Changelog for ruby2.1-rubygem-faker-1.9.1-1.2.x86_64.rpm :

* Wed Jul 11 2018 updated to version 1.9.1 see installed [#]# HEAD Unreleased [#]# [v1.9.1]( (2018-07-11) [Full Changelog]( [#]## Feature Request - [PR #1308]( Add Faker::BojackHorseman [AATTsaurabhudaniya200]( - [PR #1292]( Add Faker::Bank - account_number and routing_number [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1300]( Add Faker::GreekPhilosophers [AATT15ngburton]( - [PR #1004]( Add Faker::Ethereum [AATTkaizenx]( - [PR #551]( Add gender to name generator [AATTMaicolben]( - [PR #1283]( Add Faker::Military [AATTjjasghar]( - [PR #1279]( Add Faker::HarryPotter.spell [AATTA9u]( - [PR #799]( Faker::ElectricalComponents [AATTbheim6]( - [PR #1050]( Add Faker::Invoice to generate valid bank slip references [AATTonnimonni]( - [PR #817]( Faker::Lorem.multibyte for multibyte chars [AATTfrankywahl]( - [PR #877]( Add Canada SIN generator in Faker::Code [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1268]( Add Faker::Nation.national_sport [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1273]( Add Faker::Device [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1272]( Add [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1270]( Add Faker::Name.middle_name [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1266]( Add Faker::Science.element_symbol [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1101]( Add Faker::Company.czech_organisation_number [AATTjindrichskupa]( - [PR #1265]( Add Faker::WorldCup [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1141]( Add Faker::Coffee.intensifier [AATToyeanuj]( - [PR #1260]( Add Faker::Auto features to Faker::Vehicle [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1259]( Add the ability to add separators to emails. [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1064]( Add Faker::Markdown.sandwich [AATTrussellschmidt]( - [PR #1222]( Add paragraph_by_chars functionality [AATTjguthrie100]( - [PR #1107]( Add tokens to Faker::Stripe [AATTwecohere]( - [PR #1258]( Remove simplecov-console and add coverage_report rake task [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1247]( Generate capital city of random Nation [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1250]( House appliances [AATTrafaelcpalmeida]( - [PR #1239]( Update Faker::Food to separate out Fruits and Veggies [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1221]( Updated the Readme file with the new logo [AATTtobaloidee]( - [PR #1109]( Added Princess Bride [AATTjayphodges]( - [PR #987]( Add Faker::Cannabis class [AATTGhostGroup]( - [PR #1199]( Add Faker::StrangerThings [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1129]( Added SingularSiegler quotes [AATTsplashinn]( - [PR #1235]( Added Faker::Community [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1144]( Added polish_register_of_national_economy and polish_taxpayer_identification_number [AATTrafalpetryka]( - [PR #1201]( Adding Currency Symbol to Faker [AATTSaimonL]( - [PR #1230]( Add Faker::SwordArtOnline [AATTlnchambers]( - [PR #792]( Add Faker::FamousLastWords [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1174]( Dota API: Str Heroes, heroes quotes, Items, Teams, Players [AATTfelipesousafs]( - [PR #1220]( Updates for Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1218]( Add Faker::Myst [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #818]( LoremFlickr support [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1192]( Space: Added space launch vehicule [AATTgauth-ier]( - [PR #1211]( Add bands, genres, and albums to Music [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1215]( Added Nato Phonetic Alphabet [AATTtimcustard]( - [PR #1209]( Add Faker::Source [AATTgraciano]( - [PR #1147]( Add Spanish citizen id and docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1189]( Add Faker::Football [AATTAlexGascon]( - [PR #1202]( adds both inclusive and binary gender option [AATTjmkoni]( - [PR #1193]( Add Faker::MichaelScott API [AATTsnayrouz]( - [PR #1179]( Random color with Placeholdit [AATTnicolas-brousse]( - [PR #1190]( Add Nation object, its specs and docs [AATTgkunwar]( - [PR #1210]( Add coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #924]( Rubocop + fixes [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #900]( Add Japanese lorem words to locale [AATTvietqhoang]( [#]## Update/add locales - [PR #1297]( Faker::WorldCup updates [AATTJoaoHenriqueVale]( - [PR #616]( add german commerce translations [AATTweh]( - [PR #1281]( Some competitions were in the coaches array [AATTEusebiotrigo]( - [PR #1103]( Fix inconsistent capitalization in dishes, ingredients and spices, and some other small issues under \'food\' [AATTevrimfeyyaz]( - [PR #1262]( Add fr_CH locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1261]( Add fr_CA locale [AATTelentras]( - [PR #1275]( Fix typo; RedWine should be two words [AATTjohnmuhl]( - [PR #1269]( Update locales [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1140]( Add Estonian and Latvian locales [AATTmaciej-szlosarczyk]( - [PR #1249]( Update list of name prefixes for sv locale. [kamilbielawski]( - [PR #1228]( Added Japanese color to yml [AATTkatao]( - [PR #1106]( Adds turkish phone number formats [AATTzasman]( - [PR #794]( Adding country code + minor locale updates [AATTvveliev]( - [PR #439]( Remove Eichmann surname [AATTjonahwh]( - [PR #1203]( Finnish locale has 50 most common male, female, and last names [AATTGlenf]( - [PR #1183]( Correct the spelling of Gringotts [AATTrhoen]( - [PR #1236]( Updates dessert faker [AATTsusiirwin]( - [PR #1229]( sv.yml: Typos [AATTolleolleolle]( - [PR #1108]( Update Faker::Dessert [AATTnatalietate]( - [PR #1122]( Fix formatting for Brazilian phone and cell phone numbers [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - [PR #1138]( Update locales - Faker::Overwatch [AATTtanner0101]( - [PR #1117]( Added Ukrainian entries to yml [AATTRomanIsko]( [#]## Bug/Fixes - [PR #1305]( Fix YAML syntax - single quote escape (on vehicle.yml) [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1196]( Fix PhoneNumber in es-MX [AATTdrewish]( - [PR #1133]( Fix I18n 0.9.3 compatibility [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1292]( Fix flexible keys crashing when current locale does not provide them [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1274]( Allow Faker::Address.zip_code to have leading zero [AATTigor-starostenko]( - [PR #1241]( Add missing tests reported by SimpleCov [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1240]( Add some tests [AATTaamarill]( - [PR #1238]( pluralized file to match link name in the readme [AATTConnerh92]( - [PR #1232]( Fix file permissions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1205]( Show the type of field that violated a uniqueness constraint [AATTAndrewRayCode]( - [PR #1227]( Update RuboCop to 0.56.0 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1225]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1134]( Test against latest Ruby versions [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1223]( Fix minitest warnings [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1198]( Rename methods on Faker::Types to avoid shadowing ruby standard methods [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #1142]( Missing i18n jobs fix [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #1213]( Add missing tests after adding Coveralls [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1212]( Coveralls should ignore test folder [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1181]( Fix: Moved the Google Omniauth key id_info from root into extra [AATTSirRawlins]( - [PR #1207]( use default rake task [AATTstephengroat]( - [PR #1136]( Modify Faker::Internet.slug [AATTphilduffen]( - [PR #1170]( First_name and last_name should use the parse method - :ru locale [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1197]( Fixes NL postcode [AATTJonathanWThom]( - [PR #1172]( Fix Fixnum reference warning [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1173]( Fix tests warning [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Chores - [PR #1304]( Fix Faker::Source ruby language examples [AATTYumaInaura]( - [PR #1306]( Rename Internet#user_name to #username [AATTtylerhunt]( - [PR #1293]( Update RuboCop to 0.57.2 [AATTtagliala]( - [PR #1294]( Simpler requiring of test helper [AATTdeivid-rodriguez]( - [PR #1288]( rake console changes - description and [AATTMarcPer]( - [PR #719]( Random words to add should be 0 [AATTswapsCAPS]( [#]## Documentation - [PR #1121]( Better docs for Faker::Food.description [AATTjujulisan]( - [PR #1257]( Fix method name in Faker::SingularSiegler [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1256]( Fixing documentation - Faker::Name to Faker::Zelda [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1254]( Added missing documentation. [AATTmrstebo]( - [PR #1252]( Add missing documentation - Faker::Address to Faker::Myst [AATTvbrazo]( - [PR #1248]( Remove duplications from [AATTvrinek]( - [PR #1146]( Update company docs [AATTPuZZleDucK]( - [PR #974]( Specify version number each class was introduced [AATTdarylf]( - [PR #1128]( Use ruby syntax highlighting in Omniauth doc [AATTswrobel]( - [PR #1204]( Update sample output of `Faker::App.version` [AATTjoshuapinter]( - [PR #1135]( Added documentation for dumb and dumber [AATTcnharris10]( - [PR #1177]( Update Faker::Number.between docs [AATTSpyMaster356]( - [PR #1124]( Fix ranges for Brazilian zip codes [AATTlucasqueiroz]( - New collaborator - Vitor Oliveira [AATTvbrazo]( [#]## Deprecation - [PR #1264]( Prepare Faker::Name.job_titles and Faker::Name.title for deprecation - Removing these methods as they are available in `Faker::Job`
* Tue Jan 02 2018 Updated to version 1.8.7 Additions Faker::Company.type Faker::Job.education_level and Faker::Job.employment_type More characters and quotes for Seinfeld Fixes Revert a change in 1.8.5 that caused Star Wars methods to return a single string rather than an array (#1093)
* Fri Dec 22 2017 Updated to version 1.8.6 From the changelog: Additions Faker::App.semantic_version Faker::Types New methods in Faker::StarWars: call_squadron, call_sign, call_number Other changes Changed i18n depedency from ~> 0.9.1 to >= 0.7
* Thu Dec 14 2017 updated to version 1.8.5 see installed
* Thu Aug 03 2017 updated to version 1.8.4 see installed
* Sun Feb 05 2017 updated to version 1.7.3 see installed [#]# [v1.7.3]( (2017-02-04) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Creates invalid UK postcodes [\\#790]( - remove first name Adolf [\\#788]( - Config for adding format restriction. [\\#695]( - How to avoid special characters in faker string field [\\#615]( - Add Demographic Data [\\#585]( - OmniAuth ready responses [\\#507]( - US Zip Codes Sometimes Returns Non-Actual Zip Codes [\\#275](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Harry Potter [\\#820]( ([jaclynjessup]( - Update readme [\\#819]( ([ktrant84]( - en.yml: Typo Golum -\\> Gollum [\\#816]( ([jtibbertsma]( - Add Faker::Twitter [\\#815]( ([abraham]( - Fixed Validity of UK postcodes [\\#814]( ([darkstego]( - Fixed russian locale [\\#813]( ([fobo66]( - Allow unique values to be cleared [\\#810]( ([dslh]( - Friends info [\\#808]( ([ktrant84]( - Update [\\#805]( ([Frylock13]( - adds Zelda [\\#800]( ([audy]( - Remove the word \'fap\' [\\#798]( ([probablycorey]( - en.yml: fix typo in demographic race [\\#797]( ([PascalSchumacher]( - Adds Faker::Demographic [\\#796]( ([baron816]( - Typofix: nfinite -\\> Infinite [\\#795]( ([mgold]( - Update output for zip functions [\\#787]( ([yovasx2]( - doc fix [\\#786]( ([ieldanr]( - Refactors code in some Faker basic classes [\\#785]( ([tiagofsilva](
* Sat Jan 14 2017 updated to version 1.7.2 see installed [#]# [v1.7.2]( (2017-01-03) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Faker::Avatar error: read server certificate B: certificate verify failed [\\#763]( - assert\\(/.+AATT\\[^.\\].+\\.\\w+/\\) fails randomly [\\#737]( - Incorrect HSL color format [\\#728]( - Can we add the \\#Hacktoberfest label for pull requests this month [\\#717]( - Faker::Boolean.boolean error [\\#714]( - Faker::Food not found [\\#688]( - Fix seed for random values [\\#684]( - README alphabetical order of Usage [\\#660]( - At which point do we break off functionality? [\\#653]( - Time zone abbreviation [\\#631]( - ruby 2.3.1 rails 5 [\\#627]( - Faker::Time::between doesn\'t respect requested period [\\#526](
