Changelog for ruby2.2-rubygem-test-kitchen-1.16.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Mar 4 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 1.16.0
see installed
[#]# [v1.16.0]( (2017-03-03)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Enforce suite idempotency [\\#874](
- Export no\\_proxy from kitchen config [\\#1178]( ([itmustbejj](
- Adding transport option \"ssh\\_key\\_only\". [\\#1141]( ([cliles](
- Run chef-client twice in chef-zero provisioner [\\#875]( ([kamaradclimber](

*Fixed bugs:
- Pinning thor to match berks [\\#1189]( ([cheeseplus](

*Closed issues:
- Message: Could not load the \'ansible\\_playbook\' provisioner from the load path [\\#1197](
- pull or push in a docker registry with kitchen [\\#1186](
- Compat issues with net-ssh 4.x [\\#1184](
- Changelog was not updated for the 1.15.0 release [\\#1183](
- Could not load or activate Berkshelf [\\#1172](
- WinRm - I/O Operation Aborted [\\#1142](
- Guest hostname does not get set if converge times out during vagrant VM boot [\\#1128](
- I\'m trying to run kitchen converge but getting the converge IO error [\\#1075](
- Documentation for support for Encrypted Data Bags [\\#384](
[#]# [v1.15.0]( (2017-01-12)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Display the last action\'s success [\\#1124](
- Relax dependencies to bring in newer gem versions [\\#1176]( ([lamont-granquist](
- Make RakeTask\\#config public. [\\#1069]( ([gregsymons](

*Fixed bugs:
- Fix busser trying to run bats when bats tests don\'t exist [\\#1133]( ([amontalban](

*Closed issues:
- \"incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT\" when using cyrillic letters in cookbook [\\#1170](
- ssh\\_key is not read and sent to the args for ssh transport [\\#1169](

Thu Jan 19 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 1.15.0
see installed

Wed Dec 21 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.14.2
see installed
[#]# [v1.14.2]( (2016-12-09)
[Full Changelog](

*Merged pull requests:
- Replace finstyle in favor of chefstyle [\\#1166]( ([afiune](

Fri Dec 9 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.14.1
see installed
[#]# [v1.14.1]( (2016-12-08)
[Full Changelog](

*Closed issues:
- Getting message: \"Expected array default value for \'--driver\'; got \"kitchen-vagrant\" \\(string\\)\" with every operation [\\#1163](
- Possible to specify a custom bootstrap template? [\\#1162](
- Deployment of cookbooks do differ from berks package [\\#1158](
- Failed to complete \\#create action: \\[undefined method \'\\[\\]\' for nil:NilClass\\] [\\#1157](
- inspec works, but kitchen verify fails [\\#1154](

*Merged pull requests:
- Fix typo in berkshelf chef provisioner. [\\#1160]( ([thommay](
- Update [\\#1156]( ([afiune](
- Fix to work with Thor 0.19.2 [\\#1155]( ([coderanger](

Wed Nov 23 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.14.0
see installed
[#]# [v1.14.0]( (2016-11-22)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Test Kitchen should use omnitruck\'s -d option by default [\\#809](

*Closed issues:
- Kitchen converge fails, doesn\'t install omnibus, \\[\\[WinRM::FS::Core::FileTransporter\\] Upload failed [\\#1150](
- Re-Enable Code Climate [\\#1146](
- kitchen + berkshelf don\'t work together with the latest versions of gems [\\#1144](
- Vagrant drivers brings up virtualbox machine with \'cable connected\' disabled option [\\#1143](
- kitchen converge throws Berkshelf::LockfileNotFound on Windows [\\#1140](
- Inspect tests is an empty value when using the kitchen\\_ec2 driver [\\#1136](
- kitchen test or verify with --parallel option fails [\\#1125](

*Merged pull requests:
- Added `cache` interface for Drivers so that provisioners can leverage [\\#1149]( ([afiune](
- Ensure that we only berks update with a lockfile [\\#1145]( ([thommay](
- Added `last\\_error` and `--json` to `kitchen list` [\\#1135]( ([BackSlasher](
- Allow the user to make deprecations errors [\\#1117]( ([thommay](

