Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-omniauth-auth0-testsuite-2.0.0-lp150.1.7.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Jan 26 2017 updated to version 2.0.0 see installed [#]# [v2.0.0]( (2017-01-25) [Full Changelog]( Updated library to handle OIDC conformant clients and OAuth2 features in Auth0. This affects how the `credentials` and `info` attributes are populated since the payload of /oauth/token and /userinfo are differnt when using OAuth2/OIDC features. The `credentials` hash will always have an `access_token` and might have a `refresh_token` (if it\'s allowed in your API settings in Auth0 dashboard and requested using `offline_access` scope) and an `id_token` (scope `openid` is needed for Auth0 to return it). The `info` object will use the [OmniAuth schema]( after calling /userinfo: - name: `name` attribute in userinfo response or `sub` if not available. - email: `email` attribute in userinfo response. - nickname: `nickname` attribute in userinfo response. - image: `picture` attribute in userinfo response. Also in `extra` will have in `raw_info` the full /userinfo response.
* Sun Oct 09 2016 updated to version 1.4.2 see installed
* Thu Mar 17 2016 initial package