Changelog for ruby2.2-rubygem-asciidoctor- :
Thu Aug 3 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version
see installed CHANGELOG.adoc
== (2017-07-23) - AATTmojavelinux
Bug fixes::

* continue to read blocks inside a delimited block after content is skipped (PR #2318)

* don\'t create an empty paragraph for skipped content inside a delimited block (PR #2319)

* allow the subs argument of Substitutors#apply_subs to be nil

* coerce group name to symbol when registering extension (#2324)

* eagerly substitute attributes in target of inline image macro (#2330)

* don\'t warn if source stylesheet can\'t be read but destination already exists (#2323)

* track include path correctly if path is absolute and outside of base directory (#2107)

* preprocess second line of setext section title (PR #2321)

* preprocess second line of setext discrete heading (PR #2332)

* return filename as relative path if filename doesn\'t share common root with base directory (#2107)
Improvements / Refactoring::

* change default text for inter-document xref (PR #2316)

* add additional tests to test behavior of Reader#peek_lines

* parse revision info line correctly that only has version and remark; add missing test for scenario

* rename AtxSectionRx constant to AtxSectionTitleRx for consistency with SetextSectionTitleRx constant

* use terms \"atx\" and \"setext\" to refer to section title syntax (PR #2334)

* rename HybridLayoutBreakRx constant to ExtLayoutBreakRx

* change terminology from \"floating title\" to \"discrete heading\"

* consolidate skip blank lines and check for end of reader (PR #2325)

* have Reader#skip_blank_lines report end of file (PR #2325)

* don\'t mix return type of Parser.build_block method (PR #2328)

* don\'t track eof state in reader (PR #2320)

* use shift instead of advance to consume line when return value isn\'t needed (PR #2322)

* replace terminology \"floating title\" with \"discrete heading\"

* remove unnecessary nil_or_empty? checks in substitutor

* leverage built-in assert / refute methods in test suite
Build / Infrastructure::

* config Travis CI job to release gem (PR #2333)

* add SHA1 hash to message used for triggered builds

* trigger build of AsciidoctorJ on every change to core

* trigger build of Asciidoctor Diagram on every change to core
Distribution Packages::

*[RubyGem (asciidoctor)]

*[Fedora (rubygem-asciidoctor)]

*[Debian (asciidoctor)]

*[Ubuntu (asciidoctor)][issues resolved] |[git tag] |[full diff]
// end::compact[]
== 1.5.6 (2017-07-12) - AATTmojavelinux

* use custom cross reference text if xrefstyle attribute is set (full, short, basic) (#858, #1132)

* store referenceable nodes under refs key in document catalog (PR #2220)

* apply reftext substitutions (specialchars, quotes, replacements) to value returned by reftext method (PR #2220)

* add xreftext method to AbstractBlock, Section, and Inline to produce formatted text for xref (PR #2220)

* introduce attributes chapter-refsig, section-refsig, and appendix-refsig to set reference signifier for chapter, section, and appendix, respectively (PR #2220)

* add rel=\"noopener\" to links that target _blank or when noopener option is set (#2071)

* add option to exclude tags when including a file (#1516)

* add meta for shortcut icon if favicon attribute is set (#1574)

* allow use of linenums option to enable line numbers on a source block (#1981)

* allow extension groups to be unregistered individually (#1701)

* catalog bibliography anchors and capture reftext (#560, #1562)

* automatically add bibliography style to unordered list in bibliography section (#1924)

* disable startinline option when highlighting PHP if mixed option is set on source block (PR #2015) (AATTricpelo)

* configure Slim to resolve includes in specified template dirs (#2214)

* dump manpage when -h manpage flag is passed to CLI (#2302)

* add resolves_attributes method to DSL for macros (#2122)

* invoke convert on result of custom inline macro if value is an inline node (#2132)

* resolve attributes for custom short inline macros if requested (#1797)

* add convenience method to create section from extension; use same initialization logic as parser (#1957)

* add handles? method to DSL for IncludeProcessor (#2119)

* pass through preload attribute to video tag (#2046)

* add start and end times for audio element (#1930)

* set localyear and docyear attributes (#1372)

* pass cloaked context to block extension via cloaked-context attribute (#1606)

* add support for covers in DocBook 5 converter (#1939)

* accept named pipe (fifo) as the input file (#1948)

* add AbstractBlock#next_adjacent_block helper method

* rename Document#references to catalog; alias references to catalog (PR #2237)

