Changelog for ruby2.3-rubygem-cells-testsuite-4.1.7-1.4.x86_64.rpm :
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 4.1.7
see installed
[#]# 4.1.7

* `Collection#join` can now be called without a block.

Sun Jan 29 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 4.1.6
see installed
[#]# 4.1.6

* Use `Declarative::Option` and `Declarative::Builder` instead of `uber`\'s. This allows removing the `uber` version restriction.

Sat Dec 10 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.1.5
see installed
[#]# 4.1.5

* Fix a bug where nested calls of `cell(name, context: {...})` would ignore the new context elements, resulting in the old context being passed on. By adding `Context::[]` the new elements are now properly merged into a
*new context hash
*. This means that adding elements to the child context won\'t leak up into the parent context anymore.

Fri Nov 11 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.1.4
see installed
[#]# 4.1.4

* Upgrading to Uber 0.1 which handles builders a bit differently.

Tue Aug 16 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.1.3
see installed
[#]# 4.1.3

* Load `Uber::InheritableAttr` in `Testing` to fix a bug in `cells-rspec`.

Fri Jul 8 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.1.2
see installed
[#]# 4.1.2

* Testing with Rails 5 now works, by removing code the last piece of Rails-code (I know, it sounds bizarre).

Sat May 21 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.1.1
see installed

Wed Apr 20 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.0.5
see installed
[#]# 4.1.0
TODO: extract internal :layout, extract builder
[#]## API Fix/Changes

