Changelog for
ruby2.5-rubygem-concurrent-ruby-doc-1.1.4-16.1.x86_64.rpm :
Wed Dec 19 13:00:00 2018 Stephan Kulow
- updated to version 1.1.4
see installed
[#]# Release v1.1.4 (14 Dec 2018)
* (#780) Remove java_alias of \'submit\' method of Runnable to let executor service work on java 11
* (#776) Fix NameError on defining a struct with a name which is already taken in an ancestor
Mon Nov 12 13:00:00 2018
- updated to version 1.1.3
* (#775) fix partial require of the gem (although not officially supported)
[#] From version 1.1.2
* (#773) more defensive 1.9.3 support
Tue Nov 6 13:00:00 2018
- updated to version 1.1.1
* (#768) add support for 1.9.3 back
[#]# Release v1.1.0, edge v0.4.0 (31 OCt 2018) (yanked)
* (#768) yanked because of issues with removed 1.9.3 support
[#]# Release v1.1.0.pre2, edge v0.4.0.pre2 (18 Sep 2018)
* fixed documentation and README links
* fix Set for TruffleRuby and Rubinius
* use properly supported TruffleRuby APIs
* add Promises.zip_futures_over_on
[#]# Release v1.1.0.pre1, edge v0.4.0.pre1 (15 Aug 2018)
* requires at least Ruby 2.0
* [Promises](
are moved from `concurrent-ruby-edge` to `concurrent-ruby`
* Add support for TruffleRuby
* (#734) Fix Array/Hash/Set construction broken on TruffleRuby
* AtomicReference fixed
* CI stabilization
* remove sharp dependency edge -> core
* remove warnings
* documentation updates
* Exchanger is no longer documented as edge since it was already available in
* (#644) Fix Map#each and #each_pair not returning enumerator outside of MRI
* (#659) Edge promises fail during error handling
* (#741) Raise on recursive Delay#value call
* (#727) #717 fix global IO executor on JRuby
* (#740) Drop support for CRuby 1.9, JRuby 1.7, Rubinius.
* (#737) Move AtomicMarkableReference out of Edge
* (#708) Prefer platform specific memory barriers
* (#735) Fix wrong expected exception in channel spec assertion
* (#729) Allow executor option in `Promise#then`
* (#725) fix timeout check to use timeout_interval
* (#719) update engine detection
* (#660) Add specs for Promise#zip/ ordering
* (#654) execution changes
* (#666) Add thread safe set implementation
* (#651) #699 #to_s, #inspect should not output negative object IDs.
* (#685) Avoid RSpec warnings about raise_error
* (#680) Avoid RSpec monkey patching, persist spec results locally, use RSpec
* (#665) Initialize the monitor for new subarrays on Rubinius
* (#661) Fix error handling in edge promises
* (#659) Edge promises fail during error handling
* Edge files clearly separated in `lib-edge`
* added ReInclude
Mon Mar 13 13:00:00 2017
- Update to 1.0.5
see installed and
Tue Dec 27 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.0.4
see installed
[#]# Current Release v1.0.4 (27 Dec 2016)
* Nothing
* New promises\' API renamed, lots of improvements, edge bumped to 0.3.0
* with previous 0.2.3 version
* see
[#]# Release v1.0.3 (17 Dec 2016)
Sun Dec 18 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.0.3
see installed
* Trigger execution of flattened delayed futures
* Avoid forking for processor_count if possible
* Semaphore Mutex and JRuby parity
* Adds Map#each as alias to Map#each_pair
* Fix uninitialized instance variables
* Make Fixnum, Bignum merger ready
* Allows Promise#then to receive an executor
* TimerSet now survives a fork
* Reject promise on any exception
* Allow ThreadLocalVar to be initialized with a block
* Support Alpha with `Concurrent::processor_count`
* Fixes format-security error when compiling ruby_193_compatible.h
* Concurrent::Atom#swap fixed: reraise the exceptions from block
Tue May 3 14:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.0.2
see installed
Sun Feb 28 13:00:00 2016
- updated to version 1.0.1
see installed
Mon Dec 7 13:00:00 2015
- initial package