directive is not setting font in charts
* Issue #53 Is this project still alive?
* Issue #57 Build failing on Travis and no Build Status image in Readme
Wed Oct 31 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 0.3.7
Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro
Mon Nov 30 13:00:00 2009
- added rubygem-rmagick to Requires
Tue Nov 17 13:00:00 2009
- update to version 0.3.6
Tue Sep 30 14:00:00 2008
- update to version 0.3.4
Tue May 22 14:00:00 2007
- update to version 0.2.8