Changelog for
ruby2.3-rubygem-simple_form-testsuite-4.1.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
Sat Dec 8 13:00:00 2018 Stephan Kulow
- updated to version 4.1.0
see installed
[#]## Enhancements
* Guess input type more carefully. [AATTsringling](
* Allow custom error on forms without model. [AATTvictorperez](
* Do not support Ruby < 2.3 anymore. [AATTgssbzn](
* Add color inout type. [AATTgssbzn](
[#]## Bug fix
* Improve disabled option to input_field. [AATTbetelgeuse](
* Memoize `input_html_classes` in `SimpleForm::Inputs::Base`. [AATTRigoTheDev](
* Fix column type citext HTML5 input type bug. [AATTbrucew](
* Use form attribute in the nested boolean hidden field when it is given. [AATTfeliperenan](
Fri May 18 14:00:00 2018
- updated to version 4.0.1
see installed
[#]# 4.0.1
[#]## Bug fix
* Do not support Rails 4 anymore. [AATTrafaelfranca](
* Add missing comma. [AATTvill](
Wed Apr 11 14:00:00 2018
- updated to version 4.0.0
see installed
[#]# 4.0.0
[#]## Enhancements
* Add bootstrap v4.1 generator template. [AATTm5o](
* Add Rails 5.2 support. [AATTgobijan](
* Add API to register custom components.[AATTfeliperenan](
* Allow custom errors classes to inputs.[AATTfeliperenan](
* Remove support from Rails 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Add support for citext, hstore, json & jsonb column types. [AATTswrobel](
* Add :valid_class on input wrapper when value is present and valid [AATTaeberlin](, [AATTm5o](
* Allow :valid_class to inputs when value is present and valid. [AATTm5o](
* Allow validation classes on input_field. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Add basic ActiveStorage support. [AATTmurb](
[#]## Bug fix
* Fix horizontal form label position, from right to text-right. [AATTcavpollo](
* Add base error display alongside existing errors. [AATTbluefalcon26](
* Silent deprication warning for placeholder_text. [AATTmoofkit](
* Use custom i18n scope for label required html. [AATTtvdeyen](
Tue Feb 27 13:00:00 2018
- updated to version 3.5.1
see installed
[#]# 3.5.1
[#]## Enhancements
* Exclude hidden field when unchecked_value: false. [AATTfschwahn](
* Add frozen_string_literal magic comment to several files. [AATToniofchaos](
* Try convert AATTobject to model in case we got decorated object [AATTtimurvafin](
* Code cleanup [AATTFornacula](
[#]## Bug fix
* Fix error when the scope from association has parameter. [AATTfeliperenan](
* Only call `where` on associations when they respond to it. [AATTanicholson](
* require \'action_pack\' before using it. [AATTetagwerker](
* Check if Rails.env is defined. [AATTetagwerker](
* Fix minlength. [AATTmameier](
* Make errors_on_attribute return [] when not present. [AATTredrick](
* Fix boolean inputs in nested style for label non-string. [AATTfeliperenan](
Tue May 23 14:00:00 2017
- updated to version 3.5.0
see installed
[#]# 3.5.0
* Updated gem dependency to support Rails 5.1.x.
Sat Jan 7 13:00:00 2017
- updated to version 3.4.0
see installed
[#]# 3.4.0
* Removed Ruby 2.4.0 `Integer` unification deprecation warning.
* Removed EOL Ruby 1.9.3 from the build matrix.
* Added `minlength` component.
* `boolean_label_class` can be set on a per-input basis.
Fri Sep 2 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 3.3.1
see installed
[#]# 3.3.1
[#]## Bug fix
* Fix support for symbols when looking up types with `ActiveModel::Type`.
Fri Aug 26 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 3.3.0
see installed
[#]# Unreleased
[#]# 3.3.0
[#]## enhancements
* Add the `aria-invalid` attribute on inputs with errors.
* Added support for the new `ActiveModel::Type` API over Active Record\'s
column objects.
[#]## bug fix
* Fix `merge_wrapper_options` to correctly merge options with duplicated keys. [AATTherminiotorres](
Closes [#1278](
Mon Dec 21 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.2.1
see installed
[#]# 3.2.1
* Updated gem dependency to support Rails 5.0.x.
Wed Sep 23 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.2.0
see installed
Mon Aug 31 14:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.1.1
see installed
[#]# master
[#]# enhancements
[#]# bug fix
[#]# 3.1.1
[#]## enhancements
* Add the `disabled_class` to the label when the input is disabled. [AATTrhodrid](
[#]## bug fix
* Make it possible to override `required` value that was previously set in the wrapper. [AATTnashby](
* `date/time/datetime` inputs now correctly generate the label `for` attribute when
HTML5 compatibility is explicitly enabled. [AATTericsullivan](
* The datetime, date, and time inputs now have a nice format by default on bootstrap.
[ulissesalmeida]( [eltonchrls](
* Now it is possible to set custom input mappings for collections.
[#] On configuration:
config.input_mappings = { /gender$/ => :check_boxes }
[#] On form:
f.input :gender, collection: [:male, :female]
Tue Feb 10 13:00:00 2015
- updated to version 3.1.0
Mon Oct 13 14:00:00 2014
- adapt to new rubygem packaging
Sun May 18 14:00:00 2014
- updated to version 3.0.2
[#]## enhancements
* Support Rails 4.1
Sat Feb 15 13:00:00 2014
- adapt gem pathes for Ruby 2.1
Sun Dec 1 13:00:00 2013
- updated to version 3.0.1
[#]## bug fix
* Fix XSS vulnerability on label, hint and error components.
Fri Oct 4 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 3.0.0
* New `input_class` global config option to set a class to be generated in all inputs.
* Collection tags accept html attributes as the last element of collection [AATTnashby](
* Change default `:value_method` of collection tags from `:last` to `:second` [AATTnashby](
* Support `Proc` object in `:conditions` option of associations [AATTbradly](
* `input_field` supports `html5` component [AATTnashby](
* Make `field_error_proc` configurable [AATTdfens](
* Support to Rails 4.
* Removed deprecated methods.
* SimpleForm no longer sets the `size` attribute automatically and the `default_input_size` setting
is now deprecated.
* Support to aria-required attribute to required fields [AATTckundo](
Mon May 13 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.1.0
Mon May 6 14:00:00 2013
- updated to version 2.1.0
Fri Nov 16 13:00:00 2012
- updated to version 2.0.4
[#]## bug fix
* Remove invalid files from the gem package.
Closes [#673](
[#]## enhancements
* Allow to specify custom wrappers for input types.
Closes [#636](
* Use separate config file to do bootstrap specific configuration.
[#]## bug fix
* Allow to specify checked and uncked values for boolean input
Closes [#643](
* Allow to add additional classes only for wrapper.
Closes [#629](
* Boolean hidden field now respects `:name` attribute when nested.
Closes [#619](
* Prevent generation of `class=\"\"`. ([AATTpkmiec](
* Fix namespace html propagation to single wrapper of `label` and `input`
* Association creates blank select if `:collection` is `nil`.
Closes [#595](
* Fix readonly attribute check. ([AATTretoo](
* Fix error when `collection_check_boxes` used with `form_for` instead of `simple_form_for`.
* Ensure ActionView::Base.field_error_proc is preserved when exceptions occur within
* Handle array of strings in `:checked` option.
Sun Aug 5 14:00:00 2012
- Removed UTF-characters fom .gemspec file to fix a build problem
Sun Aug 5 14:00:00 2012
- Re-created spec
Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 2012
- Removed a backup-file
Wed Jul 25 14:00:00 2012
- Initial release 2.0.2