* rename extensions_registry option to extension_registry

* rename Extensions.build_registry method to create

* autoload extensions source file when Asciidoctor::Extensions is referenced (PR #2114, PR #2312)

* apply default_attrs to custom inline macro (PR #2127)

* allow tab separator for table to be specified using (#2073)

* add Cell#text= method

* significant improvements to performance, especially in parser and substitutors

* process include directive inside text of short form preprocessor conditional (#2146)

* add support for include tags in languages that only support only circumfix comments (#1729)

* allow spaces in target of block image; target must start and end with non-space (#1943)

* add warning in verbose mode if xref is not found (AATTfap-) (#2268)

* add warning if duplicate ID is detected (#2244)

* validate that output file will not overwrite input file (#1956)

* include docfile in warning when stylesheet cannot be read (#2089)

* warn if doctype=inline is used and block has unexpected content model (#1890)

* set built-in docfilesuffix attribute (#1673)

* make sourcemap field on Document read/write (#1916)

* allow target of xref to begin with attribute reference (#2007)

* allow target of xref to be expressed with leading # (#1546)

* allow kbd and btn macros to wrap across multiple lines (#2249)

* allow menu macro to span multiple lines; unescape escaped closing bracket

* make menu macro less greedy

* allow ampersand to be used as the first character of the first segment of a menu (#2171)

* enclose menu caret in HTML tag (#2165)

* use black text for menu reference; tighten word spacing (#2148)

* fix parsing of keys in kbd macro (PR #2222)

* add support for the window option for the link on a block image (#2172)

* set correct level for special sections in parser (#1261)

* always set numbered property on appendix to true

* store number for formal block on node (#2208)

* set sectname of header section to header (#1996)

* add the remove_attr method to AbstractNode (#2227)

* use empty string as default value for set_attr method (#1967)

* make start argument to system_path optional (#1965)

* allow API to control subs applied to ListItem text (#2035)

* allow text of ListItem to be assigned (in an extension) (#2033)

* make generate_id method on section a static method (#1929)

* validate name of custom inline macro; cache inline macro rx (#2136)

* align number in conum list to top by default (#1999)

* fix CSS positioning of interactive checkbox (#1840)

* fix indentation of list items when markers are disabled (none, no-bullet, unnumbered, unstyled) (PR #2286)

* instruct icon to inherit cursor if inside a link

* close all files opened internally (#1897)

* be more precise about splitting kbd characters (#1660)

* rename limit method on String to limit_bytesize (#1889)

* leverage Ruby\'s match? method to speed up non-capturing regexps (PR #1938)

* preserve inline break in manpages (AATTletheed)

* check for presence of SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH instead of value; fail if value is malformed

* add Rows#by_section method to return table sections (#2219)

* cache which template engines have been loaded to avoid unnecessary processing

* rename assign_index method to enumerate_section (PR #2242)

* don\'t process double quotes in xref macro (PR #2241)

* optimize attr and attr? methods (PR #2232)

* use IO.write instead of w/ block; backport for Opal

* backport IO.binread to Ruby 1.8.7 to avoid runtime check

* cache backend and doctype values on document

* allow normalize option to be set on PreprocessorReader; change default to false

* move regular expression constants for Opal to Asciidoctor.js build (PR #2070)

* add missing comma in warning message for callout list item out of sequence

* combine start_with? / end_with? checks into a single method call

* rename UriTerminator constant to UriTerminatorRx

* promote subs to top-level constants; freeze arrays

* rename PASS_SUBS constant to NONE_SUBS

* rename EOL constant to LF (retain EOL as alias)

* rename macro regexp constants so name follows type (e.g., InlineImageMacroRx)

* retain block content in items of callout list when converting to HTML and man page (#1478)

* only substitute specialchars for content in literal table cells (#1912)

* fix operator logic for ifndef directive with multiple attributes (#1983)

* only recognize uniform underline for setext section title (#2083)

* don\'t match headings with mixed leading characters (#2074)

* fix layout break from matching lines it shouldn\'t

* fix behavior of attribute substitution in docinfo content (PR #2296)

* encode spaces in URI (PR #2274)

* treat empty string as a valid block title

* preprocess lines of a simple block (#1923)

* don\'t drop trailing blank lines when splitting source into lines (PR #2045)

* only drop known AsciiDoc extensions from the inter-document xref path (#2217)

* don\'t number special sections or special subsections by default (#2234)

* assign sectname based on name of manuscript element (#2206)

* honor leveloffset when resolving implicit doctitle (#2140)

* permit leading, trailing, and repeat operators in target of preprocessor conditional (PR #2279)