Sat Oct 8 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.13.2
see installed
[#]# [v1.13.2]( (2016-09-26)
[Full Changelog](

*Fixed bugs:
- fix broken path on nano so shell out works [\\#1129]( ([mwrock](
[#]# [v1.13.1]( (2016-09-22)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Allow mixlib-install 2.0 [\\#1126]( ([jkeis

Sat Sep 17 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.13.0
see installed
[#]# [v1.13.0]( (2016-09-16)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Add `kitchen status` command [\\#87](
- Add support for Windows Nano installs via chef provisioners [\\#1119]( ([mwrock](
- Add package driver command [\\#1074]( ([neillturner](

*Fixed bugs:
- SSH Transport: Bastion proxy results in broken pipe error [\\#1079](

Sat Sep 3 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.12.0
see installed
[#]# [v1.12.0]( (2016-09-02)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Use winrm v2 release gems [\\#1061]( ([mwrock](
- Add a new config option always\\_update\\_cookbooks [\\#1107]( ([coderanger](
- Always run `chef install` even if the lock file exists. [\\#1103]( ([coderanger](
- support passing Kitchen::Config Hash keys to [\\#1102]( ([theckman](

Mon Aug 15 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.11.1
see installed
[#]# [v1.11.1]( (2016-08-13)
[Full Changelog](

*Fixed bugs:
- Check the actual value, because `password: nil` shouldn\'t disable sending the key [\\#1098]( ([coderanger](

Sat Aug 13 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.11.0
see installed
[#]# [v1.11.0]( (2016-08-11)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Provide some way for Chef to know it\'s running under test [\\#458](
- Dont set ssh key configuration if a password is specified [\\#1095]( ([mwrock](
- Ability to work with Instances over SSH tunnel. [\\#1091]( ([EYurchenko](
- Add environment variables $TEST\\_KITCHEN and $CI [\\#1081]( ([coderanger](
- Adding test\\_base\\_path CLI arg to the diagnose command [\\#1076]( ([tyler-ball](
- Add legacy\\_mode argument for chef\\_solo provisioner [\\#1073]( ([SaltwaterC](
- Added support for Chef 10 [\\#1072]( ([acondrat](

*Fixed bugs:
- Escape paths before running policyfile commands [\\#1085]( ([coderanger](

Wed Jun 29 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.10.2
see installed
[#]# [v1.10.2]( (2016-06-23)
[Full Changelog](

*Fixed bugs:
- Mainly just a gem repackage against a clean repo on a linux machine
[#]# [v1.10.1]( (2016-06-23)
[Full Changelog](

*Fixed bugs:
- Reboot resource with new \'reboot and try again\' feature [\\#1062](
- Fix WinRM Upload Failures After Reboot [\\#1064]( ([smurawski](
[#]# [v1.10.0]( (2016-06-16)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Retry `Kitchen::Provisioner\\#run\\_command` after allowed exit codes [\\#1055]( ([smurawski](
- Add fallback support for `policyfile` for compat with the older policyfile\\_zero [\\#1053]( ([coderanger](

Tue Jun 14 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.9.2
see installed
[#]# [v1.9.2]( (2016-06-09)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- add max scp session handling [\\#1047]( ([lamont-granquist](

*Fixed bugs:
- Message: SCP upload failed \\(open failed \\(1\\)\\) [\\#1035](

Fri Jun 3 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.9.1
see installed

Fri May 27 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.9.0
see installed
[#]# [1.9.0]( (2016-05-26)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Buffer errors until the end of an action [\\#1034]( ([smurawski](
- Added ECOSYSTEM doc highlight all the core Test-Kitchen and community plugins. [\\#1015]( ([jjasghar](
- Add kitchen-azurerm to list of community-provided drivers [\\#1024]( ([stuartpreston](
- uploads: reuse connections+disable compression [\\#1023]( ([lamont-granquist](

