Changelog for ruby2.5-rubygem-moped-2.0.7-lp150.1.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Sun Aug 16 2015 updated to version 2.0.7 see installed [#]# 2.0.7
* Improved Moped Failover (John Hyman)
* Fri Jun 12 2015 updated to version 2.0.6 see installed [#]# 2.0.6
* Relaxing BSON dependency to allow for 3.1.0 upgrade.
* Fri Jun 05 2015 updated to version 2.0.5 see installed [#]# 2.0.5 [#]## Resolved Issues
* \\#351 Fixing retries with authentication. (Wandenberg Peixoto)
* Bump BSON dependency to 3.0.4
* Sat Feb 21 2015 updated to version 2.0.4
* Tue Feb 10 2015 updated to version 2.0.3
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Sat Feb 22 2014 updated to version 1.5.2, no changelog
* Mon Aug 26 2013 updated to version 1.5.1 [#]## Resolved Issues
* \\#208 Fixed local jump errors in node. (Brian Norton)
* Sat May 25 2013 updated to version 1.5.0 [#]## New Features
* The session now has an additional configuration option, called `auto_discover`. which defaults to `true`. Auto-discovery means that nodes that are not provided explicitly to the session but are visible will become available for read/write in the application. This behavior is the same as the existing behavior. The change here is to be able to turn this off by setting `auto_discover: false`. This will tell Moped to only send messages to nodes explicitly provided when instantiating the session. Example:[ \"\" ], auto_discover: false)
* \\#189 Moped now logs connection attempts during retries. (Jan Paul Posma) [#]# 1.4.6 [#]## Resolved Issues
* \\#192 Return the proper result after reauthentication attempts. (Jonathan Hyman)
* \\#191 Checking for \"not authorized\" in error messages. (Jonathan Hyman)
* Sat Apr 13 2013 updated to version 1.4.5
* \\#174 Check for \"unauthorized\" in error messages since codes are not always there. (Jon Hyman)
* \\#173 Ensure node `refreshed_at` is set even if the node is down, so down nodes don\'t get hit on every query.
* Fri Dec 28 2012 updated to version 1.3.2
* \\#131 Give better error messages when assertion and assertionCode are present in the result.
* \\#130 Flag down as down in refresh when not primary or secondary. (Nilson Santos Figueiredo Jr)
* \\#128 Fix refresh check to only check nodes that have been down longer than the refresh boundary using the proper interval.
* \\#125 Batch size and no timeout are now respected by queries. (Derek Buttineau)
* \\#124 Fix packing of bytes in core messages for big endian systems.
* Mon Dec 24 2012 updated to version 1.3.1 [#]## Resolved Issues
* \\#118 Give better error when invalid URI is provided. (Chris Winslett)
* \\#116 Handle all cases of replica set step down or reconfiguring. (Chris Winslett)
* Change the default retries to 20 and the retry interval to 0.25 seconds. (Old was 30/1)
* Mon Nov 26 2012 updated to version 1.3.0 [#]## New Features
* \\#114 Moped now accepts connecting with a URI. (Christopher Winslett) Moped::Session.connect(\"mongodb://localhost:27017/my_db\")
* \\#79 Tailable cursors are now supported. These are just Ruby `Enumerators` that keep the cursor open until the next document appears. The cursor will be closed when it becomes \"dead\". enumerator = session[:users].find.tailable.each # Will stay open until next doc.
* mongoid/mongoid\\#2460 Moped now makes the connection timeout configurable by passing a `:timeout` option to the session. This defaults to 5 seconds.[ \"node1:27017\", \"node2:27017\" ], timeout: 5)
* \\#49 Support for the 2.2 aggregation framework is included. (Rodrigo Saito) session[:users].aggregate({ \"$group\" => { \"_id\" => \"$city\", \"totalpop\" => { \"$sum\" => \"$pop\" } } })
* \\#42 Moped now supports SSL connections to MongoDB. Provide the `ssl: true` option when creating a new `Session`. This is currently experimental.[ \"\" ], ssl: true) [#]## Resolved Issues
* \\#110 Handle timeout errors with SSL connections gracefully and mark nodes as down without failing any other queries.
* \\#109 Moped reauthorizes on \"db assertion failures\" with commands that have an unauthorized assertion code in the reply.
* Thu Nov 15 2012 updated to version 1.2.9
* Moped now ensures that when reading bytes from the socket that it continues to read until the requested number of bytes have been received. In the case of getting `nil` back it will raise a `ConnectionFailure` and go through the normal failover motions.
* Mon Nov 05 2012 updated to version 1.2.8
* \\#108 Connection drops that would result in a `nil` response on socket read or a `SocketError` now re-raise a `ConnectionFailure` error which causes the replica set to go through it\'s failover behavor with node refreshing.
* \\#104 `Query#explain` now respects limit.
* \\#103 Port defaults to 27017 instead of zero if not provided. (Chris Winslett)
* \\#100 Fix duplicate object id potential issue for JRuby. (Tim Olsen)
* \\#97 Propagate node options to newly discovered nodes. (Adam Lebsack)
* \\#91 Added more graceful replica set handling when safe mode is enabled and replica sets were reconfigured. (Nicolas Viennot)
* \\#90 Include arbiters in the list of nodes to disconnect. (Matt Parlane)
* Sun Oct 28 2012 updated to version 1.2.7
* \\#87 `` now returns true for object ids.
* \\#85 Allow `===` comparisons with object ids to check for equality of the underlying string. (Bob Aman)
* \\#84 Query hints are no longer wiped on explain.
* \\#60/\\#80 Moped now gracefully handles replica set reconfig and crashes of the primary and secondary. By default, the node list will be refreshed every second and the operation will be retried up to 30 times. This is configurable by setting the `:max_retries` and `:retry_interval` options on the session. [ \"node1:27017\", \"node2:27017\" ], retry_interval: 0.5, max_retries: 45 )
* Mon Oct 01 2012 updated to version 1.2.5
* \\#76 Fixed typo in database check on Node. (Mathieu Ravaux)
* Sun Sep 23 2012 updated to version 1.2.3 [#]## Resolved Issues
* Sockets now set TCP `SO_LINGER` option to false to ensure connections that are no longer used get closed.
* \\#75 Ensure that `Errno::EHOSTUNREACH` is also handled with other socket errors.
* Tue Sep 18 2012 updated to version 1.2.2
* \\#73 Raise a `Moped::Errors::CursorNotFound` on long running queries where the cursor was killed by the server. (Marius Podwyszynski)
* \\#72 Reauthenticate properly when an `rs.stepDown()` occurs in the middle of cursor execution.
* \\#71 When DNS cannot resolve on node initialization, the node will be flagged as down instead of raising a `SocketError`. On subsequent refreshes Moped will attempt to resolve the DNS again to determine if the node can be brought up.
* Wed Aug 29 2012 updated to version 1.2.1
* Wed Aug 01 2012 updated to version 1.2.0
* Sun Jul 29 2012 initial package