* don\'t match link macro in block form (i.e., has two colons after prefix) (#2202)

* do not match bibliography anchor that begins with digit (#2247)

* use [ ] (or \\s) instead of \\p{Blank} to match spaces (#2204)

* allow named entity to have trailing digits (e.g., there4) (#2144)

* only assign style to image alt text if alt text is not specified

* substitute replacements in non-generated alt text of block image (PR #2285)

* keep track of whether alt text is auto-generated by assigning default-alt attribute (PR #2287)

* suppress info element in docbook output if noheader attribute is set (#2155)

* preserve leading indentation in literal and verse table cells (#2037)

* preserve whitespace in literal and verse table cells (#2029)

* set doctype-related attributes in AsciiDoc table cell (#2159)

* fix comparison logic when preprocessing first line of AsciiDoc table cell

* set filetype to man when backend is manpage (#2055)

* respect image scaling in DocBook converter (#1059)

* share counters between AsciiDoc table cells and main document (#1942)

* generate ID for floating title from converted title (#2016)

* split \"treeprocessor\" into two words; add aliases for compatibility (PR #2179)

* allow trailing hyphen in attribute name used in attribute reference

* allow escaped closing bracket in text of xref macro

* process pass inline macro with empty text; invert extract logic

* drop support for reftext document attribute (must be specified on node)

* fix compliance with Haml >= 5 (load Haml eagerly; remove ugly option)

* don\'t match inline image macro if target contains endline or leading or trailing spaces

* assign id instead of target on ref/bibref node (PR #2307)

* remove regexp hacks for Opal (#2110)

* drop outdated quoting exceptions for Opal (PR #2081)
Bug fixes::

* don\'t allow table borders to cascade to nested tables (#2151)

* escape special characters in reftext of anchor (#1694)

* sanitize content of authors meta tag in HTML output (#2112)

* fix stray marks added when unescaping unconstrained passthroughs (PR #2079)

* don\'t confuse escaped quotes in CSV data as enclosing quotes (#2008)

* don\'t activate implicit header if cell in first line of table contains a blank line (#1284, #644)

* allow compat-mode in AsciiDoc table cell to inherit from parent document (#2153)

* manify all normal table cell content (head, body, foot) in manpage output

* add missing newline after table caption in manpage output (#2253)

* correctly format block title on video in manpage output

* don\'t crash if substitution list resolves to nil (#2183)

* fail with informative message if converter cannot be resolved (#2161)

* fix regression of not matching short form of custom block macro

* encode double quotes in image alt text when used in an attribute (#2061)

* encode double quote and strip XML tags in value of xreflabel attribute in DocBook converter (PR #2220)

* fix typo in base64 data (PR #2094) (AATTmogztter)

* permit pass macro to surround a multi-line attribute value with hard line breaks (#2211)

* fix sequential inline anchor macros with empty reftext (#1689)

* don\'t mangle compound names when document has multiple authors (#663)

* don\'t drop last line of verbatim block if it contains only a callout number (#2043)

* prevent leading & trailing round brackets from getting caught in indexterm (#1581)

* remove cached title when title is set on block (#2022)

* remove max-width on the callout number icon (#1895)

* eagerly add hljs class for highlight.js (#2221)

* fix SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH lookup in Opal

* fix paths with file URI scheme are inevitably absolute (PR #1925) (AATTmogztter)

* only resolve file URLs when JavaScript IO module is xmlhttprequest (PR #1898) (AATTmogztter)

* fix formatting of video title in manpage converter

* don\'t increment line number if peek_lines overruns buffer (fixes some cases when line number is off)

* freeze extension processor instance, not class

* fix numbering bug in reindex_sections

* handle cases when there are no lines for include directive to select

* enable admonition icons in README when displayed on GitHub

* add German translation of chapter-label (PR #1920) (AATTfap-)

* add Ukrainian translation of built-in attributes (PR #1955) (AATThedrok)

* add Norwegian Nynorsk translation; updated Norwegian Bokmål translation of built-in attributes (PR #2142) (AATThuftis)

* add Polish translation of built-in attributes (PR #2131) (AATTldziedziul)

* add Romanian translation of built-in attributes (PR #2125) (AATTvitaliel)

* fix Japanese translation of built-in attributes (PR #2116) (AATTharadats)

* add Bahasa Indonesia translation of built-in labels (AATTtriyanwn)
Build / Infrastructure::

* upgrade highlight.js to 9.12.0 (#1652)