*Fixed bugs:
- Use command\\_prefix provided by Kitchen::Provisioner::Base in shell provisioner [\\#1033]( ([pstengel](
- Empty string for the config setting for proxies did not really work [\\#1027]( ([smurawski](
- Update `chef\\_omnbius\\_url` default value [\\#1028]( ([schisamo](
- Fix grammar in common\\_sandbox warning message [\\#1031]( ([emachnic](

Sat May 21 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.8.0
see installed
[#]# [1.8.0]( (2016-05-05)
[Full Changelog](

*Implemented enhancements:
- Add native policyfile resolution support [\\#1014]( ([danielsdeleo](
- Provide the option to run all winrm commands through a scheduled task [\\#1012]( ([mwrock](

Thu Apr 14 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.7.3
see installed
[#]# [1.7.3]( (2016-04-13)
[Full Changelog](

*Fixed bugs:
- Test Kitchen on windows fails to upload data bags [\\#1006](
- Fixes busser install for older omnibus windows installs [\\#1003]( ([mwrock](

Tue Apr 12 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.7.2
see installed

Wed Apr 6 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.7.1
see installed

Tue Mar 1 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.6.0
see installed

Mon Jan 25 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.5.0
see installed

Tue Aug 4 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.4.2
see installed
[#]# 1.4.2
[#]## Potentially breaking changes
[#]## Bug fixes

* PR [#801][]: Use compression `true` instead of `\'zlib\'` by default, supports net-ssh 2.10. Old values of `\'zlib\'` and `\'none\'` are cast to `\'zlib[AATTopenssh][].com\'` and `false` respectively but are deprecated. In 2.0 this casting will be removed. ([AATTcoderanger][])

* PR [#802][]: net-ssh 2.10 throws a different error than 2.9 when connection times out, so we need to retry that. We now retry both the 2.9 and 2.10 errors. ([AATTAnnih][])

* Pinning to net-ssh < 2.10 because 2.10 no longer works with Ruby 1.9 and TK still does ([AATTtyler-ball][])
[#]## New features
[#]## Improvements

* PR [#689][]: Fixing tests to run on Windows and adding AppVeyor builds. ([AATTtyler-ball][] and [AATTsmurawski][])

Fri Jun 19 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.4.1
see installed

Wed Apr 29 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 1.4.0
see installed
[#]# 1.4.0.rc.1 / 2015-04-23
*A selected roll-up of 1.4.0 pre-release changelogs
[#]## Potentially breaking changes

* while a huge amount of effort has gone into preserving backwards compatibility, there could be issues when running this release using certain Drivers and Provisioners, especially ones that are deeply customized. Drivers that inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::Base` may need to be updated, while Driver that inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase` should continue to operate as before. Other libraries/addons/plugins which patch internals of Test Kitchen\'s code may break or work differently and would be extremely hard to preserve while adding new functionality. Sadly, this is a tradeoff.

* Drivers are no longer responsible for `converge`, `setup`, `verify`, and `login` actions. The updated Driver API contract ([Driver::Base]( only requires implementing the `#create` and `#destroy` methods, same as before. However, for Drivers that directly inherit from `Kitchen::Driver::Base`, any custom `#converge`, `#setup`, `#verify`, or `#login_command` methods will no longer be called. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Drivers which inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase` are now considered \"Legacy Drivers\" as further improvements for these Drivers may not be available in future releases. The previous behavior is preserved, i.e. the Driver\'s `#converge`, `#setup`, and `#verify` methods are called and all methods signatures (and relative behavior) is preserved. ([Driver::SSHBase](, [Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Provisioners are now self-aware, completely owning the `converge` action. The original public methods of the Base Provisioner are maintained but are now invoked with a `#call(state)` method on the Provisioner object. Provisioner authors may elect to implement the command and sandbox methods, or re-implement the `#call` method which may not call any of the previously mentioned methods. ([Provisioner::Base](, [Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Transport are not responsible for the `login` command. ([Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Busser is now a plugin of type Verifier (see below for details on Verifiers). Any external code that directly creates a `Kitchen::Busser` object will fail as the class has moved to `Kitchen::Verifier::Busser`. Any external code that directly invokes Busser\'s `#sync_cmd` will log a warning and will
* transfer test files (authors of plugins may now call `instance.transport(state).upload(locals, remote)` in its place). ([AATTfnichol][])

