Changelog for
ruby2.4-rubygem-dragonfly-1.2.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm :
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Stephan Kulow
- updated to version 1.2.0 see installed 1.2.0 (2018-11-13) =================== Fixes - ---- - Replaced `quote` with `escape` for escaping shell commands - works with paths with apostrophes Changes - ---- - Replaced Open3.popen3 with now recommended Open3.capture3 (tomasc)
* Fri Mar 23 2018 updated to version 1.1.5 see installed 1.1.5 (2018-03-23) =================== Fixes - ---- - Moved `destroy_dragonfly_attachments` into an `after_destroy` - issue #477 (eldotz)
* Tue Jan 09 2018 updated to version 1.1.4 see installed 1.1.4 (2017-12-31) =================== Fixes - ---- - Fixed data uris not working for long strings (reported dlibanori) - Removed syntax warnings (swamp09) - Correct ActiveRecord hook with `ActiveSupport.on_load` (efatsi)
* Tue Jun 06 2017 updated to version 1.1.3 see installed 1.1.3 (2017-06-02) =================== Fixes - ---- - Make sure imagemagick convert processor updates mime_type correctly when format is changed
* Tue May 23 2017 updated to version 1.1.2 see installed 1.1.2 (2017-05-06) =================== Fixes - ---- - Allow relative redirect urls in `fetch_url` (zorec) - Fixed Forwardable deprecation warnings (neodude) - Fixed incorrect detection of empty directories in ruby 2.4 (yuszuv) - Store content type in meta if it\'s available so we don\'t lose information (Lukas Svoboda)
* Sat Oct 29 2016 updated to version 1.1.1 see installed 1.1.1 (2016-10-26) =================== Features - ------- - Added delegate option for imagemagick (Will Fisher) Fixes - ---- - Use `Base64.urlsafe_encode64` (Jan Raasch) Note that this changes b64 encodings from \'/\' to `\'_\'` and \'+\' to \'-\' in URLs, which will change a very small number of generated URLs (but shouldn\'t be enough to cause big recaching problems) URLs are encoded now according to the URL safe base64 specification in RFC 4648. Old URLs are still recognized so won\'t break.
* Tue Oct 25 2016 updated to version 1.1.0 see installed 1.1.0 (2016-10-24) =================== Fixes - ---- - Fetch a URL with basic auth if it\'s present in the URI (Ben Pickles) - Fix rack version problem for older rubies (rack 2.0 only works for ruby >= 2.2.2) - Updated deprecated syntax in tests for WebMock, RSpec Changes - ------- - Dropped official support for Ruby <= 1.9.2 and Rubinius
* Thu Sep 17 2015 updated to version 1.0.12 see installed 1.0.12 (2015-09-16) =================== Features - ------- - Made thumb processor args for a specific geometry publicly accesible
* Sat Sep 05 2015 updated to version 1.0.11 see installed 1.0.11 (2015-09-04) =================== Fixes - ---- - Make sure tempfiles are created with paths matching the meta name
* Fri May 15 2015 updated to version 1.0.10 see installed 1.0.10 (2015-05-14) =================== Features - ------- - Allow method signified by symbol in storage_options to take an attachment object - Allow passing in \"input_args\" to convert processor Fixes - ---- - correct Rack version
* Thu Apr 30 2015 updated to version 1.0.9 see installed 1.0.9 (2015-04-29) =================== Fixes - ------- - Remove sha parameter being echoed back on error for better security
* Sun Apr 26 2015 updated to version 1.0.8 see installed 1.0.8 (2015-04-23) =================== Fixes - ------- - Job#close re-added, so that tempfiles are immediately removed after each request - Specs passing for 1.8.7, 1.9.2 (i18n gem version specified)
* Fri Feb 06 2015 updated to version 1.0.7 Changes - ------- - Job#sha uses better algorithm - renamed `protect_from_dos_attacks` -> `verify_urls` and turn on by default 1.0.6 (2014-08-22) =================== Features - ------- - env can be accessed by routed endpoint blocks Fixes - ---- - analyser cache doesn\'t get stored in meta for a given piece of meta - can mess with stringifying analyser return values - removed default secret, forcing user to specify one explicitly - deal with \"[\" character problems in urls
* Mon Oct 13 2014 adapt to new rubygem packaging
* Sun May 18 2014 updated to version 1.0.5 Fixes - fetch_url wasn\'t correctly getting https endpoints on Ruby approx < 2 - fetch_url is more forgiving - assume escaped, if not escape
* Thu Feb 06 2014 updated to version 1.0.3 Fixes - ---- - changing meta on a job (e.g. `fetch(\'blah\').encode(\'jpg\')`) was interfering with meta on its parent job (e.g. `fetch(\'blah\')`)
* Sun Jan 05 2014 updated to version 1.0.2 Fixes - ---- - more secure generation of secret in rails generator - ensure popen3 doesn\'t hang
* Fri Nov 29 2013 updated to version 1.0.1 Changes - ------ - FileDataStore doesn\'t use hours_minutes_seconds in its path - it uses a random string instead (12_15_59_saf4fs_file.png -> sdf4c2G_file.png) Features - ------- - model attribute `xxx_changed?` method (useful e.g. in validations) Fixes - ---- - proper support for Ruby 1.8.7 and JRuby (version 1.7.8) - routed endpoints can deal with returned `Attachment` objects (rather than returned `Job` objects) and return 404 if the endpoint proc returns nil - default Content-Disposition header doesn\'t url-encode filename unless the request is from IE - `fetch_url` deals with urls that redirect to https (previously was blowing up)
* Tue Nov 26 2013 updated to version 1.0
* Tue Jun 04 2013 updated to version 0.9.15
* Tue Dec 07 2010 Initial package 0.8.1