* include entire test suite in gem (PR #1952) (AATTvoxik)

* upgrade Slim development dependency to 3.0.x (PR #1953) (AATTvoxik)

* upgrade Haml development dependency to 5.0.x

* upgrade Nokogiri to 1.6.x (except on Ruby 1.8) (PR #1213)

* add Ruby 2.4 to CI test matrix (PR #1980)

* upgrade cucumber and JRuby in CI build (PR #2005)

* fix reference to documentation in attributes.adoc (PR #1901) (AATTstonio)

* trap and verify all warnings when tests are run with warnings enabled

* set default task in build to test:all

* configure script to run all tests

* configure feature tests to only show progress

* configure Slim in feature tests to use html as format instead of deprecated html5

* lock version of yard to fix invalid byte sequence in Ruby 1.9.3

* modify rake build to trigger dependent builds (specifically, Asciidoctor.js) (AATTmogztter) (PR #2305)
Distribution Packages::

*[RubyGem (asciidoctor)]

*[Fedora (rubygem-asciidoctor)]

*[Debian (asciidoctor)]

*[Ubuntu (asciidoctor)][issues resolved] |[git tag] |[full diff]

Thu Oct 6 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.5.5
see installed CHANGELOG.adoc

Wed Jan 6 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.5.4
see installed CHANGELOG.adoc
// tag::compact[]
== 1.5.4 (2016-01-03) - AATTmojavelinux

* translate README into French (AATTanthonny, AATTmogztter, AATTgscheibel, AATTmgreau) (#1630)

* allow linkstyle in manpage output to be configured (#1610)

* upgrade to MathJax 2.6.0 and disable loading messages

* upgrade to Font Awesome 4.5.0

* disable toc if document has no sections (#1633)

* convert inline asciimath to MathML (using asciimath gem) in DocBook converter (#1622)

* add attribute to control build reproducibility (AATTbk2204) (#1453)

* recognize ile:/// as a file root in Opal browser env (#1561)

* honor icon attribute on admonition block when font-based icons are enabled (AATTrobertpanzer) (#1593)

* resolve custom icon relative to iconsdir; add file extension if absent (#1634)

* allow asciidoctor cli to resolve library path when invoked without leading ./

* allow special section to be nested at any depth (#1591)

* ensure colpcwidth values add up to 100%; increase precision of values to 4 decimal places (#1647)

* ignore blank cols attribute on table (#1647)

* support shorthand syntax for block attributes on document title (#1650)
Bug fixes::

* don\'t include default toc in AsciiDoc table cell; don\'t pass toc location attributes to nested document (#1582)

* guard against nil dlist list item in find_by (#1618)

* don\'t swallow trailing line when include file is not readable (#1602)

* change xlink namespace to xl in DocBook 5 output to prevent parse error (#1597)

* make callouts globally unique within document, including AsciiDoc table cells (#1626)

* initialize Slim-related attributes regardless of when Slim was loaded (AATTterceiro) (#1576)

* differentiate literal backslash from escape sequence in manpage output (AATTds26gte) (#1604)

* don\'t mistake line beginning with \\. for troff macro in manpage output (AATTds26gte) (#1589)

* escape leading dots so user content doesn\'t trigger troff macros in manpage output (AATTds26gte) (#1631)

* use

Tue Nov 24 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.5.3
see installed CHANGELOG.adoc
== 1.5.3 (2015-10-31) - AATTmojavelinux

* add support for interactive & inline SVGs (#1301, #1224)

* add built-in manpage backend (AATTdavidgamba) (#651)

* create Mallard backend; asciidoctor/asciidoctor-mallard (AATTbk2204) (#425)

* add AsciiMath to MathML converter to support AsciiMath in DocBook converter (AATTpepijnve) (#954)

* allow text of selected lines to be highlighted in source block by Pygments or CodeRay (#1429)

* use value of `docinfo` attribute to control docinfo behavior (#1510)

* add `docinfosubs` attribute to control which substitutions are performed on docinfo files (AATTmogztter) (#405)

* add title accessor as alias to main on Document::Title (AATTrmannibucau) (#1350)

* make XrefInlineRx regexp more permissive (Mathieu Boespflug) (#844)

* load JavaScript and CSS at the end of HTML document (AATTmogztter) (#1238)

* list available backends in help text (AATTplaindocs) (#1271)

* properly expand tabs in literal text (#1170, #841)

* add `source-indent` as document attribute (AATTmogztter) (#1169)

* upgrade MathJax to 2.5.3 (#1329)

