Changelog for
ruby2.2-rubygem-flay-2.10.0-1.2.x86_64.rpm :
Thu Aug 3 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 2.10.0
see installed History.txt
=== 2.10.0 / 2017-07-17
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added sexp tree filtering via :filters option.
Fri Apr 14 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 2.9.0
see installed History.txt
=== 2.9.0 / 2017-04-13
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added Sexp#pure_ruby_hash from flay-persistent and switched structural_hash to it. Faster than ruby\'s #hash and stable.
Thu Aug 25 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.8.1
see installed History.txt
=== 2.8.1 / 2016-08-24
* 1 bug fix:
* Accidentally removed require from flay_task.rb. (ajacques)
Tue May 17 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.8.0
see installed History.txt
=== 2.8.0 / 2016-05-16
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Switched to path_expander to deal with cmdline args. See path_expander for details.
* 2 bug fixes:
* Added dev deps and bundler plugin to make flavorjones happy. (flavorjones)
* Explictly require rake/tasklib in flay_task.rb. (jasonkarns)
Mon Jan 25 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 2.7.0
see installed History.txt
=== 2.7.0 / 2016-01-21
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Switched to erubis to make more compatible w/ rails usage.
Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 2.6.1
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed frozen string modification error on ruby 2.0+. (apiology)
=== 2.6.0 / 2015-01-09
* 2 minor enhancements:
* Added support for .flayignore files. (kcdragon)
* Added Flay.filter_files(files, ignore_path_or_io).
=== 2.5.0 / 2014-05-29
* 6 minor enhancements:
* Added Flay::Item and Flay::Location to encapsulate analysis.
* Added `--only nodetype` filter flag.
* Flay#analyze now returns a nice data structure you can walk over.
* Flay#report is now much more dumb. :)
* Flay#report now takes an optional IO object.
* Removed unused prune arg in Flay#report.
Tue Jul 30 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.4.0
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Allow plugins to provide sexp to source converters for --diff. (UncleGene)
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed --diff outputting twice if there are no comments. (kalenkov)
Tue Jun 4 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.3.0
* 2 minor enhancements:
* Refactored n_way_diff into split_and_group, collapse_and_label, and pad_with_empty_strings.
* n_way_diff now does leading comments separately from the code, to better align diffs.
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed code/home urls in readme/gem.
Semantic versioning doesn\'t take into account how AWESOME a release
is. In this case, it severely falls short. I\'d jump to 4.0 if I could.
* 2 major enhancements:
* Added --fuzzy (ie copy, paste, & modify) duplication detection.
* Added --liberal, which changes the way prune works to identify more duplication.
* 12 minor enhancements:
* Added -# to turn off item numbering. Helps with diffs to compare runs over time.
* Added Sexp#+.
* Added Sexp#code_index to specify where
*code starts in some sexps.
* Added Sexp#has_code?.
* Added Sexp#initalize_copy to propagate file/line/modified info.
* Added Sexp#modified, #modified=, and #modified?.
* Added Sexp#split_at(n). (Something I\'ve wanted in Array for ages).
* Added Sexp#split_code.
* Added mass and diff options to rake debug.
* Added rake run task w/ mass, diff, and liberal options
* Made report\'s sort more stable, so I can do better comparison runs.
* Wrapped Sexp#[] to propagate file/line/modified info.
* 5 minor enhancements:
* Added --timeout option. Defaults to 10 seconds.
* Added ability for plugins to define options_
method to extend options.
* Flay no longer defaults to \'.\' if no args given. Allows plugins to do more
* Moved #analyze down to #report. #process only processes, nothing more.
* Sort output for more stable reporting. Better for diffing against, my dear.
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.0.1
* Avoid redefined warning for File::RUBY19. (svendahlstrand)
* Relaxed the ruby_parser dependency.
Sat Nov 3 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.0.0
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added a timeout handler to skip when RubyParser times out on a large file
=== 2.0.0.b1 / 2012-08-07
* 2 major enhancements:
* Parses ruby 1.9! (still in beta)
* Moved Sexp#deep_each and Sexp#each_sexp to sexp_processor
* 1 minor enhancements:
* Use File.binread ( in 1.8) to bypass encoding errors
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed failing tests against ruby_parser 3
Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 1.4.3
Mon Sep 6 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 1.4.1
* Added extra error handling for ERB flay to deal with tons of
bad ERB
* Skip plugin if another version already loaded (eg local vs gem).
* Fixed all tests that were having problems on 1.9 due to
unstable hashes
Wed Aug 4 14:00:00 2010
- remove hoe as runtime dependency
Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro
Fri Dec 25 13:00:00 2009
- updated to 1.4.0
* Pushed Sexp#mass up to sexp_processor.
* Removed #similarity #compare_to, #intersection, #triangle, and
other cruft.
* Renamed all_subhashes to all_structural_subhashes.
* Renamed fuzzy_hash to structural_hash.
Mon Aug 10 14:00:00 2009
- initial package for 1.3.0