* You can no longer pass a block to `ViewModel#call`. Use `tap` if you want the same behavior.
```ruby { |cell| }

* `Concept#cell` now will resolve a concept cell (`Song::Cell`), and not the old-style suffix cell (`SongCell`). The same applies to `Concept#concept`.
concept(\"song/cell\", song).cell(\"song/cell/composer\") #=> resolves to Song::Cell::Composer
This decision has been made in regards of the upcoming, ass-kicking Cells 5. It simplifies code dramatically, and we consider it unnatural to mix concept and suffix cells in applications.

* In case you were using `AATTparent_controller`, this doesn\'t exist anymore (and was never documented, either). Use `options[:context][:controller]`.

* `::self_contained!` is no longer included into `ViewModel`. Please try using `Trailblazer::Cell` instead. If you still need it, here\'s how.
class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel
extend SelfContained

* `Cell::Concept` is deprecated and you should be using the excellent `Trailblazer::Cell` class instead, because that\'s what a concept cell tries to be in an awkward way. The latter is usable without Trailblazer.
We are hereby dropping support for `Cell::Concept` (it still works).
[#]## Awesomeness

* Introduced the concept of a context object that is being passed to all nested cells. This object is supposed to contain dependencies such as `current_user`, in Rails it contains the \"parent_controller\" under the `context[:controller]` key.
Simple provide it as an option when rendering the cell.
cell(:song, song, context: { current_user: current_user })
The `#context` method allows to access this very hash.
def role
context[:current_user].admin? \"Admin\" : \"A nobody\"

* The `cell` helper now allows to pass in a constant, too.
cell(Song::Cell, song)
[#]# 4.0.5

* Fix `Testing` so you can use Capybara matchers on `cell(:song, collection: [..])`.

Thu Jan 21 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 4.0.4
see installed
[#]# 4.0.4

* `Escaped::property` now properly escapes all passed properties. Thanks AATTxzo and AATTjlogsdon!

Tue Dec 1 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 4.0.3
see installed
[#]# 4.0.3

* `Cell::Partial` now does _append_ the global partial path to its `view_paths` instead of using `unshift` and thereby removing possible custom paths.

* Adding `Cell::Translation` which allows using the `#t` helper. Thanks to AATTjohnlane.

* Performance improvement: when inflecting the view name (90% likely to be done) the `caller` is now limited to the data we need, saving memory. Thanks AATTtimoschilling for implementing this.

* In the `concept` helper, we no longer use `classify`, which means you can say `concept(\"comment/data\")` and it will instantiate `Comment::Data` and not `Comment::Datum`. Thanks AATTfiredev!

Mon Jun 29 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 4.0.2
see installed
[#]# 4.0.2

* In Rails, include `ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper` into `ViewModel` so we already have (and pollute our cell with) `UrlHelper` and `FormTagHelper`. Helpers, so much fun.

* Concept cells will now infer their name properly even if the string `Cell` appears twice.

Tue Jun 23 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 4.0.1
see installed
[#]# 4.0.1

* Support forgery protection in `form_tag`.

Tue Jun 9 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 4.0.0
see installed

Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.11.3

Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging

Mon Jul 21 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 3.11.1

* Override `ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#url_for` in Rails 4.x as it is troublesome. That removes the annoying
`arguments passed to url_for can\'t be handled. Please require routes or provide your own implementation`
exception when using simple_form, form_for, etc with a view model.
[#]# 3.11.0

* Deprecated `Cell::Rails::ViewModel`, please inherit: `class SongCell < Cell::ViewModel`.

* `ViewModel#call` is now the prefered way to invoke the rendering flow. Without any argument, `call` will run `render_state(:show)`. Pass in any method name you want.

* Added `Caching::Notifications`.

* Added `cell(:song, collection: [song1, song2])` to render collections. This only works with ViewModel (and, of course, Concept, too).

* Added `::inherit_views` to only inherit views whereas real class inheritance would inherit all the dark past of the class.

* `::build_for` removed/privatized/changed. Use `Cell::Base::cell_for` instead.

* `Base::_parent_prefixes` is no longer used, if you override that somewhere in your cells it will break. We have our own implementation for computing the controller\'s prefixes in `Cell::Base::Prefixes` (simpler).

* `#expire_cell_state` doesn\'t take symbols anymore, only the real cell class name.

* Remove `Cell::Base.setup_view_paths!` and `Cell::Base::DEFAULT_VIEW_PATHS` and the associated Railtie. I don\'t know why this code survived 3 major versions, if you wanna set you own view paths just use `Cell::Base.view_paths=`.

* Add `Base::self_contained!`.

* Add `Base::inherit_views`.
[#]## Concept

* `#concept` helper is mixed into all views as an alternative to `#cell` and `#render_cell`. Let us know if we should do that conditionally, only.

* Concept cells look for layouts in their self-contained views directory.

* Add generator for Concept cells: `rails g concept Comment`

Sun May 18 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 3.10.1
Allow packaging assets for Rails\' asset pipeline into cells.
This is still experimental but works great. I love it.

Sat Mar 15 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 3.10.0

* API CHANGE: Blocks passed to `::cache` and `::cache ... if: ` no longer receive the cell instance as the first argument. Instead, they\'re executed in cell instance context. Change your code like this:
cache :show do |cell, options|
[#] and
cache :show, if: lambda {|cell, options| .. }
should become
cache :show do |options|
[#] and
cache :show, if: lambda {|options| .. }
Since the blocks are run in cell context, `self` will point to what was `cell` before.

* `::cache` doesn\'t accept a `Proc` instance anymore, only blocks (was undocumented anyway).

* Use [`uber` gem]( for inheritable class attributes and dynamic options.
[#]# 3.9.2

* Autoload `Cell::Rails::ViewModel`.

* Implement dynamic cache options by allowing lambdas that are executed at render-time - Thanks to AATTbibendi for this idea.

Sun Jan 5 13:00:00 2014
- updated to version 3.9.1

* Runs with Rails 4.1 now.

* Internal changes on `Layouts` to prepare 4.1 compat.

Thu Oct 31 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 3.9.0

* Cells in engines are now recognized under Rails 4.0.

* Introducing AATT#cellAATT and AATT#cell_forAATT to instantiate cells in ActionController and ActionView.

* Adding AATTCell::Rails::ViewModelAATT as a new \"dialect\" of working with cells.

* Add AATTCell::Base#process_argsAATT which is called in the initializer to handle arguments passed into the constructor.

* Setting AATTcontroller in your AATTCell::TestCaseAATT no longer get overridden by us.

Sat Feb 9 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 3.8.8

* Cells runs with Rails 4.

Tue Oct 9 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.8.6

* AATTcell/baseAATT can now be required without trouble.

* Generated test files now respect namespaced cells.

Mon Aug 6 14:00:00 2012
- buildrequire rdoc

Wed Aug 1 14:00:00 2012
- updated to version 3.8.5

Wed Aug 25 14:00:00 2010
- updated to version 3.3.4

Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- update to version 3.3.3

Fri Jun 11 14:00:00 2010
- use rubygems_requires macro

Thu Feb 18 13:00:00 2010
- updated to 3.3.0

Thu Jan 14 13:00:00 2010
- created package