* upgrade Font Awesome to 4.4.0 (AATTmogztter) (#1465)

* upgrade highlight.js to 8.6 (now 8.9.1) (#1390)

* don\'t abort if syntax highlighter isn\'t available (#1253)

* insert docinfo footer below footer div (#1503)

* insert toc at default location in embeddable HTML (#1443)

* replace _ and - in generated alt text for inline images

* restore attributes to header attributes after parse (#1255)

* allow docdate and doctime to be overridden (#1495)

* add CSS class `.center` for center block alignment (#1456)

* recognize U+2022 as alternative marker for unordered lists (AATTmogztter) (#1177)

* allow videos to work for local files by prepending asset-uri-scheme (Chris) (#1320)

* always assign playlist param when loop option is enabled for YouTube video

* parse isolated version in revision line (AATTbk2204) (#790)

* autoload Tilt when template converter is instantiated (#1313)

* don\'t overwrite existing id entry in references table (#1256)

* use outfilesuffix attribute defined in header when resolving outfile (#1412)

* make AsciiDoc safe mode option on Slim engine match document (#1347)

* honor htmlsyntax attribute when backend is html/html5 (#1530)

* tighten spacing of wrapped lines in TOC (#1542)

* tune padding around table cells in horizontal dlist (#1418)

* load Droid Sans Mono 700 in default stylesheet

* set line height of table cells used for syntax highlighting

* set font-family of kbd; refine styling (#1423)

* extract condition into `quote_lines?` method (AATTmogztter)

* extract inline code into `read_paragraph` method (AATTmogztter)

* parent of block in ListItem should be ListItem (#1359)

* add helper methods to List and ListItem (#1551)

* add method `AbstractNode#add_role` and `AbstractNode#remove_role` (AATTrobertpanzer) (#1366)

* introduce helper methods for sniffing URIs (#1422)

* add helper to calculate basename without file extension

* document `-I` and `-r` options in the manual page (AATTbk2204)

* fix `+--help+` output text for `-I` (AATTbk2204)

* don\'t require open-uri-cached if already loaded

* do not attempt to scan pattern of non-existent directory

* use `` for footnote reference in text instead of `` (#1523)

* fix alignment of wrapped text in footnote (#1524)

* include full stop after footnote number in embeddable HTML

* show manpage title & name section in embeddable HTML (#1179)

* resolve missing attribute in ifeval to empty string (#1387)

* support unbreakable & breakable options on table (rockyallen) (#1140)
Bug fixes::

* don\'t truncate exception stack in `Asciidoctor.load` (#1248)

* don\'t fail to save cause of Java exception (AATTrobertpanzer) (#1458)

* fix precision error in timings report (#1342)

* resolve regexp for inline macro lazily (#1336)

* block argument to `find_by` should filter results (#1393)

* strip comment lines in indented text of dlist item (#1537)

* preserve escaped delimiter at end of line in a table (#1306)

* correctly calculate colnames for implicit columns (#1556)

* don\'t crash if colspan exceeds colspec (#1460)

* account for empty records in colspec (#1375)

* ignore empty cols attribute on table

* use `.inspect` to print MathJax delimiters (again) (#1198)

* use while loop instead of begin/while loop to address bug in Asciidoctor.js (#1408)

* force encoding of attribute values passed from cli (#1191)

* don\'t copy css if stylesheet or stylesdir is a URI (#1400)

* fix invalid color value in default CodeRay theme

* built-in writer no longer fails if output is nil (#1544)

* custom template engine options should take precedence

* fallback to require with a non-relative path to support Debian package (AATTmogztter)

* pass opts to recursive invocations of `PathResolver#system_path`

* fix and test external links in docbook backend

* use format symbol `:html` instead of `:html5` for Slim to fix warnings

* fix documentation for inline_macro and block_macro (Andrea Bedini)

* fix grammar in warning messages regarding thread_safe gem

* migrate opal_ext from core to Asciidoctor.js (#1517)

* add Ruby 2.2 to CI build; only specify minor Ruby versions

* enable containerized builds on Travis CI

* add config to run CI build on AppVeyor

* exclude benchmark folder from gem (#1522)
Distribution Packages::

*[RubyGem (asciidoctor)]

*[Fedora (rubygem-asciidoctor)]

*[Debian (asciidoctor)]

*[Ubuntu (asciidoctor)][issues resolved] |[git tag] |[full diff]

Tue May 19 14:00:00 2015
- update to 1.5.2

Wed Jul 23 14:00:00 2014
- initial package