*Merged pull requests:
* - IPv4: private and reserved [\\#784]( ([randoum]( - Update bank method [\\#783]( ([swapnilchincholkar]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#782]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refactors code in some base classes [\\#781]( ([tiagofsilva]( - Refute blank [\\#707]( ([SherSpock]( [#]# [v1.7.1]( (2016-12-25) [Full Changelog](
*Closed issues:
* - Getting \"Segmentation fault: 11\" when I upgrade last 3 repos to faker 1.7.0 [\\#780]( - New release? [\\#767](
*Merged pull requests:
* - Added Faker::Fillmurray hotlink to usages list [\\#779]( ([Jedeu](
* Sun Dec 25 2016 updated to version 1.7.0 History.txt removed upstream
* Tue Jul 26 2016 updated to version 1.6.6 see installed History.txt == 1.6.6 2016-07-25
* Added Faker::GameOfThrones, Faker::Pokemon
* Fixes for, Faker::Hacker.say_something_smart
* Sun Jul 10 2016 updated to version 1.6.5 see installed History.txt == 1.6.5 2016-07-08
* Removed
* Thu Jul 07 2016 updated to version 1.6.4 see installed History.txt == 1.6.4 2016-07-06
* Removed support for Ruby 1.9.3
* Added Faker::ChuckNorris, Faker::Crypto, Faker::Educator, Faker::File, Faker::Music, Faker::Space, Faker::Vehicle, and Faker::Yoda
* Fixed bug with credit card types
* DST fixes in Faker::Time
* Added Faker::Name.name_with_middle
* Added Faker::Code.imei
* Added Faker::Code.asin
* Added Faker::Lorem.question and Faker::Lorem.questions
* Added Faker::Internet.private_ip_v4_address
* Added Faker::Company.australian_business_number
* Other miscellaneous fixes and locale updates
* Wed Mar 02 2016 updated to version 1.6.3 see installed History.txt == 1.6.3 2016-02-23
* Fix for UTF problem in Ruby 1.9.3
* Fix for Faker::StarWars.character
* Updated sv locale
* Sun Feb 21 2016 updated to version 1.6.2 see installed History.txt == 1.6.2 2016-02-20
* Fix for locale-switching (Russian email addresses)
* Added Faker::Beer, Faker::Boolean, Faker::Cat, Faker::StarWars, and Faker::Superhero
* Added Faker::Color.color_name
* Added Faker::Date.between_except
* Fixed Faker::Internet.ip_v4_cidr and Faker::Internet.ip_v6_cidr
* Added locales: ca, ca-CAT, da-DK, fi-FI, and pt
* Tue Nov 24 2015 updated to version 1.6.1 see installed History.txt == 1.6.1 2015-11-23
* Fix for locale issues in tests == 1.6.0 2015-11-23
* Lots of bug fixes -- most notably, a fix for email addresses and domains in non-en locales
* Updated locales: de, en-AU, en-NZ, en-SG, en-US, en-au-ocker, en, es, fr, he, it, ja, nb-NO, pl, pt-BR, sk, and zh-CN
* Updated classes: Address, Avatar, Book, Code, Commerce, Company, Hipster, IDNumber, Internet, Number, Placeholdit, Shakespeare, and Time
* Tue Aug 18 2015 updated to version 1.5.0 see installed History.txt == 1.5.0 2015-08-17
* Added logos
* Added Slack Emoji
* Updated image generators
* Updated Dutch Locale
* Added support for generating RGB values, HSL colors, alpha channel, and HSLA colors
* Added locale for Uganda
* Added basic Ukrainian support
* Added university name generator
* Updated documentation
* Updated a variety of locales
* Various fixes
* Wed Oct 15 2014 updated to version 1.4.3
* Updated Russian locale
* Added EIN generator
* Fixed Swedish locale
* Added birthday to Faker::Date
* Added Faker::App == 1.4.2 2014-07-15
* Added Swedish locale
* README update == 1.4.1 2014-07-04
* Bugfix and cleanup == 1.4.0 2014-07-03
* Many enhancements and bugfixes
* Tue May 06 2014 set license tag to MIT
* Sat Mar 15 2014 updated to version 1.3.0
* Many enhancements and few bugfixes
* Sun Jul 28 2013 updated to version 1.2.0
* Many major and minor enhancements :)
* Fri Nov 16 2012 updated to version 1.1.2
* 1 minor change:
* Fixed Ruby 1.8 compatibility == 1.1.1 2012-09-17
* 1 minor change:
* Removed ja locale because of parse errors == 1.1.0 2012-09-15
* 1 major change:
* Removed deprecated methods from Address: earth_country, us_state, us_state_abbr, uk_postcode, uk_county
* Many minor changes (please see github pull requests for credits)
* Added many localizations
* Added range and array support for Lorem
* Mon Sep 03 2012 initial package (version 1.0.1)