* Verifiers are responsible for the `verify` action. ([Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#649][]: Preserve Busser\'s #setup_cmd, #run_cmd, & #sync_cmd for better backwards compatibility. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#672][]: Extract WinRM-dependant code from Transport::Winrm into the winrm-transport gem, meaning that WinRM support is now a soft dependency of Test Kitchen, similar to Berkshelf and Librarian-Chef. This means the first time a Winrm Transport is requested, a `kitchen` command will crash with a UserError message instructing the user to install the winrm-transport gem. Existing projects which do not use the Winrm Transport will be unaffected and have no extra gem dependencies to manage. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## Bug fixes

* Issue [#656][], pull request 669: Move ObjectSpace finalizer logic into CommandExtractor to close the last opened remote shell on shutdown for Winrm Transport. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Issue [#611][], pull request [#673][]: Ensure that secret key is deleted before converge for chef_zero and chef_solo Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Issue [#389][], pull request [#674][]: Expand path for `:ssh_key` if provided in kitchen.yml for Ssh Transport. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#653][]: Consider `:require_chef_omnibus = 11` to be a modern version for Chef Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## New features

* ChefZero Provisioner supports Windows paths and PowerShell commands and works with the WinRM Transport (default behavior for Platform names starting with `/^win/`). ([Provisioner::ChefZero]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* ChefSolo Provisioner supports Windows paths and PowerShell commands and works with the WinRM Transport (default behavior for Platform names starting with `/^win/`). ([Provisioner::ChefSolo]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Shell Provisioner supports PowerShell scripts in addition to Bourne shell scripts ([Provisioner::Shell]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Platform operating system and shell hinting: By default, Windows platform names (case insensitive platform names starting with `/^win/`) will have `:os_type` set to `\"windows\"` and `:shell_type` set to `\"powershell\"`. By default, non-Windows platform names will have `:os_type` set to `\"unix\"` and `:shell_type` set to `\"bourne\"`. The methods `#windows_os?`, `#unix_os?`, `#powershell_shell?`, `#bourne_shell?`, and `#remote_path_join` are available for all Driver, Provisioner, Verifier, and Transport authors. ([AATTfnichol][])

* New plugin type: Transport, which executes commands and transfers files to remote instances. ([Transport::Base]( ([AATTafiune][], [AATTmwrock][], [AATTfnichol][])

* New Transport: WinRM: which re-uses a remote shell to execute commands and upload files over WinRM. Currently non-SSL/plaintext authentication only. ([Transport::Winrm]( ([AATTafiune][], [AATTmwrock][], [AATTfnichol][])

* New Transport: SSH, which re-uses one SSH connection where possible. Improvements such as keepalive, retries, and further configuration attributes are included. This replaces the more general `Kitchen:SSH` class, which remains in the codebase for plugins that call this class directly. ([Transport::Ssh]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* New plugin type: Verifier, which executes post-convergence tests on the instance. Busser is now a Verifier. ([Verifier::Base]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Add [API versioning](d8f1a7db9e506c44f321462e1fba0b1e24994070) metadata to all plugin types. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#667][], pull request [#668][]: Add plugin diagnostics, exposed via `kitchen diagnose`. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#675][], issue [#424][]: Add default `:compression` & `:compression_level` configuration attributes to Ssh Transport.

* Pull request [#651][], issue [#592][], issue [#629][], issue [#307][]: Add :sudo_command to Provisioners, Verifiers, & ShellOut. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]### Improvements

* In addition to supporting setting `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` environment variables when `:http_proxy` and `:https_proxy` are set in Provisioner and Verifier blocks, `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variables will also be set/exported in ChefZero/ChefSolo Provisioners and Busser Verifier. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#600][], pull request [#633][], issue [#85][]: Add `--log-overwrite` flag to CLI anywhere `--log-level` is accepted. By default it is true and will clear out the log every time Test Kitchen runs. To disable this behavior pass `--log-overwrite=false` or `--no-log-overwrite`. You can also configure this with the environment variable `KITCHEN_LOG_OVERWRITE`. ([AATTtyler-ball][])

