Changelog for
ruby2.3-rubygem-em-websocket-0.5.1-4.3.x86_64.rpm :
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Sun May 18 2014 updated to version 0.5.1 - new features: - Support for receiving binary messages - changed: - Allow additional close codes to be sent by apps - Raise better errors on missing Sec-WebSocket-Key2 - Updated http_parser.rb dependency to 0.6.0 - bug fixes: - Abort if HTTP request URI is invalid - Force close connections that have been sent a close handshake after a timeout - improved spec compliance on: - Missing continuation frames - Fragmented control frames - Close behaviour after protocol errors
* Sun Jun 16 2013 updated to version 0.5.0 - new features: - onclose handler is now passed a hash containing was_clean (set to true in drafts 03 and above when a connection is closed with a closing handshake, either by the server or the client), the close code, and reason (drafts 06 and above). Close code 1005 indicates that no code was supplied, and 1006 that the connection was closed abnormally. - use Connection#support_close_codes? to easily check whether close codes are supported by the WebSocket protocol (drafts 06 and above) - closes connection with 1007 close code if text frame contains invalid UTF8 - added Handshake#secure? for checking whether the connection is secure (either ssl or behind an ssl proxy) - changed: - Defaults to sending no close code rather than 1000 (consistent with browsers) - Allows sending a 3xxx close code - Renamed Connection#close_websocket to Connection#close (again for consistency with browsers). Old method is available till 0.6. - Sends reasons with internally generated closure (previously only sent code) - Echos close code when replying to close handshake - new features: - on_open handler is now passed a handshake object which exposes the request headers, path, and query parameters - Easily access the protocol version via Handshake#protocol_version - Easily access the origin via Handshake#origin - changed: - Removed Connection#request - change to using handshake passed to on_open - internals: - Uses the http_parser.rb gem
* Sun Oct 23 2011 update to v0.3.1 (required by websocket-rack)
* Fri Jun 25 2010 initial package