Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-flog-4.6.2-lp150.37.2.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Feb 15 2018 updated to version 4.6.2 see installed History.rdoc === 4.6.2 / 2018-02-14
* 1 bug fix:
* Don\'t process stdin if cmdline args expand to nothing.
* Tue Feb 14 2017 updated to version 4.6.1 see installed History.rdoc === 4.6.1 / 2017-02-08
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed max line number in range report. AKA I\'m an idiot. === 4.6.0 / 2017-02-01
* 2 minor enhancements:
* Bumped dependency on sexp_processor to 4.8 and up.
* Include new Sexp#line_max info for in_method so DSLs can record line span.
* Fri Jan 20 2017 updated to version 4.5.0 see installed History.rdoc === 4.5.0 / 2017-01-19
* 3 minor enhancements:
* Added -t=N and --threshold N processing to FlogCLI.
* Added tweakable threshold to Flog (still defaults to 60%).
* Renamed Flog::THRESHOLD to Flog::DEFAULT_THRESHOLD (but kept an alias around).
* Sat Jan 14 2017 updated to version 4.4.1 see installed History.rdoc === 4.4.1 / 2017-01-13
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed scoring of Rational lits.
* Tue May 17 2016 updated to version 4.4.0 History.txt removed upstream
* Mon Feb 09 2015 updated to version 4.3.2
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed rdoc url (phiggins)
* Fixed to_proc_normal scoring on ruby 2.2+. (teoljungberg)
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 4.3.0
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added methods_only param to FlogTask. (jocranford)
* 2 bug fixes:
* Fixed grouping by class name. (guilhermesimoes)
* Removed dead rubyforge setting in Rakefile
* Sun Oct 12 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging style
* Wed Sep 10 2014 added gem2rpm.yml as source
* Wed Sep 10 2014 added a small scriptlet to fix the shebang line of the wrapper script in the gem dir. the installed copy has it overwritten but our she bang line checks the not installed copy too.- also added a gem2rpm.yml for later, but did not regenerate the specfile just yet.
* Sun Oct 20 2013 updated to version 4.2.0
* 3 minor enhancements:
* Added --extended / -e to put file:line output on next line (for rubymine & friends)
* Extracted MethodBasedSexpProcessor and pushed up to sexp_processor gem.
* Updated dependency on sexp_processor to ~> 4.4.
* Sat Sep 07 2013 updated to version 4.1.2
* 2 bug fixes:
* Don\'t even record a score if method stack is empty and user used --methods-only.
* Fixed Flog task\'s default method. (jasonrobertfox)
* Fri Jul 12 2013 updated to version 4.1.1
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added max_method to delegators.
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed FlogTask to use FlogCLI. (envygeeks)
* Mon May 13 2013 updated to version 4.1.0
* 3 minor enhancements:
* Cleaned up tests by adding assert_hash_in_epsilon. yay!
* Fixed method_location is now cleared on #reset. (makaroni4)
* to_proc_normal is now penalized based on RUBY_VERSION. Scores were benchmarked.
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed code/home urls in readme/gem.
* Wed Apr 24 2013 updated to version 4.0.0
* 1 major enhancement:
* Renamed Flog#methods to #method_scores. (makaroni4)
* 4 minor enhancements:
* Added accessors for methods, scores. Now available for CIs! (makaroni4)
* Refactored calculations down to 2 methods: total_score and totals. (makaroni4)
* Refactored to #calculate, #threshold. (makaroni4)
* Track stack of nested sclass scopes for parser (pithyless)
* Sat Mar 23 2013 updated to version 3.2.3
* 1 bug fix:
* Don\'t blow up if a path doesn\'t exist or isn\'t readable.
* Wed Jan 23 2013 updated to version 3.2.2
* Fixed stupid error when run on empty file.
* Fri Dec 21 2012 updated to version 3.2.1
* Relaxed (and fixed) the ruby_parser dependency.
* Wed Dec 19 2012 updated to version 3.2.0
* 4 minor enhancements:
* Ensure rake/tasklib is loaded when defining FlogTask. (ferrous26)
* Fixed reporting / recording of methods in singleton class blocks. (mihu)
* Refactored error handling code to flog_ruby. Calls flog_ruby! for actual work
* Refactored ruby processing code to flog_ruby!
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed flogging of || iters. (JacobNinja)
* Sat Nov 17 2012 updated to version 3.1.0
* 4 minor enhancements:
* --quiet option is now false by default, and changed to silence parse warnings.
* Added max_score and max_method. (aselder)
* FlogTask can now take a method to use to figure out score, allowing for total or max_score.
* Switched to capturing RubyParser::SyntaxError (RP 3.0 change).
* 2 bug fixes:
* Avoid redefined warning for File::RUBY19. (svendahlstrand)
* Fixed flog to default to RubyParser if not specified. Allows cleaner programmatic access.
* Sat Nov 03 2012 updated to version 3.0.0
* 1 minor enhancement:
* Added a timeout handler to skip when RubyParser times out on a large file
* 1 bug fix:
* Fixed handling of plain literals in masgn in args.
* 4 minor enhancements:
* Added .rake as a supported extension.
* Create a new parser for every file, preventing state barkification
* Extended DSL support to include hash args (eg task :blah => :dep).
* Extended DSL support to report nested names (eg namespace(blah)::task#woot)
* 1 bug fix:
* Fix for sexp structure changes (no arglists).
* 4 minor enhancements:
* Added --18 and --19 flags to specify parser. Defaults to hybrid.
* Explicitly use Ruby18Parser to remove deprecation warnings.
* Modified processor to deal with cleaner sexps from RP 3.x.
* Use File.binread ( in 1.8) to bypass encoding errors
* 2 bug fixes:
* Cleaned up some 1.9 warnings.
* Fixed failing tests against ruby_parser 3
* Fri Aug 10 2012 update to the latest gem2rpm template
* Sun Jul 22 2012 fix gem requires
* Wed Apr 11 2012 license update: MIT See README.txt
* Mon Apr 09 2012 update to version 2.5.3
* class_stack now always pushes on symbols or strings for class names.
* Fixed klass_name returning an ugly mix of sexps and strings.
* Improved parse error output. (impurist)
* Added RegexpError to error handler.
* Improved error output and suggest --continue
* Record the flog score for the full class name, not just suffix. (dkubb)
* Fixed block_pass when passed a multi-level const (xavier)
* Mon Sep 06 2010 update to version 2.5.0
* Added plugin system. Define a module under Flog to extend it.
* Added special case penalty for wtf to_proc: blah(&b = proc {...}) (benjaminb)
* Improved tests and test coverage.
* Unfactored & refactored report code. Much cleaner and more maintainable now.
* Fixed API change for FlogTask (andreacampi)
* Fixed bad edgecase handler for block_pass (benjaminb)
* Wed Aug 04 2010 remove hoe as runtime dependency
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Fri Dec 25 2009 updated to 2.4.0
* Tue Aug 11 2009 package c13a0ebfa60a9385982cab0f9c4747a264d7c7ef git as the official 2.1.2 gem is completely broken.
* Sun Jul 26 2009 initial package for 2.1.2