Changelog for ruby2.4-rubygem-acts_as_indexed-0.8.3-lp150.2.7.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Jul 31 2013 updated to version 0.8.3 - Now tested on Ruby 2.0. - Fixed issue where underscores were not stripped by the pre-tokenizer.
* Wed Mar 20 2013 updated to version 0.8.2 - Full review and update of test examples. - Fixed bug where all records matching resulted in an ID rather than scored order. [phurni - Pascal Hurni] - Fixed bug where records were returned in order of lowest-score first. [phurni - Pascal Hurni] - Fixed bug where 1.8.7 would fail CI tests. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - 70x performance improvement for non-changed record updates. - Added a benchmark suite. - Updated README install instructions. [gudata - Ivaylo Bardarov]
* Mon Dec 24 2012 updated to version 0.8.1 - Fixed bug where record count was not correctly updated on bulk add. [phurni - Pascal Hurni] - Fixed bug where intentional hyphenation was treated as a negative query. Fixes #31. - Fixed bug where will_paginate_search was not being required. Fixes #23. - Fixed bug where quoted phrases were matched across field boundaries. [novalis - David Turner] - Fixed bug where records with indentical match-rankings were returned in different orders under different Ruby implementations. - Storage is now process and thread-safe. Fixes issue #34. [rsamoilov - Roman Samoilov] - Added configuration option to force is-Windows mode for storage. Fixes issues #32, #39. - Added multiple Gemfiles for Travis CI. - Acts as Indexed can now be tested stand-alone without a generated Rails app. - ModelKlass.build_index is now a public method.
* Tue Dec 07 2010 update to 0.6.6 - Now Heroku compatible out of the box, index is created in tmp when root dir is non-writable. [parndt - Philip Arndt - Great suggestion] - Fixed a require path issue on 1.9.2. - Fixed an issue with index_file location on Rails 3.0.0 final.- 0.6.5 [19th August 2010] - Reintroduced support for older version of Ruby which do not implement Array#exclude? [bug report by Andy Eggers] - Using Bundler to manage development dependencies.- 0.6.4 [16th August 2010] - Added starts-with query type [nilbus - Edward Anderson] - Various fixes and improvements. - Real names given for all contributors.- 0.6.3 [5th July 2010] - index file path can now be definited as a Pathname as well as an array. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - Can now define which records are indexed and which are not via an :if proc. [madpilot - Myles Eftos] - Lots of tidying up. [parndt - Philip Arndt] - Rails 3 fixes. [myabc - Alex Coles]
* Mon Jun 14 2010 initial package 0.6.2