* Refactor \"non-trivial\" (i.e. more than a line or two) Bourne and PowerShell code bodies into static files under support/ for better code review by domain experts. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#530][], issue [#429][]: Stop uploading empty directories. ([AATTwhiteley][])

* Pull request [#588][]: Change to in ChefZero and ChefSolo Provisioners. ([AATTjdmundrawala][])

* Pull request [#658][], issue [#654][]: Updated for sh compatibility based on code which supports more platforms including Solaris. ([AATTscotthain][], [AATTcuriositycasualty][], [AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#652][], pull request [#666][], issue [#556][]: Support symbol values in solo.rb & client.rb for chef_zero and chef_solo Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]# 1.4.0.rc.1 / 2015-03-29
[#]## Potentially breaking changes

* Pull request [#672][]: Extract WinRM-dependant code from Transport::Winrm into the winrm-transport gem, meaning that WinRM support is now a soft dependency of Test Kitchen, similar to Berkshelf and Librarian-Chef. This means the first time a Winrm Transport is requested, a `kitchen` command will crash with a UserError message instructing the user to install the winrm-transport gem. Existing projects which do not use the Winrm Transport will be unaffected and have no extra gem dependencies to manage. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## Bug fixes

* Issue [#656][], pull request 669: Move ObjectSpace finalizer logic into CommandExtractor to close the last opened remote shell on shutdown for Winrm Transport. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Issue [#611][], pull request [#673][]: Ensure that secret key is deleted before converge for chef_zero and chef_solo Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Issue [#389][], pull request [#674][]: Expand path for `:ssh_key` if provided in kitchen.yml for Ssh Transport. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#653][]: Consider `:require_chef_omnibus = 11` to be a modern version for Chef Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## New features

* Add [API versioning](d8f1a7db9e506c44f321462e1fba0b1e24994070) metadata to all plugin types. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#667][], pull request [#668][]: Add plugin diagnostics, exposed via `kitchen diagnose`. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#675][], issue [#424][]: Add default `:compression` & `:compression_level` configuration attributes to Ssh Transport.

* Pull request [#651][], issue [#592][], issue [#629][], issue [#307][]: Add :sudo_command to Provisioners, Verifiers, & ShellOut. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## Improvements

* Pull request [#658][], issue [#654][]: Updated for sh compatibility based on code which supports more platforms including Solaris. ([AATTscotthain][], [AATTcuriositycasualty][], [AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#652][], pull request [#666][], issue [#556][]: Support symbol values in solo.rb & client.rb for chef_zero and chef_solo Provisioners. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]# 1.4.0.beta.2 / 2015-03-25
[#]## Potentially breaking changes

* Pull request [#649][]: Preserve Busser\'s #setup_cmd, #run_cmd, & #sync_cmd for better backwards compatibility. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## Bug fixes

* Pull request [#648][]: Transport::Winrm: Truncate destination file for overwriting. ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]# 1.4.0.beta.1 / 2015-03-24
[#]## Potentially breaking changes

* while a huge amount of effort has gone into preserving backwards compatibility, there could be issues when running this release using certain Drivers and Provisioners, especially ones that are deeply customized. Drivers that inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::Base` may need to be updated, while Driver that inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase` should continue to operate as before. Other libraries/addons/plugins which patch internals of Test Kitchen\'s code may break or work differently and would be extremely hard to preserve while adding new functionality. Sadly, this is a tradeoff.

