Changelog for ruby2.1-rubygem-money-6.9.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 6.9.0
see installed
[#]# 6.9.0
- Extracted heuristics into money-heuristics gem
[#]# 6.8.4
- Resolving NIO ambiguity with CAD
- Display the BBD $ symbol before digits
- Symbol first for NIO and PAB currencies

Fri Apr 7 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 6.8.3
see installed
[#]# 6.8.3
- Added support for the British Penny (GBX)
- Fixed LKR currency html_entity symbol

Sat Mar 11 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 6.8.2
see installed
[#]# 6.8.2
- Removed subunits for HUF
- Fixed `#from_amount` accepting `nil` as currency_code
- Relaxed i18n version (< 0.9)
- Set symbol for UZS
- Added disambiguate_symbol for XFU
- Fixed Peruvian Sol name
- Fixed symbol_first for VND (now `false`)

Sat Jan 14 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 6.8.1
see installed
[#]# 6.8.1
- Fixed issue with calling `format` on a frozen `Money` object

Wed Jan 4 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 6.8.0
see installed
[#]# 6.8.0
- Ruby 2.4.0 support
- Fixed UZS syntax
- Fixed HUF smallest denomination
- Fixed ruby 1.9 issues
- Fixed html entity for COP
- Updated all currency decimals to ISO-4217
- Fixed money allocation for negative amounts
- Fixed symbol_first for RON
- Fixed disambiguate option when symbol is set to true
- Fixed thousands separator for CZK
- Improved formatter performance by precaching I18n calls

Mon May 9 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 6.7.1
see installed
[#]# 6.7.1
- Changed DKK symbol from \'kr\' to \'kr.\'
- Improved Money::Formatting#format docs
- Updated VEF symbol from \'Bs F\' to \'Bs\'
- `Currency#exponent` now returns Fixnum
- Fixed coercion issues
- Fixed edge case with explicit override of thousands separator and decimal mark
- `Money#==` will now raise error for non-zero numeric values
- Fixed divmod
- Added disambiguation symbol to USD Dollar

Sat Jan 16 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 6.7.0
see installed

Tue Jul 28 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 6.6.1
see installed
[#]# 6.6.0

Wed Jul 15 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 6.6.0
see installed
- Fixed VariableExchange#exchange_with for big numbers.
- Add Currency symbol translation support
- `Currency.all` raises a more helpful error message
(`Currency::MissingAttributeError`)if a currency has no priority

Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 6.5.1

Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging

Sun Apr 6 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 6.1.1
- Remove deprecated methods.
- Fix issue with block form of rounding_mode.

Mon Jan 20 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 6.0.1
- Deprecated methods lists caller on print out for easier updating.
- Added support for Money::Currency#to_str and Money::Currency#to_sym
- Added ability to temporally change the rounding methond inside a given block
- Replaced parsing and core extensions with the monetize gem

Fri Nov 22 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 6.0.0
- Fix BTC subunit
- New option :sign_positive to add a + sign to positive numbers
- Only allow to multiply a money by a number (int, float)
- Fix typo
- Wrap the currency symbol in a span if :html is specified in the rules
- Added Money::Currency.all method
- Allow combined comparison operator to handle zero values without rates
- Added Money::Currency.unregister method
- Works on Ruby 1.8.7
- Update deps
- Depreciate Money.parse
- Passing :symbol => false when formatting \'JPY\' currency in :ja locale
will work as expected
- Divide now obeys the specified rounding mode
- Add Money#round method. This is helpful when working in infinite_precision mode and would like to perform rounding at specific points in your work flow.
- In infinite precision mode, deserialized Money objects no longer return Float values from the `fractional` method.
- Changed `thousands_separator` for Swedish Krona from dot to blank space.
- Allow mathematical operations with first argument being not an instance of Money (eg. 2
* money instead of money
* 2).
- Money#dollars and Money#amount methods return numbers of type BigDecimal.
- Change Money.from_bigdecimal (and in that way .to_money too) to keep precision when using `Money.infinite_precision = true`
- Add :rounded_infinite_precision option to .format
- Changed the New Taiwan Dollar symbol position from after the amount to before the amount.
- Passing a Money instance to the Money constructor will obtain a new Money object with the same property values as the original
- Add deprecation warning to comparators
- Add Money.disallow_currency_conversion! option
- Allow to inherits from `Money`

Fri May 24 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 5.1.1
- Added :sign_before_symbol option to format negative numbers as -£1 rather than £-1
- Ensure always receives a string - compatibility fix for ruby-1.9.2-p320
- Update Maldivian Currency to MVR and fix ރ. to be ރ
- Add exponent to currency
- Add find_numeric to find currencies by ISO 4217 numeric code.
- Fixed regression where thousands separator was missing on certain currencies. (GH-245)
- Added :symbol_before_without_space option to add a space between currency symbol and amount.

Fri Dec 28 13:00:00 2012
- initial package (version 5.1.0)