Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-clearance-1.16.1-lp150.1.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Sun Dec 03 2017 updated to version 1.16.1 see installed [#]# [1.16.1] - November 2, 2017 [#]## Fixed - Fixed issue where tokens from abandoned password reset attempts were stored in the session, preventing newly generated password reset tokens from working. - Improve compatibility with Rails API projects by calling `helper_method` only when it is defined. - URL fragment in server-set `session[:return_to]` values are preserved when redirecting to the stored value. - Eliminated deprecation in Clearance test helpers that were related to the renaming of FactoryGirl to FactoryBot. [1.16.1]:
* Tue Jan 17 2017 updated to version 1.16.0 see installed [#]# [1.16.0] - January 16, 2017 [#]## Security - Clearance users can now help prevent [session fixation attacks] by setting `Clearance.configuration.rotate_csrf_on_sign_in` to `true`. This will cause the user\'s CSRF token to be rotated on sign in and is recommended for all Clearance applications. This setting will default to `true` in Clearance 2.0. Clearance will emit a warning on each sign in until this configuration setting is explicitly set to `true` or `false`. [session fixation attacks]: [1.16.0]:
* Sat Oct 08 2016 updated to version 1.15.1 see installed [#]# [1.15.1] - October 6, 2016 [#]## Fixed - Password reset form redirect no longer uses a named route helper, which means it will work for developers that have customized their routes. [1.15.1]:
* Tue Sep 27 2016 updated to version 1.15.0 see installed [#]# [1.15.0] - September 26, 2016 [#]## Security - Prevent possible password reset token leak to external sites linked to on the password reset page. See [PR #707] for more information. [PR #707]: [1.15.0]:
* Thu Aug 11 2016 updated to version 1.14.2 see installed [#]# [1.14.2] - August 10, 2016 [#]## Fixed - Fixed incompatibility with `attr_encrypted` gem by inlining the body of the `encrypt` helper method used in the BCrypt password strategy. [1.14.2]:
* Sat May 21 2016 updated to version 1.14.1 see installed [#]# [1.14.1] - May 12, 2016 [#]## Fixed - Fixed insertion of `include Clearance::User` when running the install generator in an app that already has a `User` model. - Updated `deny_access` matcher to assert against configured redirect location rather than hard coded `/`. [1.14.1]:
* Sat Apr 30 2016 updated to version 1.14.0 see installed [#]# [1.14.0] - April 29, 2016 [#]## Added - `Clearance::BackDoor` now accepts a block, allowing the user for a test to be looked up by a parameter other than `id` if you have overridden `to_param` for the `User` model. [#]## Fixed - We now correctly track the dirty state of `User#encrypted_password`, which fixes custom validations on `User#password` (e.g. validating password length) that were conditional on the password actually changing. - The `clearance:install` generator will now generate a `User` model that inherits from `ApplicationRecord` if run on a Rails 5 app that doesn\'t already have a `User` model. [#]## Deprecated - `User#password_changing` is deprecated in favor of automatic dirty tracking on `encrypted_password` and `password`. If you are calling this in your application you should be able to remove it. [1.14.0]:
* Sun Mar 06 2016 updated to version 1.13.0 see installed [#]# [1.13.0] - March 4, 2016 [#]## Added - Clearance now supports Rails 5.0.0.beta3 and newer. [#]## Fixed - Clearance will now infer the parameter name to use when accessing user parameters in a request. This previously used `:user`, which was incorrect for customized user models. - Generated feature specs no longer rely on RSpec monkey patches. [1.13.0]:
* Thu Jan 21 2016 updated to version 1.12.1 see installed [#]# [1.12.1] - January 7, 2016 [#]## Fixed - Fixed the `create_users` migration generated by `rails generate clearance:install` under Rails 3.x.