* Drivers are no longer responsible for `converge`, `setup`, `verify`, and `login` actions. The updated Driver API contract ([Driver::Base]( only requires implementing the `#create` and `#destroy` methods, same as before. However, for Drivers that directly inherit from `Kitchen::Driver::Base`, any custom `#converge`, `#setup`, `#verify`, or `#login_command` methods will no longer be called. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Drivers which inherit directly from `Kitchen::Driver::SSHBase` are now considered \"Legacy Drivers\" as further improvements for these Drivers may not be available in future releases. The previous behavior is preserved, i.e. the Driver\'s `#converge`, `#setup`, and `#verify` methods are called and all methods signatures (and relative behavior) is preserved. ([Driver::SSHBase](, [Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Provisioners are now self-aware, completely owning the `converge` action. The original public methods of the Base Provisioner are maintained but are now invoked with a `#call(state)` method on the Provisioner object. Provisioner authors may elect to implement the command and sandbox methods, or re-implement the `#call` method which may not call any of the previously mentioned methods. ([Provisioner::Base](, [Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Transport are not responsible for the `login` command. ([Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Busser is now a plugin of type Verifier (see below for details on Verifiers). Any external code that directly creates a `Kitchen::Busser` object will fail as the class has moved to `Kitchen::Verifier::Busser`. Any external code that directly invokes Busser\'s `#sync_cmd` will log a warning and will
* transfer test files (authors of plugins may now call `instance.transport(state).upload(locals, remote)` in its place). ([AATTfnichol][])

* Verifiers are responsible for the `verify` action. ([Commit notes]( ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]## New features

* ChefZero Provisioner supports Windows paths and PowerShell commands and works with the WinRM Transport (default behavior for Platform names starting with `/^win/`). ([Provisioner::ChefZero]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* ChefSolo Provisioner supports Windows paths and PowerShell commands and works with the WinRM Transport (default behavior for Platform names starting with `/^win/`). ([Provisioner::ChefSolo]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Shell Provisioner supports PowerShell scripts in addition to Bourne shell scripts ([Provisioner::Shell]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* Platform operating system and shell hinting: By default, Windows platform names (case insensitive platform names starting with `/^win/`) will have `:os_type` set to `\"windows\"` and `:shell_type` set to `\"powershell\"`. By default, non-Windows platform names will have `:os_type` set to `\"unix\"` and `:shell_type` set to `\"bourne\"`. The methods `#windows_os?`, `#unix_os?`, `#powershell_shell?`, `#bourne_shell?`, and `#remote_path_join` are available for all Driver, Provisioner, Verifier, and Transport authors. ([AATTfnichol][])

* New plugin type: Transport, which executes commands and transfers files to remote instances. ([Transport::Base]( ([AATTafiune][], [AATTmwrock][], [AATTfnichol][])

* New Transport: WinRM: which re-uses a remote shell to execute commands and upload files over WinRM. Currently non-SSL/plaintext authentication only. ([Transport::Winrm]( ([AATTafiune][], [AATTmwrock][], [AATTfnichol][])

* New Transport: SSH, which re-uses one SSH connection where possible. Improvements such as keepalive, retries, and further configuration attributes are included. This replaces the more general `Kitchen:SSH` class, which remains in the codebase for plugins that call this class directly. ([Transport::Ssh]( ([AATTfnichol][])

* New plugin type: Verifier, which executes post-convergence tests on the instance. Busser is now a Verifier. ([Verifier::Base]( ([AATTfnichol][])
[#]### Improvements

* In addition to supporting setting `http_proxy` and `https_proxy` environment variables when `:http_proxy` and `:https_proxy` are set in Provisioner and Verifier blocks, `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY` environment variables will also be set/exported in ChefZero/ChefSolo Provisioners and Busser Verifier. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#600][], pull request [#633][], issue [#85][]: Add `--log-overwrite` flag to CLI anywhere `--log-level` is accepted. By default it is true and will clear out the log every time Test Kitchen runs. To disable this behavior pass `--log-overwrite=false` or `--no-log-overwrite`. You can also configure this with the environment variable `KITCHEN_LOG_OVERWRITE`. ([AATTtyler-ball][])

* Refactor \"non-trivial\" (i.e. more than a line or two) Bourne and PowerShell code bodies into static files under support/ for better code review by domain experts. ([AATTfnichol][])

* Pull request [#530][], issue [#429][]: Stop uploading empty directories. ([AATTwhiteley][])

* Pull request [#588][]: Change to in ChefZero and ChefSolo Provisioners. ([AATTjdmundrawala][])

Thu Feb 26 13:00:00 2015
- initial package