Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-gruff-doc-0.7.0-lp151.1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Wed Jun 01 2016 updated to version 0.7.0 see installed History.txt
* Sun May 31 2015 updated to version 0.6.0 see installed History.txt
* Thu Oct 31 2013 updated to version 0.5.1 Skip packaging the test images. This reduces the gem from 20MB+ to 300KB+. Bugfixes:
* Issue #92 Reduce the gem size by not shipping the test images. == 0.5.0 We have added a couple of cosmetic changes: Multiple marker lines both vertically and horizontally, and multi-line titles, or no title at all if you want more space for the chart. Features:
* Issue #86 Added support for multiple references lines along both axes to Line Graph
* Issue #89 Allow multiline and empty titles Documentation:
* Issue #61 Remove the \"BETA Software\" warning in the README. Pull requests:
* Issue #90 Added missing parenthesis in base.rb
* Tue Aug 06 2013 updated to version 0.4.0 All old branches and pull requests have been merged or deleted. Over 40 issues have been resolved! Ruby 2.0 compatibility has been confirmed. Several new features. Features:
* Issue #38 Separate themes into Gruff::Themes module
* Issue #39 Add staggered labels
* Issue #40 Added spacing factor to bar graphs
* Issue #41 Add rotation to spider chart
* Issue #65 Add RMagick and RMagick4J respectively as dependencies to the Gruff gem
* Issue #81 Ensure Ruby 2.0 compatibility Bugfixes:
* Issue #17 Baseline drawn at incorrect position
* Issue #21 Division By Zero Error on Documented Example
* Issue #36 When writing the same chart multiple times, it should not be rendered again.
* Issue #44 XY Datasets are inconvenient to use. (documentation and/or code is wrong)
* Issue #46 issue with markers that are floats
* Issue #51 line with nil in dataset
* Issue #52 Wrong direction in y_axis_label
* Issue #54 Explicitly specify overlapping for lines (Gruff::Line)
* Issue #58 Clean up data sorting
* Issue #59 Escape \'%\' in labels
* Issue #60 Correct DOT graph drawing
* Issue #63 Some charts are drawn with transparent text when running with JRuby/RMagick4J
* Issue #66 Marker line for 54.0 is missing on bar_set_marker.png example
* Issue #68 Y-axis label for bar_x_y_labels.png should be rotated when drawn with JRuby Support:
* Issue #4 Scaling a graph leads to fuzzy pictures
* Issue #8 zero-width bar entries drawn
* Issue #11 Feature: Data value markers
* Issue #18 Set encoding to uft-8
* Issue #24 Gruff::SideStackedBar
* Issue #35 Add option for line height in legend.
* Issue #49 font directive is not setting font in charts
* Issue #53 Is this project still alive? Documentation:
* Issue #57 Build failing on Travis and no Build Status image in Readme
* Wed Oct 31 2012 updated to version 0.3.7
* Fri Jun 11 2010 use rubygems_requires macro
* Mon Nov 30 2009 added rubygem-rmagick to Requires
* Tue Nov 17 2009 update to version 0.3.6
* Tue Sep 30 2008 update to version 0.3.4
* Tue May 22 2007 update to version 0.2.8