Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-gmp-testsuite-0.7.43-lp150.1.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Mar 02 2017 updated to version 0.7.43 see installed CHANGELOG 0.7.43
* Tests now use MiniTest
* Ruby 2.4 and the new Integer class (replacement for Fixnum and Bignum) are
* now supported (thanks AATTtimocp).
* GMP::Z can now be initialized from a Float or GMP::F, as well as the existing Fixnum, Bignum, Integer, GMP::Z, and String.
* Fri Mar 21 2014 updated to version 0.7.19
* can now accept a GMP::Z or Fixnum more intelligently, and can accept a Float, and is tested better.
* can now accept a rounding mode after the base, when a String is passed in.
* Rakefile is much more robust with various dependencies.
* Yardoc documentation is less completely broken.
* GMP::F#
* is now slightly more efficient when the argument is a Fixnum or GMP::Z, and is now tested.
* Bigger error message when GMP can\'t be found. Fixes #4.
* Rearrange args for GMP::F#atan2, #agm, and #hypot; contributed by AATTtimpeters
* Allow Float for args to GMP::F#atan2, #agm, and #hypot; contributed by AATTtimpeters
* Sanity checks for GMP::F#hypot
* Added new MPFR class methods: GMP::F.emin, GMP::F.emax, GMP::F.emin=, GMP::F.emax=, GMP::F.emin_min, GMP::F.emin_max, GMP::F.emax_min, and GMP::F.emax_max; also minimal tests, and documentation
* Added new MPFR constructor method: GMP::F.new_2exp, not really tested :)
* Sun Feb 16 2014 use new macros- add rpmlintrc
* Sun Jan 05 2014 updated to version 0.6.47
* Fixed GMP::F#to_s when MPFR is not present. It now works, and accepts an optional base argument, just like GMP::F#to_s does when MPFR _is_ present.
* Added new optional rounding mode argument to,,,,, and with tests (MPFR only)
* Added MPFR method GMP::RandState.mpfr_urandom (mpfr_urandom) and tests
* Added MPFR methods GMP::F#lessgreater? and GMP::F#unordered?, with sanity tests
* Added tests for GMP::F#abs and GMP::F#neg
* Added GMP::F.fac(n) (mpfr_fac_ui) and tests
* Added GMP::F.nan, GMP::F.inf, (MPFR >= 3.0.0), documentation, and simple tests
* Added GMP::F#frexp, documentation, and tests
* Fri Nov 22 2013 updated to version 0.6.43
* Fixed compilation on OS X 10.9 Mavericks, using LLVM 5.0
* Added license: Apache v2
* Sun Oct 20 2013 updated to version 0.6.41
* Added GMP::Z.fib2, with documentation and tests
* Properly coerce GMP::Q and Float. GMP::Q / Float will now convert both operands into GMP::F
* Workaround Ruby 2.0.0 bug in using --with-gmp-dir in extconf.rb (#8047)
* Fixed bugs for Z#fac, Z#2fac, Z#primorial, Z#fib, and Z#lucnum, where Ruby would crash if a negative number was passed in as the argument.
* Aliasing #inspect to #to_s for GMP::Z, GMP::Q, and GMP::F, for better usability in Ruby 2.x, where Object#inspect no longer calls #to_s.
* Support now verified for Ruby 2.0.0 and Ruby 2.1.0-preview1
* Fri Jun 21 2013 created package (0.6.31)