* Wed Nov 18 2015 updated to version 1.12.0 see installed [#]# [1.12.0] - November 17, 2015 [#]## Added - Users will now see a flash message when redirected to sign in by `require_login`. This I18n key for this message is `flashes.failure_when_not_signed_in` and defaults to \"Please sign in to continue\". - Added significant API documentation. API documentation effort is ongoing. [#]## Fixed - Fixed expectation in the generated `visitor_resets_password_spec.rb` file. - Corrected indentation of routes inserted by the routes generator. - Corrected indentation of `include Clearance::User` when the install generator adds it to an existing user class. [1.12.0]:
* Sat Aug 22 2015 updated to version 1.11.0 see installed
* Sat May 16 2015 updated to version 1.10.1 see installed [#]# [1.10.1] - May 15, 2015 [#]## Deprecated - All clearance-provided password strategies other than BCrypt have been deprecated. You can continue to use those strategies without a deprecation warning by adding `clearance-deprecated_password_strategies` to your Gemfile. [1.10.1]:
* Sun Apr 05 2015 updated to version 1.9.0
* Wed Mar 04 2015 updated to version 1.8.1
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 1.8.0
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Mon Jul 21 2014 updated to version 1.4.0
* The sign out link in the default application layout has been replaced with a semantically correct sign out button. This also removes an unnecessary JavaScript dependency.
* Clearance now uses `original_fullpath` when redirecting to a saved URL after login. This should improve the behavior in mounted engines.
* `user_params` method was added to `Clearance::UsersController` which provides a convenient place to override the parameters used when creating users.
* Controllers now inherit from `Clearance::BaseController` to allow for easily adding behavior to all of them.
* Sat Mar 15 2014 updated to version 1.3.0
* Installing Clearance with an existing User model will now create a migration that includes adding remember tokens to all existing user records. New for 1.2.1 (March 6, 2014):
* Query string is now included in the redirect URL when Clearance redirects to a previously stored URL. New for 1.2.0 (February 28, 2014):
* Support for Rails 4.1.0.rc1
* `clearance/testing` is now deprecated. Require `clearance/rspec` or `clearance/test_unit` as appropriate.
* Sign in failure message is now customized exclusively via I18n. `SessionsController#flash_failure_after_create` is no longer called. To customize the message, change the `clearance.controllers.sessions.bad_email_or_password` or `flashes.failure_after_create` key.
* Sign in can now be disabled with `config.allow_sign_in = false`
* Fri Nov 22 2013 updated to version 1.1.0
* Validate email with `EmailValidator` [strict mode][strict].
* The `cookie_expiration` configuration lambda can now be called with a `cookies` parameter. allows the Clearance cookie expiration to be set according to the value of another cookie (such as `remember_me`).
* A `cookie_expiration` lambda that does not accept this `cookies` parameter has been deprecated.
* Allow cookie domain and path configuration.
* Add sign in guards.
* Don\'t allow logins with blank `remember_token`. [strict]:
* Fri Aug 30 2013 updated to version 1.0.1
* Fix an issue when trying to sign in with `nil`
* Tue Aug 06 2013 updated to version 1.0.0
* Wed Aug 01 2012 updated to version 0.16.3
* Thu Sep 23 2010 fixed a packaging error: one of test files was looking for ruby under mac ports path. That caused an unsolved dependency.
* Fri Jun 11 2010 update to version 0.8.8
* Fixed sign_in and sign_out not setting current_user (Joe Ferris)- additional changes from version 0.8.7 (02/21/2010)
* [#43] Fixed global sign out bug. (Ryan McGreary)
* [#69] Allow Rails apps to before_filter :authenticate the entire app in ApplicationController and still have password recovery work without overriding any controllers. (Claudio Poli, Dan Croak)
* [#72] #[21] Rails3 fix for ActionController/ActionDispatch change. (Joseph Holsten, Peter Haza, Dan Croak)- additional changes from version 0.8.6 (02/17/2010)
* Clearance features capitalization should match view text (Bobby Wilson)
* [#39] skip :authenticate before_filter in controllers so apps can easily authenticate a whole site without subclassing (Matthew Ford)
* [#45] Added randomness to token and salt generation (Ryan McGeary)
* [#43] Reset the remember_token on sign out instead of sign in. Allows for the same user to sign in from two locations at once. (Ryan McGeary)
* [#62] Append the version number to generated update migrations (Joe Ferris)
* Allow overridden user models to skip email/password validations conditionally. This makes username/facebook integration easier. (Joe Ferris)- additional changes from version 0.8.5 (01/20/2010)
* replaced routing hack with Clearance::Routes.draw(map) to give more control to the application developer. (Dan Croak)
* removed attr_accessible from Clearance::User. (Dan Croak)
* fixed bug in password reset feature. (Ben Orenstein, Dan Croak)
* use Jeweler for gemming. (Dan Croak)
* remove dependency on root_path, use \'/\' instead. (Dan Croak)
* use Clearance.configure block to set mailer sender instead of DO_NOT_REPLY constant. (Dan Croak)
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Mon Dec 21 2009 created package